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125 Cards in this Set

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What are the two basic models of time? Describe both.
Cyclical Time - earth and Seasons
Linear time - human made or measured
What are the four types of linear time? Describe all four.
Personal time- reflected by the life span of an individual. measured in month, days years.
Historical time- the period of time since people started keeping record.
Geographical time- time reflected by the age of the earth.
Subjective time- your concept of time.
What is prehistory?
the time before people started keeping records.
The earliest human to walk on two feet.
Home erectus
Australopithecus's with a more developed brain and body
Homo sapiens (neanderthalenis)
Also know as neanderthals: they were a social group of sapiens who work together to track and kill their food. they lived separate from their women and children.
homo sapiens sapiens
Came from Africa. had better weapons and tools of their superior intelligence and ingenuity.
what is a paradigm shift? give and example
A radical change in thinking, a revolution, a metamorphosis. it just does not happen. but rather it is driven by agents of change. Phones, fashion, music.
what is the Neolithic revolution? During this time how did people learn to harness nature?
People learned to harness nature by planting crops and domesticating animals. cattle were the most important because they supplied meat, leather, milk- from which cheese and butter were made.
What is the Urban Recolution and how was it characterized?
People started to leave their nomadic life style and moved to densely populated settlements that were socially and economically diverse.
Define society and civilization. what is the difference between the two?
Society: is a system of hhuman organizattions that generate distinctive cultural patterns and usually provide prottection, security, and continuity for its member. A team, club or grouup of people that stick and work together.
Civilization: were societies that had a high level of cultur and social organization.
what seven elements determine a society as being civilized?
Centralized Government, Agricultural intensification, speciializtion in occupations, Class structure, Merchants and Trade, Development of science, and State Religon.
What was the key factor in devlopment of the urban settlements and the abandonment of nomadic lifestyles?
It enabled the development of more complex religions; could now afford to maintian a priedtly class that made to material contribution.
What is the fertile crescent? Why did people settle in this unpredictable ares?
The land between the tigris and the Euphrates river is know as the Fertile Crescent. People wanted to settle her because it had great places to plant and grow crops. it had natural leeves for sfe places to buil houses.
What is the most improtant geographical influence on Egyptian culture and civilization? How did this area grant egypt the fortune it possessed?
The Nile River was very important. Every year it would flood and bring in great soil for the farmers.
Why did the Nile flood so consistently?
The Nile Flooded so consistently because of the Moonsoons in the Indian Ocean and the Blue Nile and the White nile coming together.
what is Ironic about where th efertile Nile Delta is located?
It was Ironic because it was the only place you could grow food for thousands of Miles. It was located in the middle of the desert.
what goegraphical features have allowed Egypt to create, protect and insulate a great civilization?
what is king menes important to eqyptian Culture?
King Menes is believed to be the one who United Egypt and wore the double crown. Symbolizing unity of the two kingdoms.
Why is imotep considered an egyptian genius?
Djoser was the Egyptian founder of Medicine.
He was considered a Genius because the architect who designed and supervised the building of the world's first stone building and first pyramid. He also made a lot of other stuff.
How is Hyksos change Egyptian society?
How was Egypt's welth and power increased by Hatshpsut, and later by Thutmose Third?
Hatshepsut was important to Egypt's wealth because she came up with trade.

Thutmose 111 Fought People to obtain more land and other stuff.
Why is King tut an important paraoh in Egyptian history?
He tried to restore religious pride in the Paroah.
Who discovered King Tut's tomb, and in what year?
Discovered on november 4th 1922 by Howard Carter.
Why is Ramses the second considered an important figure in Egyptian History?
He lived for 67 years and he constructed more buildings and colossal status than andy other Egyptian king. His tomb was made mostly out of gold.
how was acient Greece influenced by each of the following geographical factors?

A)the sea
B)the land
C)the climate
A) the sea was food for trade routes.
B) The land was hard to connect to other cities.
C) It only rained in the winter so all events could be held outside.
Describe the society that existed on the greek mainland and on nearby islands in the Bronze Age.
The people on the islands around Greece were rich. They had stronger weapons with the Bronze Age. The people on the Greek mainland were call Mycenaens.
How did the Dorian migration affect Greek civilization?
It killed the skill of writing.
What is Arete?
To strive for excellence, to show courage, and to win fame and honour.
What is the importance of the Olympic games to th eancient Greeks of 776 BCE and the present day world?
If you won the past you were royal and got free food.
Now if you win you have to get better for the next olympics so your names stay's as the record holder.
Why is the polis important to the Greeks?
The polis was the central force in Greek life.
What is an Aristocracy?
Everyone made decisions, but ruled by noble families.
What is a Democracy?
A type of government where power to vote for leader ship is given to all able citizens.
What is a citizen?
A person who lives in a certain area.
What was the greates challenge facing th egreeks preparing for the persian invasions? what were the keys to their successful defence?
The challenge was that the people of Greece kept arguing about who is in Charge. then they would get attacked. The keys to their successful defence was the greeks were tough and had good battle tactics.
How did Pericles Strenghtn Athens' position as a leader in greece?
He strengthened the Athenian Government by changing it to a democracy which made mor jobs for the people.
How were the Parthenon and other works of art and architecture examples of Athenian values?
To show people that they where a wealthy place.
Whay was drama Important to the polis and the Greek citizens?
It was a learning thing.
It told people what was going on around the city.
It was like school for kids who could go to school.
The Play's Showed important issues to the polis. IT educated the uneducated.
Are historians justified in calling the Age of Pericles a "Golden Age"? Give reasons for your answer. write a short definition of a golden age.
Yes. The Definition of Golden Age is when a civilization is at its intellectual peak. New innovations are discovered and educated in honour. When Pericles was leader he made a lot of different things and change Athens. The Parthenon, Armies.
What topics of discussion did Socrates consider important for discussion? how did his views lead to his condemnation and death?
He wanted people to ask more questions . He was corrupting the youth of Athens and was found guilty and punished for death.
Why did Plato reject democracy? What type of society did he advocate?
How did Aristole aid in the development of scientific thinking?
He Developed a set of logical statements Known as a syllogism. It consisted of three logically related statements.
1. All people are mortal.
2. Socrates was a person.
3. Therefore socrates was mortal.
Why was each of the following groups important to Rome's development?
Latin's: They Settled on either side of the Tiber river. A region that they called Latium. They were the first.
Greeks brought all of Italy including Rome, into a closer contact with the Greek civilization.
Etruscans: Helped develop Rome's trade.
Why do Romans declare that a king would never rule them? what happened to any man who declared himself king?
The son of the last king attacked a woman. From that point on no roman citizen can declare their self as a king. If they do they will be killed.
Decribe a republic?
Consisted of three classes. Only the rich and smart people could vote.
1. Most people are under this one. farmers.
2. A more gifted type would be warriors.
3. The smartest people go to school and the smartest in the region becomes Philosopher-king
Decribe an Aristocracy?
Everyone made decisions, but ruled by noble families.
Decribe a democracy?
A type of government where power to vote for leader ship is given to all able citizens.
Decribe a dictatorship?
A leader Who has absolute power to make laws and command the army. last 6 months
Decribe a monarchy?
Kings and Queens.
Why did the Romans consider they had a balanced government?
They had a Monarchy, and aristocracy, and a democracy. they believed they all ran at the same time and gave them a perfect government. They had two consuls as leaders.
What is Gravitas?
To be Serious.
How was the Roman army linked to Roman society?
All male citizens required to serve in the army. And no one could hold public office until he had served for ten years as a soldier.
Describe the First Punic War:
who was fighting
where were they
why were they fighting
who was the victor
Rome and Carthage.
In the Mediterranean sea.
To control Sicily.
Rome won.
Why are mercenaries unreliable as fighters?
Carthage paid the soldiers but most of them probably joined just because of the money. and they probably weren't really good fighters.
Who was Hannibal and what was his greatest victory? Why?
Hannibal was the person who led the Carthaginian army.
Why is the Battle of Zama considered a major turning point in history?
How did Roman military leaders gain political power in Rome?
Who was a part of the First Triumvirated? What was th erole of each individual?
When was the Flavian Amphitheater built? what was it used for and why?
Where does the word arena come from?
Why did Gladiatorial games begin in Rome? Why did people enjoy the games?
Why did gladiators use alternate names for fighting? What activities outside of the 'games; were organized for th eroman public?
Describe the Third Punic War:
who was fighting
where were they
why were they fighting
who was the victor
What important religious change did constantine Bring about in the empire?
Why is Emperor Commodus the start to the Roman Empire?
What are Diocletian's 5 reforms to the Roman Roman Empire? Did they work?
Who or what was Responsible for the Fall of the Roman empire?
Explain the transition from the Roman Empire to Europe in the late 5th C. C.E. What changes occured in the Roman Empire in the East and West?
What traces of th eold Roman empire in the west still existed in the Byzabtine Empire in the East?
What is Justinian the Great's one ambition? How was he to achivethis mission
What is the Justinian code, and why is it important to learn about?
How is the barbarian war bands of the west divided? What languages did they?
Summarize the period of the high Middle Ages. Explain how christianity and other religious beliefs dominated all aspects of political and social life.
Why did the Black Death start, and how did it spread so rapidly?
What were the social and economic effects of the Plague?
Who was fighting in the Hundred Years' War and why?
What are the Crusades? Why were they fought?
Define: Islam
Define: Muslim
Define: Allah
What are the Five pillars of Islam?
What is Chivalry? How did Chivalry die at the Battle of Agincourt?
Who is Joan of Arc? Why is she such an important historical figure?
Explain the social structure of a typical absolute monarchy in the Late Middle Ages.
How did the monarchy of the Late Middle Ages provide a frame work for the eventual democracy we currently enjoy?
Briefly describe all three groups in Canadian Government. How are these either similar or different to that of the Late Medieval Monarchy?
Why is the Printing press such an important invention during the Middle Ages? why would it be considered the invention of the millennium?
Who wrote The Prince? What was it about and why was it written? What did they Thing about human nature?
Name two reasons why Florence was the most prominent urban center in Italy.
Why did pope Julius the Second commission men like Michelangelo and Raphael to beauitfy Rome?
How did work of the Middle Ages artists compare to that of Renaissance Artists with regards to popularity?
What is the difference between men and women of the Renaissance?
Why is Michelangelo's David an expression of human dignity?
Name the innovations of explorers of the Renaissance time period. How were their innovations important to Europe, and later the world?
Name five reasons why the Mona Lisa is such a famous painting?
What is a humanist?
How did banking make the medici the most powerful family in Florence? How did the Medici use allies to retain his power?
Define: Vernacular
The common language spooking in that area.
Why is the Devine Comedy an important and popular Renaissance poem?
Why is Giotto considered the father of modern painting
Why is the Mona Lisa considered the first psychological painting of the Renaissance?
Explain the importance of the paintings:

The last Judgement:

The School of Athens:
What does the term Archaeology mean?
Why do archaeologists study about the past?
So they can learn more about the past.
to find new things.
too see what people did in the past.
What is an artifact? Why are artifacts important for archaeologists?
Name one archaeological location studied in class. Explain what significance this site has fad for human history.
pom-pa. it was cover by volcanic ash. then many years later it was discovered and there was a lot to learn from it.
Describe the importance of: Thermae
Describe the importance of: Aqueducts
To hold water back.
Describe the importance of: Theaters
Describe the importance of: Amphitheaters
Big stadium used for gladiatorial games.
Describe the importance of: Gladiators
usually men that were slaves or captured prisoners.
Describe the importance of: The Roman Circus
A race track. Chariots race and fight to their death. Like a death race.
Homo Sapiens
Reclassified name of homo erectus: Homo sapiens means "wise men"
Centralized Government.
The cornerstone of any civilization is a central body that passes laws and regulate society.
Agricultural Intensification.
To secure agricultural needs, productivity and a year round supply of food.
Specialization in Occupation.
As society grows people will find new ways to fit in by doing things that they enjoy.
Class structure.
It is like a ranking system. A hierarchy.
Merchants and trade.
To give them something that you have too much of and trade it for something that you have little or nothing of.
Development of science.
To find stuff they didn't know existed. People wanted to learn more.
State Religion.
Religions were legitimate expression of the beliefs and spiritual needs of the people.
What is the significance of the Double crown:
Showed that one Pharaoh ruled all of Egypt.
What is the significance of the red crown.
Was worn by the ruler of lower Egypt.
What is the significance of the White crown.
Was worn by ruler of upper Egypt.
What is the significance of the Atef crown.
Was the most greatest crown and was worn on special occasions
What is the significance of the Blue crown.
Blue was royal colour and was worn by later rulers of Egypt.