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91 Cards in this Set

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Effects of isolation





· The process through which people learnthe expectations of society


· Behavior others expect from a person associated with a particularstatus


· How a person defines himself


· The cluster of needs, drives, attitudes, predispositions,feelings, and beliefs that characterize a given person


· A process by which a part of culture becomes incorporated into thepersonality

Preoperational stage

2nd stage

toddle to 7

lake the ability to understand operant thought

concrete operational stage

3rd stage

pre-pubescent to mid teens

grasp operant thought

black and white thought

formal operational stage

4th stage

late teens to rest of your life

understand operant thought in a more formal sense

understand abstraction and imaginative thought

functionalism in Socializing

Believes to create cohesion to lead to conformity

"everyone get along so we can all conform"

Conflict Theory in Socializing

Agree that point of socialization is to increase cohesion but not to conform, but for segregation

Looking glass self

Symbolic Interactionism Theory

Entire of conception of self (identity) is derived from your interactions with others

Imitation stage

copying everyone else

play stage

Still mimicking, but understand significant roles

Kids playing house

Game stage

Finally realized the interplay of these roles

Life course

Descriptive analysis of the connections in your life that lead to a given role

Nexus point

Inevitable, life changing, huge events


Could change your life, but sometimes don't

Adult socialization

process of learning expectations of being an adult

Anticipatory socialization

Making assumptions about the expectoration of being an adult

Disengagement Theory

Theory predicting that as people age, the gradually withdraw from participation in society and are simultaneously relieved of responsibilities

Rites of Passage

Ceremony or ritual that symbolizes the passage of an individual from one role to another


The process by which existing social roles are radically altered or repalced

Process of conversion


Extreme conditions


Stockholm Syndrome

A process whereby a captured person identifies with the captor as a result of becoming inadvertently depended upon the captor


A system of social interaction that includes both cultural and social organization

Social interaction

Behavior between two or more people that is given meaning


Large scale approach to study societal patterns

Functionalist theorist

Conflict Theorist


Small scale approach to study societal patterns

Symbolic interactionalist

Conflict theorist

Social Organization

An established and organized system of social behavior with a recognized purpose

Functions of a social institution

Socialized new members

Produce and distribute some good/service

Replace members

Maintain stability

Provide a sense of purpose

Power struggle of social institution

institutions do not provide equally for all members of its structure

Social structure

The patterns of social relationships and social institutions that make up society

Collective consciousness

the body of beliefs that are common to a community or society and that give people a sense of belonging

Mechanical solidarity

Unity based on similarity of roles

Organic solidarity

Unity based on differences of roles

Division of labor

The systematic interrelation of different task that develops in complex societies


A society that directly uses, modifies, and/or tills the land as a major means of survival

types of preindustrial





Postindustrial Society

A society economically dependent upon the production an distribution of services, information, and knowledge


Collection of individuals with 3 shared things

-Interact and communicate

-Shared goals and norms

-Possess and awareness of "we"


Established position within a society that is given rank or value

Status set

All status's combined

Status inconsistency

Two or more status's are disproportionate and prestige but they shouldn't be

Achieved status

Earned status

Ascribed status

Not earned, just given

Master status

primary status you are known by


Expected behavior of a given status

Role modeling

process of imitating a behavior

Role set

combinations of all of your roles

Role conflict

two or more roles conflict and causes undo stress

Role strain

when one role contradicts the other

Verbal communication

Any form of communications verbally

nonverbal communication

any form of communication that is not verbal

proxemic communication

distance between each commuicator

interpersonal attraction

the manner by which we become affiliated or attracted to others or objects


a phenomenon where newborns become attracted to their first proximity

exposure effect

the more exposure you get to a given thing the more positively you affect to it


Deliberately disrupting social norms to see how society rebalances

Impression Management

process of controlling how others perceive you

Goffman's face to face

You become a different person in different circumstances

Erickson's micro expressions

Concluded that there are universal micro-expressions

Social exchange theory

We engage in our interactions on a reward/punishment system

We over rationalize our behavior

Game theory

More accurate

We employ strategies in our interactions so that we win

One upping each other

Cyberspace interaction

Getting more powerful

It allows us to be way more connected to way more people


A group consisting of exactly 2 people


A group consisting of exactly 3 people

Group size effect

Biggest change in groups is from 2 to 3 people

triadic segregation

when you're in a triad and it is almost always 2 vs. 1

Primary group

Most intimate "face to face" and long term

Point of primary group is to fulfill expressive needs

Expressive needs

emotional needs

Secondary group

Passive, not intimate, not permanent

fulfill instrumental needs

instrumental needs

being used, such as class room peers

Reference group

Become a standard of behavior for a given institution

You cannot belong to a reference group

In group

Group you most identify with

Out group

Group you least identify with

Attribution theory

We make assumptions about people's true character

Attribution error

Assumptions are positive for in group and negative for out group

Social networking

Set of links that connects social units

Small world problem

Interconnectedness of these social units is more profound than it first appears

Asch conformity experiment

Study where they had a group of people fake saying that one stick was the same as the other to see if the person would agree, knowing that the stick was much smaller than the other

Milgram Obedience Study

That crazy sock experiment


Tendency for group members to reach consistence decision even if the decision is stupid

Qualities of groupthink

The illusion of invulnerability


Where your sense of identity becomes completely absorbed into the group

Only occurs during riots

Formal organizations

A large secondary group organized to accomplish a complex task or set of task

Normative Organizations

An organization having a voluntary membership and that pursues goals (PTA, political party)

Coercive organization

Organizations for which members is involuntary (prisons, mental hospitals)

Utilitarian organization

A profit or nonprofit organizations that pays its employees' salaries or wages


-high degree of division of labor and specializations

hierarchy of authority

-rules and regulations

-impersonal relationships





