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56 Cards in this Set

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The process of exchanging information and feelings between 2 individuals

Reflective listening

Paraphrasing to what the partner is feeling


The process of interaction that results when then behavior of 1 person interfers with the behavior of another

Win-win relationships

Those in which conflict is resolved so that each partner derives from the resolution

Defense mechanisms

Unconscious techniques that function to protect individuals from anxiety minimize emotional hurt


The simultaneous denial and withdrawal from a problem


The cognitive justification for one's own behavior that unconsciously conceals one's true motives


Occurs when one spouse unconsciously attributes their own feelings, attitudes, nor desires to their partners


Involves shifting your feelings, thoughts, or behaviors from the person who evokes them onto someone else

Principles and techniques of effective communication

1) prioritize communication 2) avoid negative and make positive statements 3) establish and maintain eye contact 4)establish empathy 5) ask open ended questions 6) use reflective listening 7) use I statements 8) Touch 9) use soft emotions/take responsibility 10) identify specific new behavior you want 11) stay focused on the issue 12) make specific resolutions to disagreements 13) give congruent messages 14) share power 15) keep the process of communication going

Means of Exercising power

1) withdrawal- not speaking to the partner 2) guilt induction- how could you ask me to do this 3) being pleasant- kiss me and help me move the sofa 4) negotiation- I'll go with to your parents if you will let me golf with my buddies 5) deception- running up credit card bills 6) blackmail- I'll tell your parents you do drugs 7) physical abuse- or verbal threats 8) being dependent- don't leave me I need you

Evaluation solutions to problems

1) does the solution satisfy both individuals? 2) is the solution specific? 3) is the solution realistic? 4) does the solution prevent the problem from recurring? 5) does the solution specify what us to happen if the problem recur?

Signs relationship therapy is needed

1) feeling distant 2) not wanting or being able to communicate with your partner 3) avoiding each other 4) drinking heavily or taking drugs 5) privately contemplating separation 6) being involved or having an affair 7) feeling depressed

Sources of conflict

1) behavior 2) cognition's and perceptions 3) value differences 4) inconsistent rules 5) leadership ambiguity 6) job stress

Mommy track

When women try to juggle both family and work which often slows or halt their upward mobility within the company

Opting out

When professional women leave their careers and return home to care for their children

Role overload

Not having the time and/or energy to meet the demands of ones role responsibilities

Second shift

The house work and child care that employed women do when they return home from their jobs

Role conflict

Being confronted with incompatible role obligations

Cognitive restructuring

Choosing to view the situation in positive terms

Role compartmentalization

Separating roles of work and home so that they don't think about or dwell on the problems of one when they are at the physical place of the other


The use of time to engage in freely chosen activities perceived as enjoyable and satisfying

Commodification of leisure

The perception of free time as a consumption opportunity whereby one expects to spend money (e.g on vacations) to enjoy leisure

Meanings of money

1) security 2) self esteem 3) power in relationships 4) love 5) conflict

Childrens participation in housework

1) doing chores helps children build character 2) children have a duty to help the family 3) parents need help with house hold chores 4) children need to learn how to do household tasks 5) appreciate what the parents 6) learn about work

Household work isn't considered real work

1) it is unspecialized 2) there is no fixed work schedule 3) it is intertwined with _love and feeling of care 4) it is privatized 5) it is unpaid

Effects of wife's employment on her husband

1) they benefit materially from their wives financial contributions 2) they also benefit by having a spouse with whom to share the daily rewards and stresses of emp!oyment 3) to the degree that women find satisfaction in their work role, they benefit by having a happier partner 4) they benefit by increasing the potential to form a closer bond with their children through active child care

Dual earner advantages for children

1) economic 2) more Independence 3) greater family contribution 4) positive role models 5) happier parents

Dual earner families disadvantages on children

1) less time with parents 2) parents more stressed 3) restricted activities

Coping strategies for spouses dealing with role overload and role conflict

1) the superperson strategy 2) cognitive restructuring 3) delegation of responsibility 4) planning and time mgmt 5) role compartmentalization

Important of leisure

1) spending more time with family and friends 2) reducing stress 3) foster self expression personal growth and skill development 4) enhance overall social physical and emotional well being

Barriers of leisure

1) demands of the workplace 2) materialistic values 3) traditional gender roles 4) commodification of leisure


A reaction of the body to substantial or unusual demands (physical environmental or interpersonal) made on it


A crucial situation that requires changes in normal patterns of behavior


A family's ability to respond to a crisis in a positive way

Key factors that promote family resiliency

1) positive outlook 2) spirituality 3) flexibility 4) communication 5) financial mgmt 6) shared family recreation 7) routines or rituals 8) support networks

Other helpful stress strategies

1) intervene early in a crisis 2) avoid blame 3) seek fun opportunities 4) keep destructive impulses in check 5) develop a realistic perspective

Harmful stress strategies

1) keeping feelings inside 2) taking frustrations out on others 3) denying or avoiding the problem

Effective couples therapy's

1) their motivation to do so 2) how long they have been in conflict 3) the severity of the problem

Violence in relationships

The intentional use of physical force by an individual aimed at hurting or injuring another person

Emotional abuse

The denigration of an individual with the purpose of reducing the victims status

Acquaintance rape

Non consensual sex btwn 2 adults who know each other

Date rape

Non consensual sex btwn 2 people who are dating or are on a date

Learned helpfulness

Exposure to unavoidable negative events usually leading to a pattern of passivity and depression

Explanatory style

The way an individual habitually explains negative events

Ex of emotional abuse

1) isolation/restriction 2) humiliation/degradation 3) threats 4) property of violence 5) jealousy and possessiveness 6) economic deprivation 7) emotional withholding 8) minimumization and denial

Most common forms of emotional abuse

1) partners jealousy (77%) 2) withdrawal by partner (77%) 3) attack by partner on males self esteem (63%) 4) verbal abuse (60%) 5) social and emotional Ctrl (49%)

Male sexual aggression characteristics

1) holding traditional beliefs about women and sexuality 2) displaying hostility twd women 3) being hypersexual 4) displaying intimacy deficits 5) being jealous 6) believing in rape supportive myths 7) victims of child abuse 8) alcohol consumption

Cultural factors in relationship abuse

1) media violence 2) acceptance if corporal punishment 3) gender inequality 4) views of women and children as property 5) stress 6) privacy of modern nuclear families

Community factors in relationship abuse

1) social isolation 2) poverty 3) inaccessible and unaffordable community services 4) lack if violence prevention programs

Personality factors in abusive relationships

1) dependency 2) jealousy 3) need to control 4) unhappiness and dissatisfaction 5) anger and aggressiveness 6) quick involvement ( in a relationship ) 7) blaming others for problems 8) Dr Jekyll and ms Hyde personality 9) isolation 10) alcohol or drug use 11) emotional deficit (no love from family)

Contributing factors to sexual abuse in relationships

1) gender role socialization 2) rage tolerant attitudes 3) low self esteem

Why people stay in abusive relationships

1) love 2) emotional dependency 3) commitment to the relationship 4) hope 5) view of violence as legitimate 6) guilt 7) fear 8) economic dependency 9) isolation

Causes and contributing factors in child abuse

1) parental psychopathy 2) unrealistic expectations 3) history of abuse 4) displacement of aggression 5) social isolation 6) fatherless home

Societies with minimal or no family violence

1) spouses have equal decision making power in the household and financial matters equal freedom to divorce for both men and women and no double standard regarding premarital sex

2) marriage us monogamous and the divorce rate is relatively low which suggests marital stability and emotional and economic dependence btwn spouses

3) disagreements btwn adults are resolved peacefully through meditation disengagement it avoidance if conflict situations

4) family members who are victims or are threatened with physical harm by a family member are offered immediate help by neighbors who intervene or provide shelter

Domestic violence and abuse prevention

1) violence in the media must be curved 2) change traditional gender roles 3) reduce poverty and unemployment 4) integrating families into networks 5) parent education programs 6) parent support groups 7) individual counseling 8) hone visitation programs