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30 Cards in this Set

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Cell Cycle

Cycle of growth, development, and division that most cells in an organism go through

What are the two main phases of cell cycle?

Interphase and mitotic phase

What is the period if growth and development for a cell?


What are the three phases of interphase?

Rapid growth and replication of the organelles

Replication of the dna

Preparation for cell division

What is dna?

The genetic information in a cell

Interphase begins with a period of ________ __________.

Rapid growth

What is the name of interphases first stage?


What happens in G1 phase?

Organelles are formed

What is the 2nd stage of interphase?

S stage

What happens in the S stage of interphase?

The cell replicates its strands of chromatin (the dna)

What are the two identical strands of dna that make up the duplicated chromosome?

Sister chromatids

What are sister chromatids held together by?

Structure called the centromere

What happens during anaphase?

Sister chromatids in each duplicated chromosome separate.

During anaphase how are the duplicated chromosomes separated?

Separated and pulled in opposite directions by spindle fibers

What happens during telophase?

Chromosomes begin to uncool and two new identical nuclei form

What happens after mitosis?


What is cytokinesis?

Usually divides a cells cytoplasm forming a new cell membrane around each daughter cell

In animal cells what happens in the middle of the cell and what does it do?

A furrow.

It gets deeper until the cell membrane comes together to divide the cell.

What grows in plant cells what grows?

Cell plate grows outward toward a new cell Wall until new cells form.

What is the final stage of interphase?

The G2 stage

What is the G2 stage?

It is a period of growth and final preparation for mitosis

What does a cell do before it divides?

It makes copies of all its organelles.

What divides in mitosis?

The nucleus and its contents divide

In cytokinesis what divides?

The cytoplasm and its contents divide

What is the result of mitosis and cytokinesis?

Two new daughter cells are the result

What happens during prophase?

Duplicated DNA condenses into chromosomes

What happens during metaphase?

The chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell

What is the results of cell division

1. The cell cycle results in two new daughter cells that are genetically identical to each other and to the original cell which no longer exists

2. The cell cycle is important for reproduction and some organisms growth and multicellular organisms replacement of worn out or damage cells and repair of damage tissues

What happens during mitosis?

During mitosis the nucleus and its contents divide in two.

Who is my favorite out of all the people in my family?

My Neek.