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27 Cards in this Set

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Justinian Code
uniform code of law based on Roman law.
emperor who expanded the Byzantine Empire
Name the social classes of Rome
Patricians and plebeians
wealthy landowners who held high government positions in ancient Rome
commoners who were allowed to vote but not to hold government offices in ancient Rome
Who founded Christianity?
Jewish teacher whose life and teaching became the basis of Christianity
Why did the church split in the Roman Empire?
The Pope claimed authority over the East and West.The East didn't agree Byzantine emperors considered themselves final authority.
List reasons for the fall of the Roman Empire?
foreign invasions, high taxes, lack of military support,and weak leaders
List words to describe Rome
Explain the myth of Romulus and Remus
They fought over the location of
Which trade routes did the Mediterranean Sea support?
Spain, Africa, western Asia, Gaul, Greece, and other parts of Europe
What is a nation state?
When the kings take power from nobles and churches to form a central government
What was a serf?
people who lived and worked on the manor of a lord or vassal (they didn't own land)
What were the roles of women in the Middle Ages?
They took care of the kids, farmed, and traded.
Who was Jon of Arc?
She was a French peasant girl who led the French to victory. A sage around her city. She helped Charles become king. She was captured and put on trial and burned at the stake.
Who was William the Conqueror?
The Duke of Normanday and conquered England at the Battle of Hastings in 1066
What was the Magna Carta?
It listed the rights and forced King John to sign it in 1215. It guaranteed a trial by jury and made the king follow the rules.
What was the feudal system?
Based on an agreement between two groups of nobles-lords and vassals (Lords owned land and vassals used their land, served in lords court and army) It was highly structured
Describe the highly structured feudalism?
King ruled at the top. Next wealthy land owners and church leaders.Then the knights. At the bottom were the peasants and most peasants were serfs(lived and worked on the land)
What was a vassal?
people in feudal society who received land and protection from lords in return for loyality
Why did trade thrive during the Middle Ages?
The growth of towns which would have guilds that were formed by tradespeople such as blacksmiths, baker, or weavers. People who wanted trade in other foreign countries.
What areas made up the Muslim Empire?
Spain, Arabia, Persia, North Africa
Where did Arabic numerals originate?
List words to describe Islam
Muslim, Ramdan, 5 Pillars, they pray 5 times a day, calligraphy
In which region did Islam have the most impact?
North Africa
During the Middle Ages, which tow topics did Muslims advance the most?
Science and Math