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36 Cards in this Set

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What are some general characteristics of Kingdom Plantae (plants)

They are autotroughs, the undergo photosynthesis, they have chlorophyll, and they are at the bottom of the food chain.

What is the general structure of a flower?

stamen, anther, filament, petal, pistil, stigma, style, ovary

what are general characteristics of plants?

Flower, root, stem, leaf

what is a vascular plant?

a plant with roots

what is a nonvascular plant?

a plant that does not have roots.

define annual plant

a plant that you must replant every year because it dies after one year.

define biennial plant.

a plant that comes back for two years.

define perennial plant

a plant that comes back every year.

what is an angiosperm

a flowering plant with seeds in an ovary.

what is a gymnosperm?

a plant that produces seeds in cones.

what are some conifer families?

pine, spruce, yew, cypress, and redwood.

What encloses a seed of an angiosperm?

an ovary

what does an ovary grow into as it matures?

a fruit

what are the two classes of angoisperms?

monocot and dicot

what is a monocot?

a plant that produces a single cotyledon (an embryonic leaf in seed bearing plants - the first to appear that contains food to nourish the seed/undeveloped plant)

what id a dicot?

a plant that produces two cotyledons (embryonic leaf in seed bearing plants - the first to appear that contains food to nourish the seed/undeveloped plant)

what is the xylem?

the xylem is a transportation vein that carries water and nutrients up the plant to the leaves

what is the phloem?

the phloem is a transportation vein that carries sugar from the leaves to the rest of the plants and the roots.

what is the structure of the veins on a parallel leaf?

the veins are all straight up and down parallel to each other like a grass blade.

what is the structure of the veins on a pinnate leaf?

one main vein extending from the base to the tip of the leaf and smaller veins branching off the main vein in patterns sort of like a "V".

what is the structure of the veins on a palmate leaf?

the veins are radiating outward from the base of the leaf like fingers spread out from the palm of a hand.

what are the basic parts of a typical leaf?

upper epidermis, mesophyll, lower epidermis

what is a stomata?

a tiny pore protected by guard cells that lets in Carbon Dioxide and other important gasses. It can also let important things like water escape.

what is a guard cell?

guard cells open and close the stomata to conserve water and let carbon dioxide in. They open and close the stomata according to the needs of the plant and the ability to things the plant needs.They protect the plant.

what is the epidermis?

the epidermis is the outer layer of cells covering a plant. They create a waxy film over the leaves.

Why is a plant green?

All plants have chlorophyll (the pigment responsible for photosynthesis) in them. Chlorophyll reflects the color green. Our eyes receive that color, and we see green.

what is bark?

Bark refers to all the tissues outside of the vascular cambium Bark is also the outermost layers of stems and roots of woody plants.

what is a potato?

an edible tuber!!! (WOW... I NEVER knew XD)

how can you determine the age of a tree?

by counting the rings on its trunk

what three ingredients must be present for photosynthesis to occur?

Water, Sunlight, and Carbon Dioxide

what does photosynthesis yield?

oxygen and sugars

what is autotraughic nutrition?

it means the organism can create its own food

what is hetrotraughic nutrition?

a hetrotraugh is an organism that feeds on other organisms.

define chloroplast

a small organism that contains chlorophyll and in which photosynthesis takes place.

define thylakoid

each of a number of flattened sacs inside a chloroplast, on which the light reactions of photosynthesis take place, and arranged in stacks or grana.

define granum

the stacks of thylakoids embedded in the stroma of a chloroplast.