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90 Cards in this Set

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Proteins Building Block
Amino Acids
Proteins Uses in Body
Structure, Enzymes, & Energy
Carbohydrates Building Block
Carbohydrates Uses in Body
Energy, & Structure
Lipid Building Block
Fatty Acids
Lipid Uses in Body
Structure, Hormones, & Energy
Nucleic Acids Building Block
Speed Definition
How Fast You Go
Speed Formula
Velocity Definition
Speed with Direction
Velocity Formula
Acceleration Definition
The Change in Velocity Over Time
Acceleration What Affects It
1) Speeding Up
2) Speeding Down
3) Change in Direction
Acceleration Formula
Original Speed/Time
Newton's First Law of Motion
An object at rest or in motion will stay that way unless an outside force acts on it
Inertia Definition
Resistance to Motion
Newton's 2nd Law of Motion
a net force of an object causes it to accelerate in the direction of the force
2nd Law of Motion Formula
Mass x Acceleration
Newton's 3rd Law of Motion
for every action force there is an equal & opposite reaction force
Momentum Definition
Inertia in Motion
Momentum Formula
Mass x Velocity
Centripetal Force Definition
the force toward the center of a curved path that acts on an object
Centripetal Acceleration Definition
acceleration towards the center of a curved or circular path
Terminal Velocity Definition
maximum velocity reached by a falling object
Free Fall Definition
only force on the falling object is gravity
Gravity Definition
attraction between 2 objects due to their mass
Gravity What Affects It
mass of the object & the distance between them
Friction Definition
resistant force caused when two forces touch
Friction What Affects It
Mass & Surface
Mass Definition
amount of matter in an object
Weight Definition
gravity's pull on an object
Projectile Motion Definition
a curved path in the air taken by a projectile
6 Forms of Energy
thermal, electrical, light, nuclear, chemical, & mechanical
Thermal Energy
Heat Energy
Electrical Energy
Energy from Electron Movement
Light Energy
Energy from Light
Nuclear Energy
energy from the nucleus of the atom
Chemical Energy
found in chemical bonds
Mechanical Energy
Energy of Motion
Potential Energy Definition
energy of position or stored energy
Potential Energy Formula
Mass x Height x 9.8 m/s
Kinetic Energy Definition
Energy in Motion
Kinetic Energy Formula
mass x velocity^2 / 2
Heat Definition
the movement of thermal energy from an area of higher temperature to an area of lower temperature
Temperature Definition
measures average kinetic energy of the particles in an object
3 Methods of Heat Transfer
Conduction, Convection, & Radiation
Conduction Definition
transfer of heat through contact
Convection Definition
transfer of heat through moving currents in matter
Radiation Definition
transfer of heat by electromagnetic waves
Transfer of Thermal Energy Formula
Q = m x (Tfinal - Tinitial) x c
Work Definition
transfer of energy through motion
Work Formula
force x distance
Power Definition
amount of work in a period of time
3 Ways Machines Help Do Work
increases the force, increases the distance the force travels, & changes the direction of the force
6 Types of Simple Machines
lever, pulley, wedge, inclined plane, screw, & wheel and axle
Lever Definition
a rigid bar that pivots around a fulcrum
3 Types of Levers
first class, second class, & third class
1st Class Lever
fulcrum is between the input force & output force
examples: see-saw
2nd Class Lever
output force is between the fulcrum & input force
example: nutcracker
3rd Class Lever
input force is between the fulcrum & output force
example: rake
Pulley Definition
a grooved wheel with a rope or chain moving through it
3 Types of Pulleys
fixed, movable, and block & tackle
Fixed Pulley
changes the direction of the force, MA of 1
example: flag pole
Movable Pulley
changes the direction & increases the force, MA of 2
example: crane
Block & Tackle Pulley
changes the direction & increases the force, MA is # of ropes
example: sail boats
Efficiency Definition
how much useful work a machine can do
Efficiency Formula
work out/work in x 100
Wave Definition
a repeating disturbance that transfers energy through matter or space
Types of Waves
mechanical, & electromagnetic
Wave Speed Formula
frequency x wavelength or distance/time
Wave Behaviors
diffraction, refraction, reflection, & interference
Diffraction Definition
wave bends around a corner
Interference Definition
waves combine & overlap
Refraction Definition
wave changes speed as it changes from one medium to another
Reflection Definition
wave bounces off a surface
Why do we see color?
it is due to the reflection of different wavelengths of light off of surfaces
Pigment Definition
reflects certain colors
Filter Definition
lets certain colors through
Relationship between Pitch & Frequency
the higher the pitch, the higher the frequency
Relationship between Wavelength & Frequency
the higher the wavelength, the shorter the frequency
Sound Definition
compression wave caused by a vibrating object
Resonance Definition
when energy causes a material to vibrate at its normal frequency
Doppler Effect
the change in pitch of a sound due to movement
3 Types of Mirrors
plane, concave, & convex
Plane Mirror
creates a virtual upright image
Concave Mirror
bent inwards & consists of a focal point
Convex Mirrors
bent outwards & helps see larger area than normal
Types of Lenses
concave & convex
Concave Lens
it is caved in, makes a virtual upright image, & spreads out the image
examples: peepholes, telescopes, & glasses
Convex Lens
bulges out in the middle, & creates a real upright image
examples: projectors, microscopes, & glasses