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17 Cards in this Set

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What was the Robbers Cave Experiment?
Sleep-away camp in 1954, divided boys into two groups: Rattlers Vs. Eagles. Competed in tournaments (color war).
What was the result of the Robber's Cave Experiment?
Boys quickly became vicious toward the out-group
What failed to ease the tension in the Robbers Cave Experiment and what was a success?
Propaganda failed, noncompetition failed, superordinate goals worked.
What is the Realistic Conflict Theory?
Hostility between groups is caused by direct competition for limited resources.
To compete for limited resources >> we choose economically dominant groups
What is relative deprivation and what is its affect on groups?
Ppl may become resentful of other groups because of relative deprivation >> the belieft that one fares poorly compared with others
What is the Social Identity Theory?
Even if one doesn't feel personally threatened, perceptions of threat to one's own group can trigger prejudice.
To maintain and increase self esteem >> we choose socially dominant groups.
What are some basic predictions of the social identity theory?
Threats to one's self-esteem heighten the need for ingroup favoritism.
Expressions of in-group favoritism enahnce one's self-esteem.
What is in-group favoritsm?
The tendency to discriminate in favor of in-groups over out-groups
What are the components of The Social Identity Theory?
The need for self-esteem has two components, personal identity and social identities. Our personal identity will lead to personal achievements which lead to self esteem. Social identities lead to group achievemnts and ingroup favoritism which lead to self esteem
Optimal Distinctiveness Theory (Brewer 1991)
Choice is determined by the relative size and distinctiveness of one's ingroup
in-group loyalty and out-group prejudice is more intense for groups in the minority.
What is a person's status relative to others in the in-group?
We are more motivated to derogate outsiders when our ingroup status is marginal in order to gain membership.
What are some double-standard attributions?
Superior ppl in the outgroup >> achievements exaggerated (to make them an exception)
Inferior ppl in the ingroup >> failures exaggerated (to make them exception, to disidentify)
Ingroup members >> de-emphasize the importance of domains in which the ingroup is low in status
Self esteem invested in domains which ingroup has high status
What is tokenism?
Token members are seen as meeting stereotypic expectations.
Why do groups endure?
Same reasons stereotypes do.
illusory correlations, biased attributions, subtyping, self-fulfilling prophecies.
Sociocultural support via media
Social Role Theory
Sex Commercial Study
Males were shown sexist commercials and nonsexist commercials. Then were to interview women for job interview. Men that watched sexist commercials acted inappropriately. acted in sexualized, objectifying manner.
What is the social role theory of gender stereotypes?
Biological, social, economic, and political factors >> social roles (division of labor) >> Role consistent skills and behaviors >> gender stereotyped perceptions
Differences attributed to social roles not gender
What can be done about prejudice among groups?
Equal status, personal interactions, cooperative activities, sociocultural support, DECATEGORIZATION and RECATEGORIZATION