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70 Cards in this Set

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According to the functionalist perspective, which of the following is TRUE of schools?

Schools perform a number of important functions in preparing people to fit into society and make productive contributions.

The _____ perspective states that schools become a social problem when importing groups feel they are not getting what they deserve from the institutions of learning.


_______ refers to clustering people together in two classes within classes that contains students of comparable abilities for students with similar educational goals.


______ refers to the economic, social and cultural changes that occur when a pre industrial society makes the transition to a more advanced industrial society.


Thomas, an educationalist, feels that tracking or formalized ability grouping of students in the US is not a completely fair process. which of the following is a reason for Thomas to have such an opinion?

Tracking decisions are made, at least in part, on the basis of stereotypes about social class and race.

_____ is the problem resulting from the use of global positioning systems by car rental companies obtain a minute by minute record of where their vehicles are.

Loss of privacy

_____ refers to the use of organisms or parts of organisms to make products or carry out tasks.


Which of the following is true of homeschooling?

It has developed because parents' motivation to provide moral, ethical, or religious training that they see as lacking in public schools.

How are public schools and charter schools different from each other?

Public schools receive state funding, while charter schools do not.

Which of the following is true of the back to basics approach to schooling?

It emphasizes the traditional core curriculum and I return to strong discipline.

Which of the following is true of the schools choice reform?

Schools will be motivated to provide the best educational programs if they were to attract students by convincing them and their parents about the quality of their education.

Which of the following is true of charter schools?

They receive state funding but are free from many school districts and state rules and have more freedom than mainstream schools and budgeting, hiring, and curriculum decisions.

_____ refers to research that studies the impact of technology on our physical, social, and ethical environment and seeking solutions to social problems that arise from technological development.

technological assessment

______ refers to a technology that is limited in size, decentralized, and response to human values and needs.

Appropriate technology

Martha, single parent, find it difficult to pay for her three children's school tuition with the salary she gets from waitressing. Based on this information, Martha would be considered poor under the _____ definition of poverty.


Which of the following is true of the road to definition of poverty?

It states that poverty will always exist irrespective of how affluent the society becomes.

The ____ definition of poverty views poverty not only in terms of how many resources people have also in terms of why they have failed to achieve a higher economic level.


Which of the following is considered a major reason for precision Lehigh poverty among children in the United States?

There more children being born to unmarried mothers.

Poverty among the elderly and in the United States is much higher in figures for_______.

Hispanic American elders

Which of the following trends has caused an increase in the percentage of homeless families in the United States?

the flight of jobs from cities where poor people live

____ is a situation in which everyone or nearly everyone who wants to work can find a job.

Full employment

Which of the following is a true statement about job corps?

It focuses on high school dropouts from poor neighborhood.

Which of the following is a true statement about social insurance programs?

There is no minimum income to be eligible for these programs

Shane was an assembly line worker at an automobile factory. An accident at the factory and left him disabled. Which of the following programs can help Shane?

Social Security

Supplemental security income is a program that provides______.

Money to certain categories of poor people with little income in few assets

Which of the following best defines racism?

It is the view that certain racial or ethnic groups are biologically inferior and that practices involving their domination and exploitation are therefore justified.

A prejudice refers to_____.

An irrational attitude towards certain people based solely on their membership in a particular group

A similarity between prejudice and discrimination is that both____.

Are based on a rational attitude towards certain groups

Marcus belongs to a minority group in the United States. His community values is cultural heritage and continues to practice its beliefs without a stimulating into the mainstream. Marcus believe that due to its rich heritage, his community is too. All racial groups, and its way of life is best and only way to live. Marcus is attitude towards his group is known as _____.


A____ is one of which there are two groups of workers willing to do the same work, but for different wages.

Split labor market

_____ is a type of exploitation in which a subordinate Group provides cheap labor that benefits the dominant group and is then further exploited by having purchased expensive goods and services from the dominant group.

Internal colonialism

____ refers to the an inequitable treatment of a group resulting from practices or policies that are incorporated into social, political, economic organization and that operate independently from the prejudices of the individuals.

Institutionalized discrimination

_____ are rigid and over simplified images in which each element or person in a category is assumed to do this all the characteristics associated with that category.


The _____ personality is characterized by a rigid adherence to conventional lifestyles and values, admiration of power and toughness in interpersonal relationships, submission to authority, cynicism, an emphasis on obedience, & a fear of things that are different.


In the context of discrimination against African Americans in school, what is the Supreme Court's ruling in the Brown vs Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas decision?

It ruled that separate but equal doctrine was unconstitutional.

The Indian Citizenship Act resulted in_____.

United States citizenship being granted to all American Indians

Which of the following statements is true about American Indians living in reservations?

They suffer high levels of unemployment and low levels of income

Which of the following situations leads to the implementation of the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882?

The increasing fear that Chinese would deprive whites of jobs in mining and railroading

Minority groups in the country of Ozwa are always discriminated against and treated with hostility. In order for them to be treated equally in society, they are forced to learn the practices of the majority community of Ozwa and adapt to the mainstream. By doing so they stand to lose their culture identities and are absorbed into the mainstream. This process of getting absorbed into the dominant group is known as____.


A similarity between a simulation and pluralism is that both____.

Describe how racial and ethnic groups relate to the mainstream culture of a country

Complete abolition of discrimination based on race and ethnicity and Johns has not been possible because ______.

It is difficult to prove that a person was denied a job based on race of grounds rather than educational qualifications.

Which of the following is the outcome of situations where affirmative action policies have been eliminated?

The number of children belonging to minorities that are admitted to schools has declined

Sex is an_____.

Ascribed status

What is the biological perspective about the role of sex in determining one's position in society?

Innate biological differences between men and women shape the contribution they make to society.

Functionalist argue that it is not particularly useful to use sex as a criterion for allocating jobs in industrial and post industrial societies because_____.

Economic competition contributes to sexual inequality

Sex refers to the___.

Biological role that each individual place, such as in reproduction

Learned behavior involves how people are expected to act as male and females in society is known as_____.


According to sociologists, which of the following is used as a gender specific term?


Gavin, a social worker, feel that women are still at the lower end of the status hierarchy in the workplace. He is most likely to agree with the fact that_____.

Women tend to hold jobs such as secretaries and receptionist

______ refers to sexual feelings, attraction, and actions directed towards members of the same sex.


True or false. People need more education today than in former times because today's jobs are more complicated and the technology more sophisticated.


True or false. Educational institutions in science and technology are two parts of society that play a key role in the process of modernization.


True or false. Us performance on standardized tests has improved in the US has an acceptable small high school dropout rate


True or false. Receiving welfare and encourages women to have more children to leave their husbands and to avoid work.


True or false. Most of the poor in the US are white, while non whites are disproportionately more likely to be poor than are whites.


True or false. Despite common misconceptions, many adults below the official probably do I'm actually work for a living, at low paying or part time work.


True or false. The Civil Rights Act, affirmative action, and other social policies have eliminated racism in the US.


True or false. The media can be considered contested territory, which groups attempt to influence and control as part of the struggle all the resources and society.


True or false. Affirmative action programs is one technique that has been used to try and improve race and ethnic relations in the US


True or false. More women are seeking political office than ever before.


True or false. Parents are not likely to treat male and female infants and young children and ways consistent with how they view masculinity and femininity.


True or false. From the beginning of school, children see many positions of authority and dominance over women.


True or false. The e world vastly expands the possibilities in terms of gender socialization for the young.


True or false. Women face discrimination on the basis of sex in education, the workplace, income, the military, and the courts.


True or false. Biological explanations state people are born with tendencies regarding sexual orientation.


True or false. The women's movement refers to the collective activities of individuals, groups, an organization whose goal is the fair and equal treatment of women and men around the world.


According to the interactionist perspective, what are the consequences of labeling?

Teachers may treat them different possibly giving students as labeled bright a little more encouragement and assistance

Describe a key factor responsible for the party of racial and ethnic minorities.

Oppression and discrimination

Why is a split level marketing to be a key factor in racial, technical, in sexual antagonism?

Presumed biological differences between the two groups can serve as the focus and discrimination and can be justified on racial grounds

What are the reasons for the emergence of gay communities?

Protection enabled gays to live among others who share their lifestyles and values