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185 Cards in this Set

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1. History
An account of what happens in the life or development of a people, a nation, or a civilization.
2. Archaeology
The study of evidence left by early people.
3. Anthropology
The study of cultures, both past and present.
4. Environment
One's surroundings, including climate and resources.
5. Geography
The study of people, their environments and their resources.
6. Equator
Line of latitude labeled 0 degress. Separates the Northern and Southern Hemispheres.
7. Prime Meridian
Imaginary line that lies at 0 degrees longitude.
8. Hemisphere
Half of the Earth.
9. Latitude
Distance North and South from the equator. (parallels)
10. Longitude
Distance East or West from the Prime Meridian.
11. Cardinal Directions
North, South, East, West.
12. Intermediate Directions
North East, North West, South East, South West.
13. Strait
Narrow channel that connects two larger bodies of water.
14. Canal
Man-made waterway that connects two bodies of water.
15. Peninsula
A piece of land that has water on three sides.
16. Isthumus
A narrow strip of land joining two larger areas.
17. Prime Source
FIrst-hand information about people and events of the past.
18. Secondary Source
A work seen, such as a history book, that was written many years after the event is described.
19. Artifacts
Objects made by humans and used by archaeologists to recreate parts of the past.
20. Stratigraphy
The study of soil layers and what they represent, also refers to the layers of a specific site.
21. Crossmending
Putting fragments of pottery or glass back together.
22. Excavation
The process of digging an archaeological site in a systematic manner.
23. First-In-Last-Out
A principle that states that the last deposited layer is the first layer excavated.
24. Earthenware
Ceramic objects like bowls and plates made of baked clay.
25. Galcier
Large thick sheet of slow moving ice.
26. Culture
The entire way developed by a people.
27. Economy
System by which goods are distributed to meet people's needs.
28. Technology
The skills and knowledge used to make tools and do work.
29. Language
A means of expressing thoughts or communicating.
30. Religion
A belief in superhuman power or powers.
31. Monotheism
Religious belief in one god.
32. Polytheism
Religious belief in more than one god.
33. Animism
Religious belief that spirits are found in both living and non-living things.
34. Ethnocentrism
The attitude that ones traditions, customs, language and values are the only right and proper way and that other cultures are inadequate or wrong.
35. Pueblo
Adobe dwelling of the Southwest made of sundried clay and brick.
36. Igloo
Inuit house of snow and ice.
37. Hogan
Navajo house made of mud plaster on a framework of woodenpoles.
38. Tepee
Cone shaped tent made of buffalo hide.
39. Longhouse
Iroqouis dwelling made of poles and tree bark.
40. Wigwam
Round house dwelling of the Algonquians.
41. Haudenosaunee
"People of the longhouse" - Iroquois name for themselves.
42. Algonquian
Native Americans, living in Eastern New York, including Long Island.
43. Clan
Group of families with common ancestors.
44. Agriculture
45. Three Sisters
Corn, beans and squash
46. Wampum
String or belt of small polished beads made from shells.
47. Confederacy League
A group of people united for a common purpose.
48. Sachem
One of 50 members of the grand council who governed the Iroquois Confederacy.
49. Decade
A ten year period.
50. Century
One hundred year period.
51. Millenium
One thousand year period.
52. Civilization
Advanced culture with cities and and ability to keep written records.
53. Middle Ages
Period in Europe between ancient and modern times (500 - 1350).
54. Renaissance
Period of learning in Europe from the late 1300's to about 1600. This was a time of rebirth and advances in science, literature and art.
55. Protestant Reformation
Movement in the 1500's to reform the Catholic church.
56. Monarchy
Rule by a king or queen.
57. Feudalism
System of rule by lords who owe loyalty to a king.
58. Manor
Area of a lords rule, included castle, peasants huts and surrounding villages and fields.
59. Serf
Peasant who could not leave the manor of which he was born.
60. Navigation
Practice of plotting a course at sea.
61. Magnetic Compass
Device thats shows which direction is North.
62. Astrolabe
Instrument used by sailors to measure the position of stars and determine their latitude at sea.
63. Caravel
A ship with a steering rudder and triangular sails.
64. Colony
A group of people who settled in a distant land who are ruled by the government of the native land.
65. Conquistador
A Spanish explorer who came to conquer.
66. Line of Demarcation
Established by the Treaty of Tordesillas; divided the world between Spain and Portugal.
67. Northwest Passage
Waterway through or around North America.
68. Circumnavigate
Sail around the world.
69. Columbian Exchange
Transfer of goods and ideas between the Old World and the New World.
70. DBQ
Documnet Based Question
71. Excerpt
A passage or quote from a book, article, etc.
72. Outside Knowledge
In a DBQ essay this refers to any information on the topic which is NOT found in the documents.
73. Circa
About; used before an approximate date.
74. Thesis Statement
The sentence in your essay that tells the reader your opinion or position on a topic.
75. October 12, 1492
The date Columbus irst set foot in the Nw World.
76. Sea Dogs
English sailors who attacked Spanish treasure ships.
77. Spanish Armada
Huge fleet of ships defeated by the English in 1588.
78. Charter
Legal document giving certain rights to a person or a company.
79. Joint Stock Company
Private trading company that sold shares to investors.
80. Capital
Money for investment.
81. Democracy
Government where the people hold the power to rule.
82. Burgesses
83. Representative Government
People elect the people who will make laws for them.
84. Legislature
Gropu of people with the power to make laws for a country or a colony.
85. Mayflower Compact
Agreement to abide by majority rule signed by Pilgrims and Anglicans before landing at Plymouth.
86. Magna Carta
"Great Charter" - 1215, signed by King John of England. Monarch could not raise taxes without consulting with the nobles and church leaders.
87. Parliament
English representative assembly made up of the House of Commons and the House of Lords.
88. Indentured Servant
Person who signed a contract to work for a certain length of time in exchange for passage to the colonies.
89. Slave
A person bought and sold as property and forced to work.
90. Puritans
Group of English Protestants who settled in Massachusetts.
91. Toleration
Willingness to let others practice their own beliefs.
92. Corporate Colony
Established by stock companies or corporations.
93. Proprietary Colony
Colony established by a charter given to an individual or individuals.
94. Royal Colony
Colony under the direct control of the monarchy.
95. Import
Trade good brought into a country.
96. Export
Trade good sent to markets outside a country.
97. Indigo
Plant from which a deep blue dye is obtained.
98. Cash crop
Surplus of a crop that is sold for money
99. Gentry
Highest social class in the 13 colonies.
100. Albany Plan of Union
Benjamin Franklin's plan for a Grand Council to make laws, raise taxes, and set up a defense for the colonies against the French and their Indian allies.
101. Triangular trade
Series of colonial trade routes between New England, the West Indies, Europe and Africa.
102. Middle Passage
Ocean trip from Africa to the Americas in which thousands of enslaved Africans died.
103. Mother Country
England: a colony's ruling nation.
104. Mercantilism
Economic theory that a nation's strength came from building up its gold supplies and expanding its trade.
105. Navigation Acts
Laws requiring colonists to trade only with England.
106. Proclamation of 1763
British law forbidding colonists from settling west of a line drawn along the Appalachian Mountains.
107. Boycott
Refuse to buy certain goods or services.
108. Repeal
109. Writ of Assistance
Legal document which let a British customs agent inspect a ship's cargo without giving any reason for the search.
110. Quarter
House and feed.
111. Committee of Correspondence
Group of colonists who wrote letters and pamphlets protesting British rule.
112. Propaganda
Spreading of ideas or beliefs that help a particular cause and hurt and opposing cause.
113. Militia
Army of citizens who serve as soldiers in an emergency.
114. Minutemen
Volunteer who trained in fight the British in 1775.
Colonist who supported independence.
116. Tory/Loyalist
Colonist who supported the British.
117. Blockade
Shutting off a port by ships to keep people or supplies from moving in or out.
118. Traitor
Person who betrays his or her country.
Troops on horseback.
120. Neutral
Choosing not to fight on either side in a war.
121. Ratify
122. Hessians
German Soldiers who were hired to fight for the British.
123. Revolution
The usually violent overthrow of a government.
124. Tyranny
Cruel and unjust government.
125. Republic
Nation in which voters elect representatives to govern them.
126. Liberty
Freedom to live as you please as long as you obey the laws and respect the rights of others.
127. Justice
128. Constitution
Document that describes the laws and principles of a government.
129. Articles of Confederation
First constitution of the United States.
130. Preamble
An opening statement or introduction.
131. Domestic
Having to do with affairs within the country.
132. Tranquility
133. Prosperity
Future generations.
134. Ordain
Make official.
135. Separation of Powers
The distribution of power and authority among legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government.
136. Checks and Balances
System where each branch uses its powers to limit the powers of the other two, to maintain a balance of power between the three branches of government.
137. Bill
Proposed law.
138. Veto
139. Judicial Review
Power of the courts to determine if the actions taken or the laws passed by the legislative and executive branches violate the constitution.
140. Federalism
Division of powers between the federal (national) and state governments.
141. Amendment
Formal written change to the Constitution, must be approved by both houses of Congress and 3/4's of the states.
142. Bill of Rights
First 10 amendments to the Constitution.
143. Freedom of Expression
First Amendment freedoms of speech, press, assembly and petition.
144. Elastic Clause
Refers to the part of the Constitution which says that the Congress shall have the power to make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying out its other powers.
Act or decision that sets an example for others to follow.
146. Protective Tariff
Tax on imports to protect a country's industry from foreign competition.
147. Immigrant
Person who enters a country in order to settle there.
148. Laissez Faire
Idea that the government should play as small a role as possible in economic affairs.
149. Nationalism
Pride in or devotion in one's country.
150. Impressionment
Act of forcing someone to serve in the navy.
151. Embargo
Ban on trade with another country.
152. Capitalist
Person who invests in a business to make a profit.
153. Factory System
Method of producing goods that brought workers and machinery together in one place.
154. Urbanization
Population movement from farms to cities.
155. Interchangeable parts
Identical, machine-made parts for a tool or instrument.
156. Spoils System
Practice of rewarding supporters with government jobs.
157. Nullification
Idea that a state has the right to cancel a federal law it considered unconstitutional.
158. Temperance Movement
Campaign against the sale or drinking of alcohol.
159. Suffrage
Right to vote.
160. Forty-Niner
Person who headed west to California during the Gold Rush of 1849.
161. Annex
To add on.
162. Cede
To give up, as in land.
163. Manifest Destiny
Belief of many Americans in the 19th Century that the U.S. should own all the land between the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean.
164. Racism
Belief that one race is superior to another.
165. Slave Codes
Laws that controlled the behavior of slaves and denied them basic rights.
166. Abolitionist
Person who wanted to end slavery in the U. S.
167. Underground Railroad
Network of abolitionists who helped runaway slaves reach freedom in the North or Canada.
168. Sectionalism
Loyalty to a state or section rather than the whole country.
169. Popular Sovereignty
Allowing voters in each territory to decide whether to allow slavery.
170. Aresenal
Warehouse for guns and ammunition.
171. Secede
Withdraw from membership in a group.
172. Border States
Slave states that did not secede from the Union
(Maryland, Delaware, Kentucky and Missouri)
173. Civil War
War between people of the same country.
174. Ironclads
New ships made of metal; first used in the Civil War.
175. Emancipate
To set free.
176. Draft
Law requiring certain people to serve in the military.
177. Inflation
Rise in prices and decrease in the value of money.
178. Siege
Miliary blockade of an enemy town or position in order to force it to surrender.
179. Reconstruction
Refers to the period of the South's rebuilding as well as the government program to rebuild it (1865-1877).
180. Freedman
Freed slave.
181. Black Codes
Set of laws that limited the rights of freedmen - passed by the southern legislatures after the Civil War.
182. Impeach
Bring charges against a public official such as the President.
183. Scalawag
White southerners who supported the Radical Republicans.
184. Carpetbagger
Name for a northerner who went south during Reconstruction seeking personal gain.
185. Sharecropper
Farmer who works land owned by another and gives the landowner a share of the crop at harvest time.