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30 Cards in this Set

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1 . Thomas Jefferson
The President who made the Louisiana Purchase possible and was our 3rd president.
2 . Judicial Review
The power of the Supreme Court to strike down unconstitutional laws.
3 . William Clark
He was the co-leader of the expedition, had his slave York along to help.
4 . Continental Divide
The Rocky Mountains in North America are an example of this.
5 . Andrew Jackson
He won the Battles of Horseshoe Bend and New Orleans.
6 . Aaron Burr
He tied with electoral votes with Thomas Jefferson, tried to get the Presidency.
7 . dominant
ruling, or prevailing
8 . Zebulon Pike
He explored the southern Louisiana Territory, arrested by the Spanish.
9 . embargo
government order that forbids foreign trade
10 . war hawks
Those who wanted to go to war with Britain, mostly west and south.
11 . laissez faire
The idea that the government should not interfere with the economy.
12 . alter
To change in some way, to adapt to circumstances.
13 . tribute
Money the US had paid for protection from the Barbary Pirates.
14 . decline
This happened to prices of American goods and crops during the Embargo Act.
15 . blockades
First actions by the British during the War of 1812.
16 . aristocratic
upper class
17 . expedition
long and carefully organized journey
18 . secede
The New England states threatened to do this over the War of 1812.
19 . smuggling
Method used by Americans to continue trade during the Embargo Act.
20 . reinforce
To strengthen with additional troops.
21 . revenue
Money going to the government from taxes.
22 . critic
someone who makes judgements on the value of actions.
23 . restore
to bring back to a former condition
24 . Tecumseh
Urged Native Americans to cooperate in preserving the land and restoring culture.
25 . nationalism
pride in one's country
26 . John Marshall
Chief Justice who spoke for the court in the Marbury vs. Madison.
27 . Meriwether Lewis
Captain and co-leader of the expedition, took his Newfoundland dog with him on the journey west.
28 . Stephen Decatur
He burned the Philadelphia to keep it from the Barbary pirates.
29 . William Henry Harrison
The Governor of Indiana Territory, he destroyed Prophetstown.
30 . Oliver Hazard Perry
He said, " We have met the enemy and they are ours", after the victory on Lake Erie.