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57 Cards in this Set

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contains both male and female parts for reproduction


pathway for water and nutrients to travel as well supporting the leaves and reproductive structures.


produces food, takes/releases O2 and CO2, H2O is allowed to leave


absorbs water & dissolves nutrients, as well anchors the plant in the ground


plant material that cannot be digested but that helps you to digest other food


How Plants Make Food

Photosynthesis equation

(water) + (carbon dioxide) + sunlight --> (sugar) + (oxygen)


contains chlorophyll which captures the sun’s energy and uses it to join the CARBON DIOXIDE and WATER to make SUGAR (where photosynthesis occurs)

The process of plants using the food they made.

Cellular Respiration

Cellular Respiration equation

(sugar) + (oxygen) --> (water)+ (carbon dioxide) + energy


the number of particles of one substance in a certain volume of another substance


Is movement of particles from high to low concentration, until there are equal particles everywhere


Is the movement of water across a permeable membrane


little holes in the leaves that allow gas to enter and leaves (Kind of like breathing)

Gas Exchange

In photosynthesis plants use CARBON DIOXIDE (gas) and make OXYGEN (gas)


evaporation of water from the surface of a plant (leaves), as more water particles move up to take the place of the evaporated particles

Capillary Action

water travels via tiny tubes, the attraction of water particles to themselves and the tubes causes the movement up the plant

Seed Coat

Protects seed until conditions are favourable for germination (ie, protects against animal's digestive tract)

Life Cycle Of A Plant

Seed >(grows)> Seedling >(grows reproductive structures)> Adult Plant >(pollination)> Seed


Occurs when pollen is transferred from the anther to the stigma and fertilizes the ovaries of the flower

Male part

Pollen Grains (contains pollen) - Small sticky cells

Female part

Ovary (center of the blossom) - Contains an OVULE (egg)

Pollination occurs when

the Pollen Grain lands on the Stigma of the flower (above the ovary) A pollen tube is formed growing down the Stigma into the Ovule

Pollination & Seed Dispersal

Wind & Water & Pollinators


search of nectar and by moving to feed they cover themselves in pollen transporting it to the next landing site where it sticks to the stigma of a flower. Example- Bee

Vegetative Reproduction

Reproductive process that is asexual and so does not involve separate male and female parts

Asexually reproduced plants are genetically identical


cut small pieces of a plant usually the stem create new roots and is planted

Root runners

off shoots that sprout into new plants


attaching one part of the plant to another having the two sections grow together

Basic Needs For Plant Growth

Water, Light, Nutrients, Space

Role Of Plants

Provide Oxygen, Shelter, Food

Mineral Particles

made from rock which has been broken down

Organic Particles

made up of plants and animals that once lived


partly decomposed organic matter

Sandy Soil

mostly large mineral particles - does not retain water well

Clay Soil

mostly small mineral particles - does not retain water well, however water has a tough time of permeating through it.

Loam Soil

good balance between mineral particles and organic particles . plenty of nutrients

Organic Fertilizers

Made from animal and plant waste. Example- Cow manure.

Chemical Fertilizers

Any of a large number of natural and synthetic materials


To supply (dry land) with water

Clearing the Land

Removing plants which were previously grown there


The Process of cutting into the soil and turning the top layer over,

Crop Rotation

Planting a different crop in a particular field every year


Amount of useful plant parts per plant

Hydroponic System

Artificial soil environment with water flowing through a pipe or container


individual organisms which are very similar in appearance, anatomy, physiology and genetics


specific characteristics of a plant


Distinguishes plants from other varieties of plants

Selective Breeding

Selection of certain seeds or animals for reproduction


hereditary unit that is transferred from a parent to offspring

Genetic Engineering

Artificial introduction of changes to the genes in a cell


A chemical designed to control or destroy plants


Chemical used to kill pests, especially insects

Biological Control

Use of living organisms or their products to control pest populations

Unintended Consequence

Are outcomes that are not the ones intended by a purposeful action.

Environmental Management

Balancing needs of humans with needs of the environment


A planted field will be used to support growth of just one variety of plant