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30 Cards in this Set

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What is Social Psychology?
It's a new science that started in 1900's that looks at how we view and affect one another
What are Social Psych's Big Ideas?
We construct our reality, intuitions are powerful but dangerous, influences shape behavior, attitudes and dispositions affect behavior, and behavior is biological.
Social Influences: Who said "we are social animals"?
Social Influences: Culture defines our situations but what do situations do?
Leads us to act contrary to our attitudes
Values not only differ across _____ but ____________.
time; culture
Social Representation can cause...
assumptions to go unchallenged.
Abraham Maslow's view of "self actualization" is what
a value judgement--> our views aren't always right
2 Contradictory Criticisms?
psych is obvious (duh effect= hindsight bias) and that we cant manipulate people
What are theories?
less than fact; ideas that EXPLAIN FACTS which imply testable PREDICTIONS-->Hypothesis
4 Biases we need to know when evaluating surveys
1) unrepresentative sample= college students 2) question order, response options, framing
Organ Donating Defaults
Social Psych Experiments have two requirements:
control and random assignment
What does random assignment do?
eliminates extraneous factors
Social Psych research varies by _____ and _______.
location (lab or field) and method ( correlational or experiment)
degree of relationship between two factors from -1.0 to +1.0. The closer to 0 the less the relationship.
What is Social facilitation?
Norman Triplett: fishing rod experiment that we do better with others
What is Social Loathing?
Ringelman: Tug of War experiment= people tend to get lazy when they know others can do the work
Who is William James?
father of psych in America; 1890 Principles of Psychology Book= we have a sense of self
Two 1908 books on social behavior?
McDougal (nature) vs. Ross (nurture). ITS BOTH
Egocentrism is...
a perceptual bias. Rape victims fall under this.
Egotism is
motivated bias. what benefits us
What is Cognitive Conservatism?
way we think that protect our beliefs
belief perseverance is
believing even after it has been discredited
confirmation bias is
finding evidence to support our beliefs
overconfidence bias is
overestimating accuracy of our beliefs
false consensus is
most people think like u do
oversight bias is
overlook evidence that proves u wrong. Ex. all female drivers suck but u just saw a good one
disconfirmation bias
finding info that discredits us but we fight it
what is limited insight?
we don't have full insight. Freud says we have none.
what is dual processing?
automatic and controlled processing of info
how do we acquire info?
authority, tenacity, intuitions, rationalism & empiricism