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54 Cards in this Set

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Sociological imagination

Wright mills this ability to see society different from an individualistic view.

Sociological imagination helps with what?

Helps a person distinguish between personal trouble and social or public issues

U.S., Canada, and germany

High income nations and cybernations

India, africa, and China

Are agricultural and low income cuntries

The law of three stages

The family, the state, and then the industry

Who coind the term "sociology"

Auguste Comte

Comte felt that as societies progressed through what scientific stages?

They go through a theological stage, a metaphysical, and then a scientific stage


Are the owners


Are the workers

Conflict perspective

Macro-level. Main idea of the conflict perspective is that differing levels of power in society creats continulus conflict. Karl marx emphasized power inequalities including money and political power


Sociologists obtain their knowledge of human behavior through research in order to move beyond guess work and common sence

Quantitative research

It has the goal of scientific objectivity and data that can be measured with numbers

Qualitive research

It relies on interpertation and description of underlying meanings and patterns of social relationship and results in word pictures.

Conventional research model

1. Select ans define a resurch problem. 2, review previous research.3. Formulate the hypothesis this is a statement of the relationship between variables. 4. Develope the research design. 5. Collect and analysis the data. 6. Conclusions

Random sampling

Every member of a population has the same chance of being selected.

Pick names out of a hat!


The impact of variables on the subject attitudes or behaviors is studied

The expieremental group

Is exposed to the independent variable; the control group is not. The difference in the dependent variable is measured.


Multiple methods


They are strongly held norms. Breaking them bring stronger consuquences

Norms establish rules

Strongest mores are what?

Tabos: we cant even talk about it


Polygamy with women


Multiple husbands

Fam of orientation

Orients you to the world

Nuclear family

Parent& kids

Egalitarian family

Both parents share responsibility equally #happiest


Marrying someone the same as you

Talcott Parsons

Labor division




Sociology that examines populations bh size conposition and distribution

Decline in mortality

Fuelled by pop growth

Sex ratio

Males compared to 100 females

Malthusian perspective

Pop grows geometrically

Food grows arithmetically



Rich move to low income places

Network theory

Migrations continue because of relatives

Ideal types of athority

Tradidtional . Charismatic. Rational


People hold the power

Rulling class/ conflict perspective

G. William Domhoff said that 1% who control the money and media

The graying process

In japan has taken only 25 years. In year 2025, 25% of the japanese will be over age 65

Disengagement theory

Older people die and make room for younger generation

Ethnic group

People who share common cultural traits or natonality characteristics

Dominant group

People who have the advantage have resources

Subordinant group

Disadvantage unfair treatment

Interactionist perspective on ethnic and race

Looks at the micro level contacts between individuals


Any behavior, condidtion, that violates cultural norms

When are acts deviant?

When they r determined as such by a group or society

Internal social control


External social control

Police. Keep people in line

Social control

Ways society uses to motic ate people to stay in bounds


Doesnt accept either means or goals

Group of drug addicts

Social dynamite or social junk

People without power

Vice. Or moral crimes

Prostitution, drugs, illegal gambling,

Victimless crimes

The police

Crime control. High level of discression.

Fastest growing catigoru od homeless persons are

Families with childern 40%

Asceibed status

Born with it. Age ethnicity gender

Achived status

What you achieve occupation college income