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17 Cards in this Set

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What are the 3 main factors that influence Wildfire behaviour




What are four key elements of weather?

Air temperature

Relative humidity

Wind (speed and direction)

Atmospheric stability

How do slopes affect the speed of a fire?

For every 10° of upslope, doubles the rate of spread.

For every 10° of down-slope halves the rate if spread.

What are some of the contributing factors that will affect fuels?

Fuel type

Fuel size



Moisture content

What are the sizes of fuel?

Fine fuel (less than 6mm in diameter)

Medium sized fuel (6mm to 25mm in diameter

Coarse fuel (more than 25mm in diameter)

What is the FMC (fuel moisture content) influenced by?

Daily humidity cycles

Effects of recent rain

Moisture content of the soil

Condition of living vegetation

Name the parts of a fire

What are the 4 types of fires?

Ground fire

Surface fire

Crown fire


What do you have to be aware of when shovelling soil onto a fire to put out flames?

Be aware that embers may continue to burn beneath the surface

What are some of the tools used in dry firefighting?

Rake hoes, shovels and chainsaws.

What are 3 methods of offensive firefighting with wildfire?

Direct attack (low intensity fires)

Parallel attack (medium to high intensity fires)

Indirect attack (used for intense and inaccessible wildfires)

What are 3 methods of defensive firefighting with wildfires?

Line defence

Ember defence

Back stop defence

5 major rules of mop up

- Mineral earth break 1m wide minimum

- Extinguish tree stumps and logs within 20m of the perimeter of burnt area

- Extinguish burning trees within 100m of the perimeter of burn area

- Burn out unburnt pockets as required

- heaps must be: extinguished, broken up, dispersed, separated

What foam do we use with wildfires?

Class A foam

Hazards encountered at a wildfire

Dehydration and inadequate nutrition


Heat stress


What does LACES stand for?




Escape routes

Safety zones

PPE required at a bushfire


Particilate mask


Level 1 gloves

Level 1 shirt

Level 2 ankle boots

Level 1 pants