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80 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
Another name for the vertebral column is the _______.
Spinal cord/ backbone
The two scapulae form what structure?
Thoracic girdle
Of what does the manus consist?
Carpal, Metacarpal, digital (sesamoids and phalanges) bones
The hindlimb is also called the _____ limb.
Pelvic limb
Is a gomphosis a true joint?
No, because teeth are not part of the skeleton
An epiphyseal plate is what type of structural joint? Functional joint (movement)?
Cartilaginous; immovable
What are two immovable joints and their structural classification?
Growth plate (cartilage) &
suture (fibrous)
What are two slightly movable joints and their structural classification?
Symphysis (cartilaginous),
Syndesmosis/ "ligamentous" (fibrous)
What cartilaginous joints tightly bind bones together and still allow some movement?
Symphysis (cartilaginous-slightly movable)
List examples of symphyses?
Pelvic symphysis, mandibular symphysis, joints between sternebrae, intervertebral discs
What type of joint occurs between the bodies of most vertebrae?
Symphyseal- intervertebral disc
A symphysis is what type of structural joint? What is the uniting medium?
Cartilaginous; fibrocartilage
List the 5 types of bone according to shape.
Short, flat, irregular, sesamoid, & long
How is movement of body parts accomplished?
Interactions of bones, their joints and muscles.
The space in the diaphysis of long bones contains_________ and is called the ______ _________.
Marrow; Medullary cavity
Give a few synonyms for the epiphyseal plate?
Epiphyseal plate, growth plate, physis, metaphyseal plate
Compact bone encloses spongy bone and the ______ spaces of the long bones.
Marrow/ medullary
How do intramembranous and endochondral osteogenesis of the mesenchymal precursor (primitive cells) of bone differ?
Intramembranous: turned directly to bone.

Endochondral: turned to cartilage 1st then into bone.
Where does intramembranous ossification take place?
Flat bones of the skull
How does bone increase in diameter?
Action of the osteoblasts beneath the periosteum.
What is the diaphyseal side of the physis where cartilage metamorphases (change) into bone?
What is a process due to muscle pull instead of an ossification center? Give an example?
Apophysis; deltoid tuberosity
Which type of physes contributes the most to lengthening of a long bone?
Compression, not traction
What is a smooth, flat, articular surface?
Facet/ fovea
A ______ is a sharp, slender process.
Name a rounded, articular process found on the prox. humerus and femur.
Name the large blunt process found only on the femur.
Name the process of the humerus similar to the trochanter of the femur.
Tarsal bones are classified as _______ bones and are ________-shaped.
Short; cube
List five processes.
Condyle, epicondyle, trochanter, tubercle, tuberocity, line, crest, head, spine, etc
What is a place of union between two or more bones of the skeleton?
Articulation and joint
What are two fibrous joints and what is the functional (movement) classification of each?
Suture (immovable),
Syndesmosis ("ligament joint),
(e.g. attachments between costal cartilage parts making up the costal arch and the interosseous ligament between the radius and ulna in carnivores (slightly movable).
What is the fibrous implantation of the teeth into the alveoli or the jaw bones?
What structure connects the pelvic limb to the axial skeleton?
Pelvic girdle
Name 3 of the 4 embryonic bones that form the hip bone?
Ilium, pubis, ischium (and acetabular bone)
What are the primary functions of the fore and hindlimbs?
Forelimb: support and walking
Hindlimb: support and forward
What type of stance do carnivores have?
What is another name for the elbow joint?
Cubital joint
Where is the elbow joint?
Between humerus ulna, and radius
What joints are between a metacarpal bone and a proximal phalanx?
Metacarpophalangeal (MP) Joints
Of what does a typical intervertebral articulation (joint) consist?
Symphyseal (intervertebral disc) joint + synovial (cranial & caudal articular processes) joints
What connective tissue caps the spinous process of the back?
Supraspinous ligament
What lubricating, viscous fluid is produced by synovial membranes?
Synovial fluid
What is the function of the articular cartilage?
Reduces concussion & friction effects
What is the nerve and vascular supply in articular cartilage?
Doesn't have any
What supplies the the nutrients and removes waste from hyaline cartilage?
Synovial fluid
Where are bursae located?
Between skin & bones, tendons & bones, muscles & bones, or ligaments & bones
Where are synovial sheaths commonly found?
Carpus, tarsus, digits
Give an example of a compound joint.
Stifle, elbow (> than 2 articular surfaces)
Give examples of a plane joint.
Carpal, small tarsal bones, cranial & caudal articulations between vertebrae.
Give examples of a ball-and-socket joint
Shoulder & hip joints
What is a uniaxial joint allowing rotation around a longitudinal axis of a bone?
Pivot joint
Give an example of a pivot joint
Atlanto-axial joint, proximal radioulnar joint
What uniaxial joint is formed by 2 condyles of 1 bone fitting into concavities of another bone
Condylar joint
Give an example of a condylar joint?
Femorotibial (stifle) temporomandibular, atlanto-occipital
What type of action is permitted by a condylar joint
Flexion & Extension & a little rotation
Name three structures consisting of common integument.
Sweat glands, skin, claws, hoof, horn, and hair
Of what does the subcutaneous layer consist?
Loose connective tissue
What are the long filamentous appendages of skin?
What is the smooth muscle associated with hair?
Arrector pili muscle
What is the insertion of a muscle?
Distal or usually more movable attachment
What is the origin of the muscle?
Proximal or usually least movable attachment
Which attachment is the origin for the extrinsic limb muscles and the muscles of the rest of the body?
Least movable
What type of muscle's fibers encircle an opening?
Muscles having the same action on a joint will generally be innervated by the _____ nerve.
How do muscles work mechanically?
by pulling, not pushing
In anatomy how does the length of a name compare to the importance of a structure?
Longer name= less important
List the two synonyms for the superficial fascia.
Subcutanious connective tissue, hypodermis, subcutis
What are the extensions of the deep fascia compartmentalizing the muscles?
List two cutaneous muscles.
Cutaneous trunci and supramammary muscles
In which layer are the cutaneous muscle located?
In the superficial fascia
What is the innervation of the cutaneous trunci muscle?
Lateral thoracic nerve
What is the function of the cutaneous muscles?
Twitch skin, shoo flies away
With what is the word brachium easy to confuse?
Brachy (meaning short)
List 5 structures you should easily be able to palpate on the thoracic limb.
Spine of scapula, acromion, point of shoulder, epicondyles, point of elbow
List three things you can palpate on the thoracic limb.
Tubercoxae, greater trochanter, ischiatic tuber, and point of hock
What does the external perineum include in the female dog (bitch)?
Anus and the vulva
What is the ventral boundary of the perineum in the male dog (dog)?
Top of the scrotum
What are the boundaries of the perineum?
Dorsal; base of tail; lateral: tuber ischii; ventrally past vulva or base or scrotum
What word can be mistaken for the word perineum?
Peritoneum, peroneal