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80 Cards in this Set

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what is sociology
The scientific study of human and social behavior
what is another def of sociology
the systematic study of human society
What is social
having to do with the interrelationships between individuals or groups
What does the essential wisdom of sociology show
That there is a link between our private experience and the wider society
What does sociology show about the social world
Guides our actions and life choices
what did he describe sociological perspective
Seeing the general in the particular
what did this description mean
Sociology helps us see general social patterns in the behavior of particular individuals or that the categories we belong to affect us since they shape our life experiences
Who was the first academic sociologist
What did he study
Suicide in relation to sociology
What did he discover
Suicide was related to Social integration
What is global perspective
The study of larger world and our society’s place in it
What are the three categories of economic development
High income, middle income, and low income
When and where were the origins of sociology
18th and 19th centuries in Europe
What were the three social changes that defined sociology
Industrial revolution urban revolution and political revolutions
When and where was the industrial revolution
1760-1775 in England
What was the industrial revolution
Movement of jobs to large industries due to invention of steam energy
What was urban revolution
People moved to the cities to find work
What were political revolutions
Focus shifted from people’s moral duties to self interest
Who was known as the father of sociology
Why was he known as the father of sociology
said there should be a separate discipline to study society, developed the word “sociology”, and believed the major goal of sociology should be to understand/ study society as it actually is
How did comte see sociology
The product of three stages of historical development
What was the earliest stage
Theological stage Metaphysical stage Scientific approach
What is a theory
A statement of how and why specific facts are related\
What is the goal of the sociological theory
To explain social behavior in the real world
What are the three theoretical approaches
Structural functionalism, conflict, and symbolic interaction
What is the level of analysis is structural functionalism
What does macro mean
Society as a whole
What is structural functionalism
A framework for building theory that sees society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability, a system of interalated parts (Structure) that have functions and the consequences of this functions that maintain the society as a whole
What is social structure
Any relatively stable pattern of social behavior
What are social functions
The consequences of a social pattern for the operation of society as a whole
What are manifest functions
The intended consequences of any social pattern
What are latent functions
The unintended consequences of any social pattern
Who came up with latent and manifest
What is social dysfunction
Any social pattern that may disrupt the operation of society
What is the social conflict theory
A framework for building theory that sees society as an arena of inequality that generates conflict and change
What are the two types of the social conflict theory
Race and gender
What is the gender conflict approach
Point of view that focuses on inequality and conflict between women and men
What is race conflict approach
Point of view that focuses on inequality and conflict between people of different racial and ethnic categories
What is macro level orientation
Broad focus on social structures that shape society as a whole
What levels of approach are macro
Structural-functional and social-conflict
What is micro level orientation
A close up focus on social interaction in specific situations
What is the symbolic interaction theory
A framework for building theory that sees society as the product of the everyday interactions of individuals
What is a symbol
Anything that can have a deeper meaning that itself
What is science
A logical system that develops knowledge from direct systematic observation
What is the purpose of science
To describe, explain, and predict
What is the basis of scientific knowledge
Empirical evidence
What is empirical evidence
Information we verify with our senses
What are variables
A concept whose value changes from case to case
What is a measurement
A procedure from determining the value of a variable in a specific case
How do you operationalize a variable
By stating exactly what they are measuring, defining the variable and create categories
What is the mean
The arithmetic average of all measures
What is the median
Score at the halfway point in a listing of numbers from lowest to highest
What is the mode
The score that occurs most often
What is reliability
Degree in which a study can be repeated time after time with the same results
What is validity
Degree in which a study measures what it intended to measure
What is correlation
A relationship in which two or more variable change together
What is cause and effect
A relationship in which change in one variable causes change in another
What is another name for cause and effect
What is spurious correlation
No independent variable, all sorts of different variables
What is the independent variable
Variable that causes change
What is the dependent variable
The variable that is changed
What are the three steps in establishing correlation
Variables are correlated, independent variable occurs before the dependent variable and there is no evidence that a third variable has been overlooked causing a spurious correlation
What is spurious correlation
When two variable change together but neither one causes the other
What is objectivity
Personal neutrality
Who developed the concept of value free sociology
What is gender
Personal traits and social positions that members of a society attach to being female or male, masculinity and femininity to show social status
What are the five ways gender can affect research
androcentricity overgeneralizing gender blindness double standards, and interference
What is population
What a survey targets
What is a sample
Much smaller number of subjects selected tot represent the entire population
What is a representative sample
Sample that helps draw conclusions about a large group of people
What is an experiment
Research method for measuring cause and effect under highly controlled conditions
What is hypothesis
Statement of how two or more variables are related
What is a survey
Research method in which subjects respond to a series of statements or questions on a questionnaire or in an interview
What are the examples of surveying
Opened and close ended questions
What is an open ended question
Respondent has to provide answer in form of narrative
What is a close ended question
Respondent answers where choices are provided
What is participant observation
Research method in which investigator systematically observe people while joining them in their routine activities
What are non participant observation
If observer does not participate in observations
What are existing sources
Data collected by others
What are 3 steps of the sociological research
What is your topic, what have others already learned, and what exactly are your questions