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9 Cards in this Set

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2 tablespoons butter

2 tablespoons all purpose flour

1 cup milk

1 cup Romano cheese, grated

1/2 cup parmesan cheese

1 can (8 oz.) Pillsbury buttermilk biscuits

1 clove garlic

Approximately 2 cups of chicken

1 cup of broccoli

Smidge of basil

♠The word “pizza” dates back over a thousand years - it was first mentioned in a latin text written in southern Italy.

♠Muffins originally came from Wales in the 10th or 11th century.

♠The individuals molds is actually an American twist that came in the 18th century. They were originally cooked on a griddle.

1. Chop garlic

♠Garlic is believed to ward off heart disease, cancer, colds, and flu, lowers blood cholesterol levels, and reduces the buildup of plaque in the arteries.

♠It is also used to treat acne, warts, and toothaches and vaginitis.

♠smell of garlic can be removed from the fingers by running your hands under cold water while rubbing a stainless steel object.

2. Chop basil

♠Originally found in Africa, but later was spread from India to Europe through overland trade routes.

♠Basil is considered sacred in the Hindu cultures, believed by many to be a favorite food of the gods.

3. Chop broccoli

♠Broccoli is a member of the cabbage family, making it a cruciferous vegetable.

♠name is derived from the Italian word broccolo, meaning the flowering top of a cabbage.

♠The average American eats 4 pounds of broccoli a year.

4. Make sauce

♠Americans consume 25 gallons or 400 glasses of milk per year

♠A cow produces 200,000 glasses of milk in a lifetime

♠Grinding stones from Italy, Russian and the Czech Republic have been found embedded with starch grains, suggesting that 30,000 years ago people processed roots from cattails and ferns into flour.

5. Grate Cheese

♠Cheese has been used and made since ancient times, from Sumerians to Ancient Greeks.♠Cheese is formed by the coagulation of proteins in milk.

6. Grease pan and place in rolls

♠The Middle French word bescuit is derived from the Latin words bis (twice) and coquere, coctus (to cook, cooked), and, hence, means “twice-cooked”.

--This is because biscuits were originally cooked in a twofold process: first baked, and then dried out in a slow oven.

♠The Pillsbury company was founded in 1872 by Charles Alfred Pillsbury and his uncle John Pillsbury.

6. Wash/Open cans

♠Always wash your cans before you open them. The outside is covered with germs and dust.

♠In 2007, 95 percent of commercial restaurants had chicken on the menu.

♠More than half of all chicken entrees ordered in restaurants are for fried chicken.

♠The human body can derive about 30 different nutritional substances from just 100 grams of chicken.