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121 Cards in this Set

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When America became a New Nation, what was the problem it first faced?

Unified nation or 13 separate states.

What factors encouraged unity?

English & lang. culture, all located along side Atlantic Coast, no hostility towards each other, and common effort against England.

What factors encouraged separate states?

People divided by states, lack of contact, states not dependent economically and states didn't face common enemy.

What was a long lasting factor of the Revolution Era?

Written Constitution

What was the 1st task of the new government

To create a new constitution

What did the new constitution have?

It coincided with colonial experience, had law & order, surrendered power, society gets together & agrees on the rules of gov. right to abolish natural right, and government lasted as long as it served the people.

Why was there emphasis on decentralizing gov. power.

Because of King George III, limit government power, and to protect individual rights.

Who created the separation of powers and what where they?

Virginia created the 3 branches of gov. which were the executive, judicial and legislative branch.

Why was the Articles of confederation unsuccessful?

Because it had a weak gov.

What were the qualities of the Articles of Confederation that made it weak?

Individual states took preference of interest, it had state sovereignty, it made it impossible to pass laws, no power to tax, no army, no commerce power, and no executive or judicial branch.

What were the successful factors of the Articles of Confederation?

Proposed Ordinance 1784, Land Ordinance 1785, & Northwest Ordinance 1787. Constitution adopted, slavery abolished, Bill of Rights and public education.

Foreign Policy Problems

British haven't left (creditors & property not refunded) and Spain controlled Mississippi river. Also had a weak military, congress could not enforce agreements on states / foreign advances.

What were the English tactics?

extended liberal credit terms, low price goods, trade imbalance, drained American currency, & merchants lost trade advantage.

Economic Depression (1784-1787)

Excessive amount of paper money, purchase power declines and price rises.

Shay's Rebellion

Farmers protest because of Massachusetts gov. heavy taxing and foreclosures.

Who was Daniel Shay

Led protest in Rebellion & planned to rob Arsenal to take over.

Importance of Shay's Rebellion

Exposed weak government & caused the national gov. to get revised and become stronger.

Mount Vernon Conference

Maryland/Virginia made tariffs & regulations on commerce/currency.

Annapolis Conference

Virginia legislature proposed all states & delegates to discuss trade/commerce. (5 states show up)

Confederation Congress

6 States appoint delegates & congress recommends a convention (ignores Annapolis)

Philadelphia Convention

11 States (except Rhode Island) show up, because of Shay's Rebellion.

Who did not show up to the Philadelphia Convention?

Jefferson & Adams / Thomas P. were in Europe. John J. / Patrick H. declined. Sam A / John H not appointed.

What did Charles Beard do?

Said that the rural area & the poor were underrepresented.

What did Forrest McDonald do?

Studied Delegates & how they voted. They were influenced by states and localities.

What did Robert Brown do?

Said that Beard was over stressing about class conflict after Revolution.

Who did the Independence Hall choose to become the first president?

Ben Franklin, but declined.

Who was William Jackson


What were the records of the convention?

Only records were the notes from James Madison which were "The Papers of James Madison"

Who presented the Virginia Plan

Edmund Randolph presented plan under James Madison.

What did the Virginia Plan have?

A legislative, executive and judicial branch. Was able to negate laws that conflicted the constitution.

What did the New Jersey Plan have?

Leg. (states collect taxes & congress could act), ex. and judicial (acts supreme law).

Connecticut Great Compromise

House based on population. Equal representation. Bills start at house. Small states guaranteed Article V (no amendment can change equal representation)

3/5 Compromise

South wanted representation not taxation. 3/5 slave count.

What did the Commerce/Slave Trade Compromise do?

North central gov. control trade. South did not like. President negotiates treaty. Slave trade not prohibited for 20 years. Treaty approve 2/3 senate. 26 resolutions

What did the Campaign Ratification do?

Article VII went into effect (sent to state legislature)

What did the Federalist think about the ratification?

They favored it

What did the anti-federalist think about the ratification

They opposed it

What were some criticisms about the ratification?

No evidence of God. It was accepted/rejected without revision. Exceeded instructions. No undefined terms (monarch president). No Bill of Rights.

What was the campaign of Virginia/New York?

New nation would be weak if not ratified.

What was the Virginia Convention?

Patrick Henry led an opposition. James Madison debates with Patrick Henry

NY Convention

Alexander Hamilton persuaded James Madison/John J ti write essay that defends the constitution, which would be called (Federalist). Helped win support of the constitution. Bill of Rights was promised.

The Convention was created and it had

a democratic form gov. ,a federal system, separation of powers, checks and balances, electoral college, and a constitution written in general terms.

What was the first election conflicted on?

Personal desires

Who was Vice President

John Adams

Who was Secretary of State?

Thomas Jefferson

Who was Secretary of Treasury

Alexander Hamilton

Who was Secretary of War?

Henry Knox

Who was Attorney General?

Edmund Randolph

Who was Postmaster General?

Samuel Osgood

What was the Legislative Organization

Each house has its own rules and organized committees

What was the Judicial Organization

It had 13 district courts

Who was the first Chief Justice?

John Jay

Bill of Rights

Freedom of Speech/Religion, restrict personal seizure, protect self-incrimination, all power not given to government reserved to states.

What did Hamilton do and create?

Created Federal revenue and protected industries from competition

What were the financial problems Hamilton faced?

Debts with foreign countries, speculation everywhere, and commercial activity was disrupted.

What did Alexander Hamilton promote?

Private enterprise

What were Hamilton's proposals?

Report of Public Credit, Report on National Bank, Report subject manufactures, Establishing National Credit, and 40 new corporations.

What were 1790's politics dominated by?

Factions - temporary parties dealt with small problems

Why were political parties created?

Because of Hamilton/Jefferson split. Hamilton followers were Federalist (George Washington). Jefferson was democratic republican (James Madison).

Who won the second election of the US

George Washing (unanimously)

What was the Whiskey Rebellion?

It was a tax that affected farmers, which they refused to pay and had an armed resistance where Hamilton sent 15,000 troops.

What did the Whiskey Rebellion do?

Tested the constitution, national loyalties. Increased central gov. fear of becoming too powerful.

French Revolution in America

Americans support until the Reign of Terror. US did not get involved despite moral commitments to repay French and legal commitment (Treaty 1778).

Neutrality Proclamation 1793

George Washington (Neutral). Napoleon takes over France Hamilton pro-British Jefferson Pro-French

"Citizen" Gentlemen's Affair

Minister is enlisting Americans, Washington contacts French to recall Genet. Hamilton says Treaty of 1778 was with King Louis XVI

What was Jay's Treaty

Jay goes to London in response to the British stopping American trade, British forts in Northwest, policy keeps Indians hostile, failed to open west indies to American commerce, impressing American Sailors, Location Canada to be main border.

Results of Jay's Treaty

Mainly promises from Treaty of Paris. Minor power. Postpones conflicts.

Pinckney's Treaty

Spain recognized 31st parallel boundary of Florida. Restrain from Indians attacking US. US given navigation of Mississippi to New Orleans

1794 Battle Fallen Timbers

Indians defeated by General Mad Anthony Wade. Indians abandoned to claim land. New area to be settled.

Land Act 1796

Township divided & sold to settlers next township was for speculators. Minimum price 2$ per acre. Credit provisions provided.

Farewell To Washington

Received lots of attention from Historians. GW Opposed political parties & permanent alliances. Need only "temporary alliances"

Election 1796

Partisan basis. Federalist (John Adams & Thomas Paine) Democratic Republican (Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr) John Adams won.

XYZ Affair

French attack American ships. Charles P., John M, and Elbridge G. sent to negotiate. French demanded bribe-America refused. Federalist demanded War. Treaty 17798 doesn't exist. made Navy. America attacks French ships. Undeclared War.

War Hysteria

Federalist gain power (Democratic Republican) Pass 3 articles

Naturalization Act

Lengthened residency requirements 5 years to 14 years.

Alien Enemies Act

Power over aliens. If suspected arrested with no court.

Sedition Act

It was illegal to criticize government officials

Virginia & Kentucky Resolution

Madison & Jeff. States declare congressional act unconstitutional

Franco American Convention

Freed America from legal tides. No settlement on ship attacks and war was avoided.

Federalist Accomplishments

Set course new nation, Strong central gov., eco. policy, eco growth and development, stayed away from Europe, solved diplomatic issues with England.

Reason why Federalist declined and collapsed

Factionalism split on party (Hamilton & Adams) Unpopular acts. Rejected. Jefferson's government approach successful. Continuation never gained control of national gov.

Election 1800

Democratic Republicans nominated Jeff & Burr. Federalist nominated Adams & Charles Pinkney. Jefferson & Burr tied. Hamilton chose Jeff. Aaron becomes VP.

Because of the election of 1800 what does congress adopt?

12th Amendment - electoral college votes separately.

Jefferson's ideas

Provide a world example. Common man could be educated. Self Farmers backbone of America. Manufacturing and commerce not promoted. Individual Right important. Slavery was evil and will eventually end (had slaves)

Jefferson's doings

Restore American Rev. principles. frugal limited gov. reduce public debt. respect states rights. encourage agriculture. Limit role government in peoples lives. repeal taxes. cut military gov. expenses and fire federal tax collectors. Alien & sedition Acts expired Replace Federalist office holders with Republicans.

Judiciary Act of 1801

Create 16 Judge ships filled by Federalist

The Midnight Judges were created by

John Adams

Who was sent to negotiate the Louisiana Purchase

Robert Livingston & James Monroe

Louisiana Purchase

Napoleon offered to sell America for $15 million. Jefferson accepted despite constitution and made treaties. If not purchased other will. 13 new states.

Lewis & Clark 1803

Gathered geography, natural resources, wildlife and people.

Who was Sacajawea

Indian who helped Lewis and Clark expedition.

What did Timothy Pickering attempt to do?

Make a Northern Confederacy. New England, Jersey, York, and Canada to secede with British support. Important to control New York, Burr ran for governor but lost due to Hamilton's oppositions.

Burr-Hamilton duel

Because of personal attacks governor in New York. Hamilton missed but Burr didn't. Indicted for murder Burr fled to Georgia & South Carolina.

Election of 1804

Jefferson Wins

What did John Randolph do?

Led the rise of Conservatives, which opposed Jefferson.

Yazoo Land Frauds of 1804

Corrupt land grants, Jefferson proposed compromise and was criticized by Randolph. Settled by Fletcher V. Peck.

Aaron Burr Conspiracy

Scheme with James Wilkinson. Incited French settlers, Burr was caught and tried for treason found guilty. Chief Justice Marshall discredit Jefferson and acquitted Burr.

War Britain & France

British impressed Sailors & attacked American ships (Chesapeake in US waters)

Embargo 1807

To avoid war Jefferson imposed embargo foreign trade, which violates individual liberties and states rights. Brought economic depression in the US.

Jefferson's legacy

Influenced policies next 2 administrations, education primary, intellectual interests were universal, early american excellence.

What did the colonist think about the law?

Courts were used for oppression or economic penalty, while courts that provided justice were supported.

Constitution congress

"supreme law of land"

Judiciary Act of 1789

Supreme court was the final court

Alien & Sedition Acts

Revealed Judicial weakness

Chisholm V Georgia

Anyone could sue a state in federal court. This led to the 11th amendment

11th Amendment

Federal court cannot hear individual against other states.

Judiciary Acts if 1801

Federalist created 16 new federal judgeship's appointed by Adams "midnight judges"

Republican Reprisals

Repealed Judiciary Act 1801


District John Pickering of New Hamp. is convicted. Supreme Court justice Samuel Chase acquitted due to lack of evidence- saved federal judiciary.

Who was John Marshall

A Virginia federalist appointed by Adams. Chief Justice, which plays an influential role in American History.

Marbury V Madison

Marbury sued because of appointment of "midnight judges" Congress couldn't give power to SC under Judiciary Act 1789 1st time SC ruled act of congress unconstitutional. Supreme court had right for a judicial review.

Judicial Review

Power to decide constitutionality of laws. Major power

Fletcher V Peck

Yazoo land fraud involved SC ruled Georgia could not abrogate valid contract. rule constitution of state laws.

McCulloch V Maryland

McCulloch sued for not paying tax issuing bank not. States can't tax federal gov.

Dartmouth College V Wooward

Woodward treasurer of college. Original charter of college by King England not contract. Charter was a contract. States can't impair contractual obligations used judicial review against state laws.

Gibbons V Ogden

SC ruled in favor of Gibbons. Federal government regulated interstate commerce.

Long term effects of Marshall Court

Implied powers of congress supported. National dominance established over state,regional and sector domain. Supreme court to be broadened by future decisions. Judicial Branch made equal to legislative and executive branch.

Christianity rarely enjoyed a stable footing in America

Most groups were anti authoritarian. Church of England indifferent to colonial religion. GA revived anti-authoritarian ideas.

How did the revolution cost religious groups

Anglicans fled the country. fighting interfered. state gov separates churches. constitution forbade federal support

As Christianity decreased, unusual substitute increased

Deists skeptical, Unitarianism offered alternative to New England, who disagreed with revivalism, Freemasonry offered, secular ritual to alternative religion.

Christianity grew because

revivals proved to be vigorous of renewing christian conversion, virtue republican vital to republican optimist future with religion optimistic next world