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14 Cards in this Set

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Mechanical mixture

Heterogeneous can see the different parts of the mixture

Granola gravel salt and pepper mixed


Homogeneous all appears to be one substance but it is really more than one

Vinegar pop tea glass


Cannot be broken down any further

Copper nickel hydrogen


Two or more elements combined in a definite proportion can be broken down into elements

H2O (water) CO (carbon monoxide)

Chemical formula

When we combine the chemical symbols to represent a particular compound

Water= H2O or hydrogen peroxide=H2O2

Physical changes

Change only in the way it looks

Liquid water turning into ice or cutting up a carrot

Chemical changes

One or more new substances is created

Mold growing on cheese or rust on a car

Reactants and products

In a chemical reaction something new is made (product) and something is used up (reactants)


{Water + iron + oxygen} = rust (product)

The Law of conservation of mass

In a chemical reaction the total mass of the reactants is always equal to the total mass of the products


The reaction needs energy

Baking a cake needs heat (En for enter)


The reaction gives off energy

Burning a candle (Ex for exit)

Reaction rate

The speed of a chemical reaction. there are four factors that can speed up or slow down a reaction

1. Temperature 2. Surface area 3. Concentration 4. Catalyst

Ionic compounds

Compounds that are formed from combination of differently charged atoms

Molecular compounds

Compounds that are formed from two nonmetal atoms