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22 Cards in this Set

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What is Jacksonian Spread?
Spread of seizure activity along motor strip
What is a partial seizure with secondary generalization?
Starting on one hemisphere and spreading to the other, will result in altered consciousness once bilateral involvement
What is a simple partial seizure?
No alteration in consciousness.
What is a generalized seizure?
Bilateral involvement.
What is a generalized tonic seizure?
Sudden muscle rigidity, may fall.
What is a generalized tonic-clonic seizure?
Rigidity followed by jerking.
What is a generalized clonic seizure?
Jerking without a rigid phase.
What is a generalized atonic seizure?
Loss of muscle tone.
What is a generalized absence seizure?
"Petit mal", fluttering eyelids, induced with hyperventilation (have the child blow on a pin-wheel to induce this)
What is a generalized cyclonic seizure?
Rapid, nonrhytjmic jerking; often have benign versions as falling asleep
What is the EEG pattern of an absence seizure?
3Hz spike and wave pattern.
What percent of interictal EEGs will show epileptiform activity in patients with epilepsy?
Common metabolic causes of seizures include:
Hypoxia, hypo/hypernatremia, hypo/hyperglycemia, hypocalcemia, hypomagnesia, uremia, liver failure
Common drug causes of seizures:
Antidepressants and antipsychotics
What medication to give for absence seizures?
Ethosuximide, valproic acid secondary
Causes of status in patients without epilepsy history?
Meningitis, encephalitis, large stroke, withdrawal
Labs for status?
CBC, CMP, pH, fingerstick
Drugs to start with for seizures?
Lorazepam, 2mg/min up to 8mg
Antiepileptics to start?
Fosphenytoin 150mg/min
What next?
Midazolam drip, phenobarbital drip (monitor for arrhythmias)
What AED to avoid in pregnancy the most?
Valproic acid
What is Todd's paralysis?
Transient weakness after high seizure activity.