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21 Cards in this Set

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Instrumental/expressive role

Instrumental is performed by the father and acts as the 'breadwinner'

Expressive is performed by the mother and is unpaid to nurture care and take on domestic tasks

In and out of the home

Durkheims Theory

Organic analogy society is like a human body if an agency of society/organ were to fail the system would become dysfuntional - it results in value consensus

Organs are agencies/institutions of society

Murdocks Theory

Funtions of the family





The nuclear family is best because it can fulfill all of the functions


Parsons Theory

Warm bath theory - the family is a haven for the working fathers and a place of comfort/support

Stabilisation of adult personality

Rose tinted view of the family home

What is a meritocratic society?

One in which the social system whos rewards are based on talent and effort rather than social background (gender/class/ethnicity)


Marcuses Theory

Believes that the family distracts workers from the need to seek equality - the family opresses its members and inhibits creativity which serves capitalism

Marxist - family is oppressive

Zaretsky's Theory

The family offers and apparent haven from the harsh and exploitative society we live in

Like warm bath theory

What is an ideological state apparatus (ISA)?

Tools used by the government to transmit capitalist norms and values


Superstructure/base model

Superstructure teaches economic and social hierachy and maintains/legitimises the base

Base is there the bourgeoisie exploits the proletariat and owners of the means to production exploit workers for profit

Serves capitalism - ruling and lower classes

Marxist Approach to the Nuclear Family

Unit of consumption competition and taught values that happiness and status lies in consumerism

Distracts from class consciousness

Socialises further generations with capitalist norms and values and teaches them to conform to hierarchy

Serves capitalism

Murray's Theory

Created the underclass - those living off of the welfare state and in relative poverty are genetically different from those who arent


Culture of Dependency

Society relies too much on the generous welfare state and murray argues teenage girls get pregnant just to claim benefits

Welfare state

'The golden age'

New right theory

The 1960's identified by New Right theorists to be the time when morality and virtue was upheld with clear gender roles etc


What is patriarchy?

Male dominance

Feminists believe society is patriarchal

Liberal Feminism

Optimistic feminism that believes there is becoming a gradual shift in gender inequality

Sommerville - womens lives have improved considerably - with better access to divorce, job opportunities etc

"March of progress"

Marxist Feminism

Women are oppressed by men and capitalism

Ansley women are the takers of sh*t

Benson women are the 'slaves of the wage slaves'

Swearing and money

Radical Feminism

Addresses the physical, emotional, sexual violence that men inflict upon women within the family

Greer says that women still remain subservient to men in marriage today

Domestic violence is evidence of patriarchy



Difference/Black Feminism

Ethnicity can determine the level of patriachy - difference in oppression between white and black feminists

Nicholson women are better off outside traditional families - all types of family should be socially accepted because they suit women in different circumstances


Mac an Guaill crisis of masculinity

Men see there futures as bleak now where as before it was seen to be strong protective and dominant. Suggests mens roles are no longer clear - they are no longer able to provide economically for their family now women can work also

Women can now work so men have unclear futures

Foucaults Approach to the Family

Links the prison to institutions of society e.g. factories/schools - they discipline the bodies of their subjects through surveillance techniques

Panoptican prison - occupants are isolated by walls but an observer in the middle tower can see them all

Donzelots Theory

Develops foucaults notion

Suggests that power is seen spread throughout society and found within all relationships - suggests that surveillance is not targeted equally on all social classes

Poor families seen as 'problem families'