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25 Cards in this Set

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Microscopy + three types of scopsz

The science of using microscopes to view samples

Bright field/ bark field

Transmission electron

Scanning electron


Smallest unit that can perform the functions of life. Discovered by Robert Hooke - looked like monk cells

Cell theory

All living organisms are made up of one or more cells

The cell is the basic organizational unit of life

All cells came from preexisting cells

Parts of a cell

Nucleus: the organelle that acts like the brains- holds all GENETIC DATA

Organelles: specialized structure in cells

Organelles (12)


Material found in the center nucleus that contains genetic info; controls everything about that person


Segment of DNA that controls protein production

Cell cycle:

Interphase: Performs; grows; DNA replication

Cell division: Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase, Cytokinesis


Chromatin condense & become visible (chromosomes). Spindle fibers to opp sides. Nuclear membrane disappears. Spindle fibers form at each pole from centrioles.


Spindle fibers attach go chromosomes centromeres. Chromosomes all line up.


Centromeres split (spindles pull chromatid apart). Chromosomes go to opp sides.


Sis chromosomes arrive at piles. Centrioles replicate. New nuclear membrane. Chromosomes turn back to chromatin.


Cell membrane pinches=two sister cells

Cell checkpoints:

Makes sure that the cell is still healthy. Happens after+before division and after DNA rep

If ... cell checkpoints will kill cells

Not enough nutrients

DNA was not replicated

DNA was damaged


When cells continue to replicate even if they be damaged

Cell specialization vs differentiation

S: cells come from similar cells to perform specific task

D: stage of development when specialized cells form


Group of similar cells that share same function and structure


Combo of several types of tissue working together to perform

Tissues in plants

Tissue: dermal, ground, vascular (xylem/phloem)

Tissues in animals

All the human systems

Digestive system: parts, how it works

Respiratory: parts, how it works

Circulatory: parts, how it works