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41 Cards in this Set

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Geostationary Orbit

Orbit of satellite matches rotation of Earth. Stays in the same position relative to the Earth

Astronomical unit

Approximately 150 million kilometers; the averagee distance from the Earth to the Sun

Sun spots

Dark spots appearing on the suns surface that are cooler


The scientific study of what exists beyond earth

Celestial object

Any object that exists in space


Everything that exists, including all energy, matter and space


A massive collection of gases, held together by its own gravity and emitting huge amounts of energy


Producing and giving off light, shining


A large, round celestial object that travels around a star

Solar system

The sun and all the objects that travel around it


A celestial object that travels around a planet or dwarf planet


The closed path of a celestial object or satellite as it travels around another celestial object


A huge, rotating collection of gas and dust, and billions of stars, planets and other celestial objects

Electromagnetic radiation

Energy consisting of electromagnetic waves that travel the speed of light

Electromagnetic spectrum

A range of wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation

Solar flare

Gases and charged particles expelled above an active sunspot

Solar prominence

Low energy gas eruptions from the suns surface that extend thousands of kilometers into space

Aurora borealis

A display of shifting colours in the northern sky caused by solar particles colliding with matter in earths upper atmosphere

Dwarf planet

A celestial object that orbits the sun and has spherical shape but does not dominate it's orbit


A chunk of ice and dust that travels in a very long orbit around the sun

Orbital radius

The average distance between an object in the solar system and the sun

Gravitational force

The force of attraction between allasses in the universe


The time of year when the hours of daylight EQUAL to the hours of darkness


The astronomical event that occurs two times a year, when the tilt of the earths axis is most inclined toward or away from the sun


A changing direction of earth's axis


The alternate rising and falling of the surface of large bodies of water; caused by the gravitational pull of the moon


A grouping of stars, as observed from earth

Celestial sphere

The imaginary sphere that rotates around earth, onto which all celestial objects are projected

Celestial navigation

Using the stars to determine location and direction on earth


A group of satellites that work to determine the given positions on earth


The apparent change in position of an object as viewed from two different locations


A massive cloud of interstellar gas and dust; the beggining of a star

Red supergiant

A star near the end of its life cycle with a mass that is 10 times (or more) larger than that of the sun; becomes larger and redder as it runs out of hydrogen fuel

White dwarf

A small, hot, dim star created by the remaining material that is left when a red giant dies


A stellar explosion that occurs at the end of a massive stars life

Neutron star

An extremely dense star made up of tightly packed neutrons; results when a star over 10 solar masses collapses

Black hole

An extremely dense quantity of matte in space from which no light or matter can escape

Star cluster

A group of stars held together by gravity

Red shift

The phenomenon of light from galaxies shifting towards the red end of the visible spectrum, indicating that the galaxies are moving away from earth

Big Bang Theory

The theory that the universe began in an incredibly hot, dense expansion approximately 13.7 billion years ago


A human-occupied or robotic vehicle used to explore space or celestial objects