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74 Cards in this Set

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small intestine 7m the longest region of alimentary tract is divided into three regions:

- duodenum

- jejunum

- ileum

modifications of luminal surface

(area of intestinal lumen is enlarged by the formation of):

*pilcae circulares



*crypts of Liberkuhn

Pilcae circulares =

valves of Kerckring

Pilcae circulares:

- transverse folds of submucosa and mucosa, that form elevations

- permanent fixures of duodenum and jejunum, end in proximal half of ileum

- increase surface area by 2-3

- decrease velocity of movement of chyme along the alimentary canal


- epithelial covered, finger-like, leaf-like protrusions of the lamina propria

- core with capillary loops, a blindly ending lymphatic channel -lecteal

- their number is greater in duodenum than in jejunum or ileum

- increase surface are of small intestine by factor of 10


- modification of apical plasmalemma of epithelial cells

- increase the surface area of small intestine by a factor of 20

Crypts of Lieberkuhn:

- invaginations of epithelium into lamina propria between villi form interstitial glands

- also augment surface area of small intestine

all surface area due to modifications is bigger by...

factor 400-600 !!!

Intestinal MUCOSA

three layers:

- simple columnar epithelium

- lamina propria

- muscularis mucosae

Epithelium of intestinal mucosa:

- simple columnar epithelium covering villi

- posses surface absorptive cells, goblet cells, DNES cells

Surface absorptive cells:

- tall columnar cells

- function: terminal digestion, absorption of water and nutrients

- most numerous cells of epithelium

- they make- brush-border

- posses microvilli with glycocalyx and all zonulae and junctions

Goblet cells:

- unicellular glands

-duodenum has the smallest number, it increases toward the ileum

- manufacture mucinogen, (mucin) component of mucus- making protective layer

DNES cells:

- production of paracrine, endocrine hormones

- small amount

M cells (Microfold cells):

- phagocytose and transport antigenes from lumen to the lamina propria

- squamous-like, where lymphoid nodules

- belong to mononuclear phagocyte system


(loose CT) housing:

- numerous tubular intestinal glands, Crypts of Lieberkuhn, lymphoid cells

Crypts of Lieberkuhn:

- increase the surface area of intestinal lining

- composed of DNES cells, surface absorptive cells, goblet cells, regenerative cells and Paneth cells

- simple/ branched tubular glands

Regenerative cells of small intestine:

- stem cells

- repopulate: crypts, mucosal surface, villi

Paneth cells:

- clearly distinguishable because of presence of large, eosinophilic apical secretory granules

- pyramid-shaped, occupy the bottom of the crypt

-manufacture antibacterial agent- lysozyme, proteins- defensin, tumor necrosis factor -alfa

- unlike others long life span 20 days

Muscularis mucosae:

composed of:

- inner circular layer and outer longitudinal layer of smooth m.m cells

- rhythmic contraction during digestion


- dense irregular fibroelastic CT with rich lymphatic and vascular supply

- posses innervation:

*parasympathetic : submucosal Meissner's plexus

why submucosa of duodenum is unusual ?

it houses glands known as:

Brunner's glands (duodenal glands)

Brunner's glands:

- produce a mucous, bicarbonate rich fluid as well as urogastrone (human epidermal growth factor) - inhibits HCl

-branched tubulo-alveolar with mucous acini

Muscularis externa of small intestine:

- inner circular

-outer longitudinal layer

- between Auerbach's myenteric plexus

-responsible for peristaltic activity of small intestine


second and third par of duodenum


entire small intestine

lymphatic draining in small intestine:

blindly ending lacteals -->submucosal lymphatic plexus--> lymph nodes--> torasic duct---> circulatory system

blood supply of small intestins:

- submucosal vascular plexus --> hepatic portal vein

the shortest segment of small intestine?


recives bile from the liver, digestive juces from pancreatic ducts which open in to a lumen of duodenum at the...

duodenal papilla (of Vater)


- posses the most Goblet cells


- posses the smalles amount of villi

- houses permanent clusters of lymphoid nodules known as Peter's patches

immunological activity of the lamina propria:

- immunoglobulin A produced by plasma cells in the lamina propria is recirculated through the liver and gallbladder

IgA-protein complex is transported into the lumen via...


glands of small intestine produce...

2 L of slightly alkaline fluid per day

small intestine participates in two types of contraction:

- mixing

- propulsive (peristaltic waves) <--- gastroenteric reflex <--- myenteric plexus

cholecystokinin, gastrin, motilin, substance P, serotonin....

increase intestinal motility

secretin and glucagon...

decrease intestinal motility

when muscularis externa is irritated it undergoes intense, swift concrations known as...

they propel chyme into colon within minutes for elimination as...

Peristaltic rush




final breakdown of protein and carbohydrates occurs at the...


(where dipeptides and disacharides adhere to glycocalix....monomers...transport)

lipids are emulsified by bile salts into small fat globules that are split into...

monoglycerides and fatty acids ---> micelles --> diffusion

absorption small intestine in numbers:

6-7 l of fluid

30-35 g of sodium

0.5 kg carbohydrates and proteins

1 kg of fat are absorbed each day !!!

long chain fatty acids and monoglycerudes --> SER of surface absorptive cell --> reestrification --> triglycerides---> Golgi + lipoprotein coat --> RER--->



large lipoprotein droplets ---> lymphatic vessels--> lipid-rich substance -CHYLE

short fatty acids do not enter SER for...


cholera toxin

10L per day because of diarrhea! + electrolytes

Malabsorption (sprue)

example gluten enteropathy (nontropical sprue)

- gluten -->allergic reaction





* cecum---> appendix

* colon (ascending, transverse, descending, sigmoid)

* rectum

* anus

large intestine function:

- it absorbs most of the water and ions, gases from chyme, compacts chyme into feces for elimination

cecum and colon are...

indistinguishable histologically

colon receives chyme from the ileum at the...

ileocecal valve

- anatomical and physiological sphincter that prevents reflux

Colon components:

- no villi

- richly endowed with crypts of Lieberkuhn (similar to those in small intestine except absence of Paneth cells

- goblet cells, DNES cells

Muscularis externa is unusual in large intestine that the...

outer longitudinal layer is not continuous thickness along the surface

instead most of it is gathered into three narrow ribbons of muscle fibers known as TAENIAE COLI

constant tonus maintained by the taeniae cili puckers the large intestine into sacculations called...

haustra coli


displays numerous fat-filled pouches called appendices epiploicae

bacterial flora of large intestine produce:

* indole, hydrogen sulfide, mercaptans

*by products: riboflavin, thiamin, vit. B12, vit. K

* gases: CO2, methane, H2---> flatus

*mucus and HCO3-

Pseudomembranous colitis-

inflammatory disease of bowel, most frequently due to prolonged antibiotic therapy




irritation of colonic mucosa ---> diarrhea

rectum and anal canal display longitudinal folds-

anal columns, (rectal columna of Morgagni)

anal columns (rectal columns of Morgagni) form pouch-like outpocketings:

anal valves with anal sinuses


kieszonka, torebka, etui

Anal mucosa:


- simple cuboidal

- stratified squamous nonkeratinized

- stratified squamous keratinized

lamina propria:

- fibroelastic CT

- houses anal glands, circumanal glands, hair follicles, sebaceous glands

muscularis mucosa:

-inner circular layer and outer longitudinal layer

simple cuboidal epithelium:

from retcum to pectinate line

stratified squamous nonkeratinized

from pectinate line till external anal orfice

stratified squamous keratinized (epidermis)

at the anus

submucosa of anal canal- content:

- fibroelastic CT

- two venous plexuses:

internal and external hemorrhoidal plexuses

muscularis externa of the anal canal:

inner circular and outer longitudinal layer of smooth muscles

the inner circular layer of anal muscularis externa at the region of pectinate line forms...

internal anal sphincter muscle

skeletal muscles of the floor of the pelvis form...

external anal sphincter

anal examination palpated structures:

males: bulb of penis, prostate, enlarged seminal vesicles, inferior aspect of bladder enlarged lymph nodes

females: cervix of uterus, pat: ovaries, broad ligament

Vermiform appendix:

5-6 cm ---> cecum

simple columnar epithelium


- rich supply of lymphoid elements, contains many more DNES cells in crypts of Lieberkuhn


- pain in the lower right quadrant

- fever, vomiting