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29 Cards in this Set

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Sociological Imagination

Viewing our actions in the larger social and historical contexts that shape what we think we do. Particular behaviors are connected to many other social factors, like alcohol & coffee consumption


How things control social stability. Social institutions help society. Most social facts serve some sort of positive function/purpose for greater good of society

Conflict Theory

Social order is maintained not by shared norms/values, but by power of dominant groups & classes to ensure their interests & values prevail. Seek to explain how conflicting interests & values of groups give rise to social conflict

Symbolic Interactionism

Viewed society as composed of the social interactions of individuals. Involve exchange of info via symbols

Feminist Theory

View society as organized around gender relations and gender inequality

Rational Choice Theory

Human behavior is motivated by self interest of individuals

Research Methods

Define problem

Review evidence


Design research

Carry out research


Publish findings


Uses participant observation and in-depth interviews to study groups, organizations, or communities in their own settings


Questionnaires to ask carefully constructed questions about some topic to carefully selected individuals


Manipulation & control are 2 ideal characteristics that make this ideal for testing hypotheses. Experimenter manipulates independent variable & observes how this affects dependent variable under controlled conditions


Refers to all of shared learning, and all material artifacts produced through that learning within a given society.


Ideals that a society holds above all others


Expectations of our behavior

Material Goods

Physical objects humans create


Basis of culture b/c without it learning cannot be easily created or shared.


What makes us human is biology: Structure, genes, hormones

Our genetic make-up is reflected in behavioral as well as physical traits & nature selects for traits that increase our chances of reproducing

We are hardwired to behave in certain ways & not others


Behavior shaped by learning

At birth, we have no culture, only biological features & predispositions

We spend a lifetime learning language & culture through social interaction


Lifelong process of social interaction through which people 1) learn culture and 2) develop a personality & identity1


Explores adult world imitating others, then by role taking, seeing the world through other’s eyes

Organized Games

Takes on multiple roles & tasks, others expectations, learns rules & organization of activity. Ex: Sports

Generalized Other

Acting in accord with social/moral codes, expectations. Dealing with situations involving multiple statuses & roles.

Social Status

Social position in society

Social Role

Socially defined expectations of behavior in those positions

Primary Group

Small, relatively permanent groups that have intrinsic value. Relationships have emotional depth

Secondary Group

Large & impersonal associations that have instrumental value, like a classroom.

Reference Group

Provides standard for judging one’s own attitudes

Social Networks

Comprised of direct & indirect associations that link ppl together


Group with an identifiable membership of people that acts collectively to achieve specific goals


Rule of officials. Work as machines to solve the problem of size in modern society.

Hierarchy of authority

Written rules

Salaried & trained officials

Office distinct from the person