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61 Cards in this Set

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The Holy Land is sacred to how many religions and what are they?
Who led the French to victory at the Battle of Orleans?
Joan of Arc
What helped towns and trade to grow?
The Crusades
Who is known as the Duke of Normandy?
William the Conqueror
What occurred between 500-1500?
The Middle Ages
What kind of trades people formed guilds?
After the plague what weakened feudalism?
workers who migrated to earn more money
What is known as the bubonic plague?
Black Death
What caused cities to grow?
Increases in populatin and trade
Who farmed the lord's land under the manor system?
What began with the collapse of the Roman Empire?
Middle Ages
What was the center of economic activity?
Under what type of government was each person loyal to people who had more money and land?
Who was crowned Holy Roman emperor?
Who defeated the English at the Battle of Hastings in 1066?
William the Conqueror
What was the removal of Muslims and Jews from Spain called?
Who faced the plague and Hundred Years' War?
England and France
What began because of war and disorder?
Who traded land and freedom for protection?
Who received fiefs for their services?
What guaranteed a trial by jury, made the king follow the laws, and was signed in 1215?
Magna Carta
What was the period between the Roman Empire and the Renaissance?
Middle Ages
Who was the king of the Franks who conquered much of Europe and spread Christianity?
Political and social system of the Middle Ages in Europe, in which lords gave land to vassals in exchange for service and loyalty?
What is the powerful landowner called?
Who were people who lived and worked on the manor of a lord or vassal?
What is the noble's house and the villages on his land where the peasants lived called?
What is the code of conduct of knights, focusing on bravery, honor, and respect toward women and the weak called?
What was associations of people sharing a trade or craft, intended to control the quality and quantity of their production and to protect their interests called?
What were people in feudal society who received land and protection from lords in return for loyalty called?
Who were people with priestly authority in a religion called?
Who was the Italian philosoper who said classical philosophy and Christian theology could exist in harmony?
Thomas Aquinas
What was the group of people who lived according to a set of religious rules?
religious order
What was the series of military expeditions from Christian Europe to Palestine between the 1000s and 1200s called?
Who was the military leader who united Muslims to fight the Christians in Palestine in the 1100s?
What was the series of campaigns, ending in 1492, by which Christian armies drove Muslim rulers out of Spain?
What was it called when the Roman Catholic court established to find and punish those who had strayed form the Roman Catholic faith?
What was the disease that struck western Eurasia in the mid-1300s?
bubonic plague or Black Death
What was a series of wars between England and France that took place between 1337 and 1453 called?
Hundred Years' War
Who was the French peasant girl who led the French to victory over the English at Orleans in 1429?
Joan of Arc
What was called the weapon that could shoot arrows with enough power to penetrate a knight's armor called?
What was it when kings or queens had unlimited power and controlled all aspects of society?
absolute monarchs
What does it mean to relocate to a new region?
What is the arm of the Atlantic Ocean that runs between England and France and connects the Atlantic Ocean with the North Sea?
English Channel
What is the system of law based on court decisions and local customs called?
common law
Who was the king of England that signed the Magna Carta in 1215?
King John
What is a list of rights written by England's novility and signed by King John in 1215 called?
Magna Carta
What is called a group of representatives with some powers of government?
What is called the right of people not to be imprisoned unlawfully?
habeas corpus
What is the system of judges and courts of law called?
What is the right to vote called?
What were the changes to Europe after the fall of Rome?(list 5)
1. Decline in the size and power of governments
2. Rduction in long-distance trade
3. Decline in learning and devotion to Greek and Roman culture
4. Disappearance of cities and rise of rural villages and farms
5. Growth of numerous Germanic kingdoms
How did Clovis help Christianity spread in the early Middle Ages?
Why did Pope Gregory VII excommunicate Emperor Henry IV?
What motivated the Crusaders to attack Palestine?
Why were the Spanish and Portuguese kingdoms able to start taking back territory?
How were European Jews treated during the plague?
What were two causes of the Hundred Years' War?
How did political structures change during the Middle Ages?
How did the decisions of England's royal judges help bring equality to English law?
How did the English Parliament become the model for future representative institutions?