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91 Cards in this Set

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definitions of rape

1927-2012: carnal knowlege of female, forcibly against her will

2012: penetratio no matter how slight of vagina, anus, with any body part or object or oral penetration by sex organ of another person without consent of victim

statutory rape

victim is underaged and violent use of force or threat of force

forcible rape

no consent for a sexual act

how do rape and sexual assault correlate

most victims of both know their attackers, violent use of force

netsilik inuit

northern canadians that would kill the kids (infantside) they didnt want usually girls

stages of criminal career

identification with crime

commitment to crime

progression in crime

mala in se vs mala prohibita

mala in se- act evil in it self

mala prohibita- act is wrong because of a law put into place

violent crimes largely intraracial or interracial?

intraracial (same race)

rape shiled laws

not publishing naes of those rapes, limited in brining up who has been raped, sexual characteristics/history

spillover hypothesis

become more violent because someone becomes violent against you

victim precipitated

how victim's interaction with an offender can contribute to crime being committed

just world hypothessi

karma, good things happen to good people, bad to bad

correlates of rape and sexual assault

gender-female most likely

race- african americans

age: 16-19


unmarried, low income wester region higher

similarity between forcible rape and homicide

both usually know their attackers

characteristic of occasional offenders

infrequent and generally occur when situations are favorable

if theyre caught, usually stop behavior, not high sanctions

examples of occasional property offenders

illegal joyriding, check forgery, shoplifting, employee theft, vandalism

characteristics of a conventional career criminal

seriouis criminals whove progressed from violence and theft as a juvinile into more serious adult criminal behavior

experience frequent interactions with police,, courts, authorities, dentition centers, prison, probation

societal reaction to conventional career criminals

many believe they are the most deviant, living a criminal lifestyle

drawback to increasing penalties for conventional criminal behavior

overcrowding in prisons

why is there overcrowding in prison?

mandatory prison sentences

determinite sentencing

harsher penalties for popular crime trends

types of political offenders

crimes against the government (tax evasion, terrorism)

crimes by the government

examples of organized crimes

earn living from criminal activities

controlling prostitution

making loans

illegal gambling

selling illegal narcotics,\rackateering

reselling stolen goods

why is it difficult for law enforcement to control organized crime?

connections with judges, seen as public figures

professional offender

develop extensive criminal careers and revered as highest social class within criminal communicity

usually trained in occupations

work in lossely organized groups

neutralization theory

criminal have same values as society, but find ways to condone their behavior

the devil made me do it

had a discussion group, asked why they were shoplifting

was the shoplifting study informed consent

yes and no. they knew they were being studied, but didnt know it was on neturalization tehcniques

5 original techniques of neturalization by sykes and matza

denail of responsibilitly- beyond their control (drunk high)

denial of injury (no real victim, no harm)

denial of victim (they deserved it)

condemnation of condemners (system is corrupt)

appeal to higher loyalties (serving a greater good)

4 additional tehniques of neutralization

defense of necessity (had to do it, survival)

everybody does it (act is common)

justification by comparison (compare what you did to someone else, couldve done worse)

postponement (offender supresses feelings momentarily)

sociologist that came up with neutrailzation

sykes and matza

white collar crime

law violation committed in context of legitimate occupation

violate trust, fraud, power

usually done by person of respectability and high scoial status who is primary beneficiary

who developed the term white collar crime?


professional white collar crime and deviance

priests, professors, others

3 stage sequence developed by cressey

a percieved unsharable financial problem

belief that finacnial problem can be secretly resolved by violating financial trust

creation of rationalization to protect their conventional self concept

do white collar criminal selt a criminal role?

few do

do white collar criminals see themselves as criminals?

no, usually dont have a rap sheet of crimes

corporate crime

invovle entire firms/ industries instead of individual

violations of laws or regulations

who usually committs coporate crime

those in management, primary beneficiary cor or org

4 types of corporate violations

crimes against consumers (saying product does more than it does)

crimes agaisnt owneres (skimming money from owners)

crimes against employees (not giving them safety gear)

crimes against general public (violating epa rules)


substance that by chemical nature alters structural function in an organism

pyschoactive drug

effects consciousness, mood ex: alchol, caffeine

illicit drug

something unlawful to possess

deviant drug usee

determined to be deviant based on situation/ social reactions/ context

gateway theory

use of psychoactive drugs (weed) will lead to the use of other drugs

research hasnt found that weed is linked to the use of other drugs

portugal program

increased criminalization trend in portugal, decriminalized drugs, took money and used for treatment

decriminalization vs legalization

decrim means that there are no criminal penalties, but still illegal to posess

did decrim raise or lower drug use in protugal

lower, the less stigmatized something is the more likely someone is to come forward

treatment options for drugs

addict self help programs, scare tactics, drug education

methadone maintenance

treatment for heroin addicts, treating a drug with a drug

moral crusade

a movement that campaigns for a moral cause, carrie natures, drunk driving

moral panic

fear that reaches an entire society revolving around an issue that is threatening society

moral enterprise

same thing as a moral crusade

moral crusader

someone taking part in a moral crusade

3 steps learning process for marijuana

learn technique

recognize effects

learn to enjoy effects

career stages of a marijuana user


occasional user

regular user

form of social control over mariguana users




alcohol is simultaneously

normal, deviant, legal, illegal

social drinker

infrequent, in social situations

problem drinker

problems due to drinking

chronic drinker

regulalry drinking, long period of time

types of suicide

euthensia, physician assisted suicide

correlates of suicide

males 4x likely


methods used : firearms, hanging, poison

20x more attempts than completions (women and kids more likely to attempt)

how is suicide learned?

association, reinforcemnt, definitions, imitation (favorable definitions and suffering)

typology of suicides

alturuistic: benefit of someone else

egoistic: not as integrated into society (loners)

anomic: normlessness, low level regulation

fatalistic: overregulation, no doubt in norms, not in charge of life because not regulationg their own life (slaves)

honor/virgin suicide

disgrace to soceity, highly paternalistic, emphasis on staying pure

adolescent suicide

13-19 adolescents, behavior is learned, kids under 10 rarely commit suicide


method being used to kill yourself wont kill you

werther efefect

social learning theory

put positive spin on suicide, make it seem desirable, why suicides arent on the news

statistical accuracy

struggle to understand extent to which suicide is collective practice

effect of country music on suicide

found that the content of music had sucidish themes and found correlation between whites committing suicide and listening to country music

themes found in the songs foster suicidal mood: disharmoy, relationship problems, divorce)

did sutherland encounter resistance in attempt to publish first book on white collar crime?

yes, there were companies that were funding the publisher that wouldn't allow Sutherland to publish their names because they were on his list of corporate crimes. Curra text talks about what happened to him after he published his book, the original text book had to censor out certain names and companies. This is what happens when you challenge people of greater power. The publishing company (university) got funding from the big name companies, cant talk about it because they were giving them money.


the physical and mental dependence on a substance in order to function

relationship between alcohol and crime

alcohol can lead someone to commit crimes

drug crusade

like a moral crusade but for a drug cause

what percentage of those arrested for felonies actually end up in prison

less than 3%

is there a relationship between alcohol and crime

no clear answer, but it was found that 56% of people had been drkinking before they committed major crime

6 models of alcoholism

psychoanalytic: alcholism is a symptom of underlying personality disorder due to childhood experiences

family interation- family probelms and relationships with fam, stress of family

behavioral- behavior not a desease, find what is causing the drinking

biological- in structural makeup

medical- alcoholism is a disease

inchoate suicide

those parasuicidal incidents where methods, motives, and intents are lethal enough to do the job but death does not result

how do self concepts of white collar criminals differ from conventional criminials

white collar criminals have usually not had previous run ins with the law, dont believe their criminals,

heavy drinker

still function, but worked up tolerance, drinks a lot to get drunk


someone who drinks frequently enough to the point it interferes with health , soical, economic functioning

issues found in defining heavy drinkers and alcoholics?

different sources can say different things, lose terms, all up for personal interpretation

has alcohol and tobaccos been found to be enticing to animals?

no, dont like either

humans social lifves responsible for drug taking, and aniamls dont have that

develop a drug habit when tehyd ont have rewarding experience/qualitly relationships

what are some limitation to studying drug use in animals?

dont know if theyre depending on a drug or scared, no way to get verbal confirmation

biological conception of drug use

in your genes, sturctural makeup

psychological conception of drug use

mental illness, maladaptive behavior

sociologcial conceptions of drug use

hirschi- self and social control theory

sutherland and akers- social learning theory

social control theory

social bond to community low, more liekly to engage in deviant acts hirschi

social learning theory

deviance i learned from those close to you

anomie and drug use

normlessness, the lack of the same standards of the rest of soceity

conflict theory and drug use

competiton for resources

lower socioeconomic status, those with less money will sell drugs to keep up with economic status