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40 Cards in this Set

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Italian sea captain; funded by Spain; he planned to reach the East Indies by sailing west across the Atlantic. Discovered 'America' in 1492. He made 4 voyages across the Atlantic.
group of people who settle in a distrant land but are still ruled by the government of their native land (Columbus created the first spanish colony in the Americas - Hispaniola)
Turning point
moment in histroy that marks a decisive change. Eurose saw new lands as a place they could settle, trade and grow rich; native Americans died from European diseases or harsh working conditions
sail completely around the word
Columbian Exchange
The encounter between the peoples of Eastern and Western hemispheres sparked a global exchange of goods and ideas (food, medicine, govt, technology, language). It started with the voyages of Columbus
What was exchanged? How did it affect both the societies of the Old and New World?
Europenns brought chickens, pigs, cattle, horses - when horses escaped, Indians learned to ride them; brought diseases (small pox) that native americans had no resistance to. Native Americans intorduced Euroepans to new customs and food - corn, potatoes, tomatoes, pineapples, blueberries. Changed the world's diets as Europeans traveled around the world with these new foods. NA showed Europeans how to snowshoe, trpa fur bearing animals (beaver)
conquerors of the Americas (1500's) - came in search of glory and gold, to get rich
Peter Minuit
Dutch; bought Manhattan Island from local Indians; called it New Amsterdam; became a busy port
Europeans want more goods from Asia
Muslms gain control of trade between Europe and Asia
Euope looks for sea route to Asia
Columbus reaches America
Spain builds empire in America
Eng/French/Dutch build colonies in North America
Millions of Native americans die from "European' diseases
Slave trades bring African slaves to Americas
Foods from Americas introduced into Europe
Effects Today
US is multicultural society
American foods -- corn, potatoes, are important to people's diets around the world
Roanoke Island (1)
First English settlement funded by Sir Walter Raleight; in 1within a year the colonists had run out of food and were fighting with Indians - all went home to England
Roanoke Island (2)
1587 - John White came back; when supplies ran low went back leaving behind 1l7 colonists; he did not come back for 3 years (due to war)
Roanoke Island (3)
When he came back, settlement was empty and quite. On a tree, the word Croatoan (name of nearby island) was carved; never got to investigate since storm was blowing. Still a mystery
Roanoke Island (4)
Lack of food and supplies
Fighting with Indians
War at home with Spain interferred with return trip
Jamestown - why is it historically significant?
King of England gave Virginia Co. charter to settle in Virginia (gave them the same rights as English citizens)
legal document giving certain rights to a person or company
Jamestown (2)
Names Jamestown after the English king
Area was swampy, water was unhealthy, mosquitoes spread malaria, many settlers died
Jamestown (3)
Council of 13 men chosen to rule the settlement fought with one another & litrtle was done to plan for the colony's future; faced starvation
Jamestown (4)
Capt. John Smith - set up stern rules that forced colonists to work if they wishe to eat; got corn from the Indians, but fought alot with them.
Finally began to grow tobacco; England imports 30,00 pds/year and the colony succeeds.
Jamestown (5)
Virginia Company begins to establish a more stable govt.; male settlersto elect burgesses (representatives to the govt); met in House of Burgesses; made laws for the colony; makred the beginning of representative govt in English colonies (voters elect representatives to make laws for them)
Magna Carter vs. Mayflower Compact?
Pilgrims found themselves without a govterment, they banded together themselves to make laws (landed in Cape Cod, not Virginia so had no govt); Magna Carter - English nobles and church leaders had voting rights (not ordinary people)
Why Pilgrims came to America?
no freedom of religion; constant wars over religion; Rulers supported 'established church' to maintain order; persecuted people who did not follow the religion (punish people because of their beliefs)
Protestant Reformation
movement to refrom the Catholic Church in 1500s; Martin Luther led the movement; led to many different christian churches
Established church
chosen religion (Prot vs. Cath)
Spanish; salied down the Pacific coast of so. American w/ 200 soldiers caputed the Incan emperor and killed him; the Incan empire collapsed
Bering Land Bridge
During the last ice age, glaciers covered almost one third of the earth. It casused sea leav els to fall and uncovered land. In the far north this land bridge joined Siberia to Alaska. Bands of hunters traced animals for food over this land bridge and settled in the Americas.
Astrolabe and Compass
Astrolabe: a navigation instrument which helped sailors determine their latitude (distance north or south of the equator) while at sea.
Compass: A directional instrument with a special needle that always pointed north and hleped ships stay on course.
Series of wars fought by Christians to control the Holy Lnad (Jerusalem and other places where Jesus had lived and taught). Mulsims had controlled this region for centries.
They had important effects on Europe. Crusaders traveled beyond thie villages and came into contact with other civilizations. They tasted new foods (rice, dates, new spices) and gooods (rugs, sild). Returning Crusaders brought these goods home; Merchants outfitted ships and increased trade with the Muslims. Also brough new knowledge - sailing sills, compass, astrolabe
Primary source
Firsthand information about people or events (diaries, letters, artifacts)
Secondary source
An account provided after the fact by people who did not directly witness or participate in the event (books, biographies written by historians, textbooks)
Why did Spnaish bring African Americans to the New world and what was this the start of?
Spanish needed workers for the farms, mines and ranches. So many Native Americans were killed (disease and harsh working conditions), Spanish colonists brought Africans as slaves. This was the start of slavery in the Americas.
New Netherland
settled around Hudson River; rvial with the French in the fur trade
New France
St. Lawrence River
What major US City was called New Amsterdam
New York City (Manhattan Island)
What was the relationship between all European settlers and Native Americans?
Full of conflict
Killed by disease
Fur trade increased warfare
Forced them off their lands
Forced them to work on farms, mines under harsh conditions
Sold them guns and alcohol
What the views on Columbus and why?
Viewed as discovered America, but Native Americans were already here;
Europe knew nothing about the Americas until Columbus
Settlers felt they were superior to the Indians; Exchange of food and cultures was positive for both sides; disease killed alot of Native Americans
What was the result of the Spanish Colonization/
Columbian Exchange - aprked a global exchange of goods and ideas between Eastern and Western worlds
How did the Dutch infleunce modern NYC?
Duch welcomed people of all nations and religions to their colony; built trading posts along the River; became known for their good business sense; brought customs from home (ice skating), Saint Nick birthday (kids put their shoes out for presents) became Santa Claus; Dutch words for boss, cookie and sleighs became part of our English language.