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71 Cards in this Set

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Supports the idea of a government in which the power is held by the people and their elected representatives. Elected president instead of monarch

United Empire Loyalists

People who remained loyal to the crown during the American revolution

Land speculator

Someone who looks for land to buy and flip for more money

tenant farmers

someone who farms land rented to him

War of 1812

War between Britain and America after Britain created restrictive trading laws

American Revolution

Revolution in which the monarchy was rejected in favour of a republic

steerage class

immigrants put on ships cheaply with terrible living conditions

Ethnic make-up of Canada in the 1800s

60% English speaking, 30 % French, 10% other

Upper Canada

Made up of Southern Ontario

Lower Canada

Modern Day Quebec to Labrador


taxes put on goods imported from outside of Canada

Underground Railroad

network of safehouses and paths to help the slaves get out of America to Canada

Responsible Government

Government that represents the wants and needs of the people


the right of someone with power (governor) to reject a decision made by a lawmaking body(legislative assembly)

seigneurial system

System in which land owners would rent out land for people to farm on

Executive/Legislative councils

council that consists of a governor and representatives for the native population


person who directs and controls Canada

Legislative Assembly

Made laws, but subject to Governor's vetos

Industrial Revolution

Revolution that was the transition to new manufacturing processes from 1760 to 1840

Chateau Clique

Oligarchic group of wealthy families in lower Canada

Family Compact

Oligarchic group of wealthy families in Upper Canada


French Canadians that contributed to the rebellions of 1837/38

Battle of St. Eustache

Battle between Canadian Government and Patriote rebels: Government won, Upper/Lower Canada unified

Battle o Montgomery's Tavern

Battle between British/ Patriotes: Patriotes won

Clergy Reserve

Parcels of land reserved for the church

Crown Reserve

Parcels of land reserved for the government

William Lyon Mackenzie

Upper Canada Rebellion Patriote Leader

Louis-Joseph Papineau

Lower Canada Rebellion Patriote Leader

Causes of 1837/38 rebellion

frustrations with government. Wanted responsible government

Recommendations of Durham's report

Upper/Lower Canada should unite together.

Responsible Government

Rebellion Losses Bill

Reimbursed damaged property with taxpayer's money. Angered some, who burned parliament buildings

Ending of Corn Laws

Corn Laws = tariffs on imported grain. People didn't like them, so repealed


economic recession


crime of betraying country (government overthrown)


Small group of people with power (Family Compact, Chateau Clique)

Why Ottawa good capital


Why Kingston good capital

good defensive site

why Montreal good capital

rich and bilingual

why Toronto good capital

I don't swagging know

why Quebec good capital

history as capital, river for transportation

Political problems in Canada before Confederation

English/French halves had greatly different ideas of how canada should be run, leaders thought joining other colonies might help

The Great Coalition

Combined Upper and Lower Canada in 1864

Fenian Raids

Fenian Brotherhood wanted Ireland separated from Britian. Attempted to capture Canada as a bargaining chip, but their efforts were thwarted.

American pressures for Confederation

American civil war, wanted Westward expansion, wanted transcontinental railway

British pressures for Confederation

Wanted no obligations to Canada

Didn't want to fight Murica


A union of provinces where a central federal government rules over the provincial governments

Three Confederation Conferences + Objectives

Charlettetown Conference: Maritime Union = Joining New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and P.E.I.

Quebec Conference: Province of Anada, Newfoundland, and maritime union

London Conference: Everything approved, began drafting British North America Act

British North America Act

Creation of federal dominon. sets framework for Government, like structure, justice system, taxation system

Great Plains

Big, flat, great farmland

Western Mountains/ Cordillera

Mountains, north.south. Bad farm land

Canadian Shield

Rocky, oldest land


Competition quickly depleted fur supply

Merged into one company, got more land

became led by George Simpson

Potato Blight

Period of time in Ireland filled with Starvation, disease, and then immigration to Canada in reponse to the inability to grow potatos


carrying a boat over land between two bodies of water

Pemmican War

Governor of Red River Colony sent out proclamation to limit how many buffalo the Metis were killing. Metis ignored, continued killing buffalo, and making them into pemmican. Governor confiscated NWC's pemmican. Metis and NWC waged war.


Boatmen employed by fur companies to transport goods/passengers to/from trading posts

Red River Colony

Colony occupied by the Metis and the Northwest Company

Causes of Red River Rebellion

William MdDougall ordered survey party to check out Red River Colony

Metis were anxious: didnt possess right to land, used Seigneurial system

Took survey to mean that there would be more Canadiam migration to region

Saw as threat to way of life: Farms, language, religion, discrimination, etc

Provisional Government

A temporary government set up when the old one has collapsed, until a new one is made

Demands of Metis and First Nations in the 2nd Riel Rebellion

Rights to land, Representatives in the Senate / House of Commons / Annual payment to the Colony

Battle of Duck Lake, Fish Creek, and Batoche

Second Riel Rebellion battles: Duck Lake = Metis Victory, Fish Creek = Metis Victory, Batoche = Canadian Victory


Certificate entitling holder to portions of public land

National Policy

Railroad / Western expansion, settlement of prairies / tariffs

Van Horne

Man behind the Canadian Pacific Railway

54 40

Boundary between Alaska and BC. Object of contention, as both Canada and America wanted land.

James Douglas

Worked for NWC, then HBC. First Governor of BC. Prohibited selling alohol to natives

Cariboo Gold Rush

BC's Gold Rush: 1860 (Barkerville)


Infectious disease: Major version had mortality rate of like 30%

Natives experienced outbreak, as their immune systems were new to it

Head Tax

Canada wanted to discourage Chinese immigration after CPR's completion, so they made them pay ridiculous prices to get in (like 2 years of work)

Klondike Gold Rush

Yukon's Gold Rush: 1896

About 100,000 people migrated to Yukon

Economic Regions of BC

Cariboo, Kootenays, Mainland/ Southwest, Nechako, North Coast, Northeast, Thompson-Okanagan, Vancouver Island/Coast