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28 Cards in this Set

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Study all methods of birth control

Barriers--block sperm: condom, diaphragm

Spermicides--kill sperm: jellies, foams, suppository

Hormonal--puts hormones into the body: pills, patches, IUD w/ hormones

What occurs in a vasectomy and a tubal ligation?

Vasectomy: vas deferens are snipped, cauterized, and stitched so that sperm cannot get out of the epididymis

Tubal Ligation: Fallopian tubes are snipped, cauterized, and stitched so that an egg cannot get out and meet a sperm

What is ejaculation?

The process by which sperm and semen leave the body

What occurs at ovulation?

An egg travels down the Fallopian tube after being released from a ruptured follicle

What are the functions of the ovaries?

They store eggs and secrete hormones

Describe the structures of the female reproductive system and know their functions

Ovaries: almond-shaped, store eggs, secrete hormones

Fallopian tubes: lined w/ cilia to transport the egg, fertilization happens here, angel-hair pasta sized

Uterus: pear-shaped, muscular, baby grows and develops here

Cervix: neck of the uterus

Vagina: 3-4 inch tube muscular tube, organ of intercourse, birth canal

Explain how hormones control that changes that occur at puberty.

FSH and LH from the pituitary gland start the changes in the gonads. When estrogens and androgens are released, they cause all of the secondary sex characteristics, like body hair growth, muscle development, breast development, deepening of the voice, and sex desire

What is the function of the umbilical cord?

It is the lifeline for the embryo/fetus, arteries and veins to transfer O2/waste/food/etc to ad from the mom via the placenta

How does the pituitary gland play a major role in the functioning of the reproductive system?

Everything starts in the pituitary gland. It releases FSH an LH, which cause the reproductive things: sperm development, testosterone, growth of testicles and penis, estrogen, eggs, endometrium

Describe the structures and functions of the male reproductive system

Scrotum: skin that houses and protects the testes

Testes: produce sperm and hormones

Penis: cylindrical organ of intercourse

Epididymis: comma shaped, behind testes, store sperm

Vas deferens: main passageway for sperm to travel, testes to urethra

Urethra: connected to bladder and prostate, semen and urine go through

Bulbourethral glands: produces a lubricating fluid that cleans urethra out

Seminal vesicles: add fructose as nutrients to sperm

Prostate gland: secretes chemicals that aid in fertilization

What does estrogen do?

Causes all secondary sex characteristics and egg to mature

What does progesterone do?

Building and shedding of the endometrium

Where is testosterone produced?


What is the follicle?

Cells that surrounds the egg in the ovary to protect it

Explain the function of the placenta

It is the exchange zone and is a network of vessels that connect to the uterus wall

Describe the difference between the morula and the blastocyst

Morula: tightly packed ball of cells

Blastocyst: hollowed-out ball, filled with fluid

What does the term genital mean?

External sex organs

What is the endometrium?

Lining of the uterus

What is circumcision

The removal of the foreskin of the penis

List the glands that produce semen

Bulbourethral glands (lubricant, cleans out urethra), seminal vesicles (adds fructose), and prostate gland (secretes chemicals to aid in fertilization)

What are endocrine glands?

Glands that release directly into the blood; ductless

Describe the difference between a zygote, and embryo, and a fetus

Zygote: fused sperm and egg, cells that divide but don't grow, in Fallopian tube

Embryo: 2nd week-8th week

Fetus: 3rd month-9th month

What occurs during gastrulation?

Cells becomes specific layers through differentiation: ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm

What are FSH and LH? Where do they come from? What do they do?

Both are produced in the pituitary gland. FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) tells gonads to produce hormones, LH (luteinizing hormone) releases progesterone and androgens

Describe the function of the amniotic sac

It holds the embryo/fetus and, w/ fluid, acts as a shock absorber and maintains temp; same DNA as kid

What is a cesarean section?

The baby is delivered abdominally with an epidural

Identify the processes that occur during the menstrual cycle if pregnancy does not occur

Menstruation happens for 3-10 days, lining is shed. Then, progesterone is releases and a new lining is built up as a follicle prepares to rupture. Once ruptured, the egg is released, surrounded by the corpus luteum. It travels down the Fallopian tube and disintegrates if there is no sperm. Then the cycle starts over.

Trace the journey sperm must make in order to encounter the egg

Testes-seminiferous tubules-epididymis-vas deferens-urethra-out of penis-vagina-cervix-uterus-Fallopian tubes-meet egg-use enzymes to break down protective layer to get inside egg-fertilization