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108 Cards in this Set

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First Triumvirate
Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus; had no official status (unlike the second one); formed in 60BC and lasted until Crassus's death in 53 BC
Larger work= the Tragedies of Seneca
Thyestes (character)
Brother of Atreus, in exile from his fatherland
The ghost who is doomed for his sins to come back to earth and inspire his house to greater sin
the Fury
drives the ghost to do his part
King of Argos, grandson of Tantalus, who has quarreled with his brother and driven him into exile
lyricist, focus on Lesbia; lyrics are short and sweet;
Wrote Epigrams- about vanity, envy, love/lust, etc. Funny/clever
Wrote elegies; focused on cynthia; not going to talk about epic (but he does!!!!); reflects that it's Cleopatra's fault...
One of few female Roman poets; elegies
Cicero's stoicism
Virtue is above everything; more focus on the individual; living on- go to heaven; the gods- idea of divinity, like the watchmaker; you have a soul in stoicism
You have a poet and puella (girl)
Talk about what you are not going to talk about; showing you can talk about it
Not epic, not grand, not biting satire; 1 perfect observation; perfect length; wit is significant
In trouble with attending secret nocturnal rites in honor of the Bonda Dea (Good Goddess), dressed as a woman. Cicero was against him. Tribune in 58; campaigned to be elected praetor and Milo consul; Clodius was killed on Milo's orders when their gangs clashed; populace had loved him...
General under Sulla, received a triumph when marched to the gates of Rome, commander in third mithradic war (in the east), married to Caesar's daughter, solved the problem of the pirates, Consul in 55 with Crassus; made sole consul in 52 when Clodius died; he then made laws about 5 yrs between consul and governorship; Caesar=nervous (private status=problems)
Remember Pompey brought in all the money and riches from the East
Consul in 55 with Pompey
Clodius against Pompey
Clodius treated Cicero poorly; then provoked Pompey about his Eastern policy; when Pompey protested he that them assaulted and the consul's fasces smashed. He also called into question the validity of Caesar's acts as consul, even though one of those had been to changed his status from patrician to plebian
First campaigned in Gaul in 58
Caesar crossing the Rubicon
49 BC- committed himself to Civil War; Caesar mostly supported by Optimates and Pompey by senators; Cicero thought Caesar's cause had no moral/constitutional bias
The die is cast
Pompey vs. Caesar
Caesar beat Pompey... Pompey decided to seek refuge in Egypt but was killed there (that's when Caesar followed and Cleopatra became his mistress)
Caesar as dictator 49-44
Led militarty campaigns; (first consulship in 59); he made himself consul in 48... and then the Senate voted him dictatorships for ten years
Social problems Caesar fixed
Alleviated debt problme, fixed the calendar; colonies in Carthage and Corinth (not successful); Wanted to make Rome a center of culture/education
Caesar's problems
Too much clemency, didn't realize how much he needed the Senate's support
Political changes under Caesar
Increased Senate size (questionable people), doubled quaestors, doubled praetors; however, the Senate voted him on coinage, temple authorized for worship of him as God; adopted the title of perpetual dictator in 44
Post assassination
Antony was Caesar's fellow consul
Caesar's assassination
Brutus and Cassius were the main players. Antony was against.
Second Triumvirate
Antony, Octavian, and Lepidus
Served as tax collectors for Rome in the provinces and they made bids for projects. Caesar abolished this system and allowed them to collect it themselves.
Caesar's attitude towards many of his enemies- refers to forgiveness
first contrived to make himself pontifex maximus in Caesar's place
What happened after the assassination?
Augustus= avenger... Mark Antony as well???
Caesar+ Cleopatra
He made her a queen and brought her to Rome (signify a dynasty?)
he asserts the Roman identity that is divorced from the Republic
Civil War
49-45BC, Caesar crossed the Rubicon river into Italy and defeated Pompey at Pharsalus in 48BC... Pompey fled to Egypt was killed, and Caesar defeated the rest of the armies. In Rome, he appointed himself dictator
Ides of March and after
44BC, Caesar was assassinated, but Mark Antony drove the republicans to Greece and defeated the republican army at Philippi; tensions grew between Antony and Octavian and in 31BC Antony and Cleopatra's fleet was defeated by Octavian at Actium; the two comitted suicide
Supreme Roman poet; Roman citizenship later in life; author of the Ecologues, the Georgics and the Aeneid
Pastoral themes, but some reflect the sorrow and the passions of the real world
The Georgics
Like the Eclogus, modeled on a Greek poem; about farming and such (really not a manual); praise for Italy, talk of Civil wars, etc.
Manus marriage
The power held by the paterfamilias over his wife, if the marriage was a manus (under one's thumb), which increasingly in this period it was not
Sense of quasi-legal, quasi-relgious devotion to gods, country, and kin
Augustan legislation
Desired to preserve marriage, promote the birth rate of the free (privleges granted to those that had 3 children)
Period of peace, developed networks of roads, established the Praetorian guard, and rebuilt the city; recall the res gestae
Crazy love poetry.... then exiled and the Tristia
Ara Pacis
Roman monument- first to include contemporary women and children. Sought to portray peace and fertility brought about by Augustus. Also depicts scenes of Roman piety.
Res Gestae
Augustus chose to record his personal and public successes in the Res Gestae. It is his personal account of historical events!
Also rights about how much women suck. Cleopatra specificallly....
Tutor to Augustus- note letters; wrote thyestes
wrote the Satyricon
Throws a lavish dinner party... wife is Fortunata.
Main player of the story. Former gladiator. Has a hard time keeping his lover, a boy named Giton, faithful
Themes of Satyricon
Lack of authenticity, extravagance
Companion of Encolpius... who seduces Giton and Giton chooses to stay with
old poet- Encolpius meets at an art gallery
Caesar's grandnephew; Antony had been Caesar's fellow consul; Antony lost a lot of ground to Octavian; Octavian eventually got one of the vacant consulships when he marched on Rome; then saw to it that Caesar's assassins were formally condemned and outlawed. Octavian also reconciled with Lepidus
Second Triumvirate
Formally legal formed in 43; Octavian, Antony, and Lepidus- gained authority to make laws without reference to senate or people, to exercise jurisdiction without appeal, and to nominate all magistrates. However, some consultation of the senate and the people did continue. Used confiscations/proscriptions to get $
Battle of Philippi
42 Brutus and Cassius vs. Octavian and Antony; Antony's military prestige rose.
Sextus Pompey
Octavian divorced his sister and he was offended. Octavian defeated him, and Lepidus concluded that his time to displace Octavian had arrived; Octavian marched into Lepidus' camp and invited them to recognize him as their commander.
Antony (after Philippi)
stayed in the East... developed a relationship with Cleopatra; he was still married to Octavia! He apparently didn't care about Roman opinion/Octavian's opinion; Antony against Parthia- lost 1/3 of his army
Roman world and two rulers
From fall of 36, Antony and East and Octavian in the west; in 32, he finally divorced Octavia; Augustus further justified his cause by publicizing Antony's will
End of Octavian vs. Antony
Actium was in 31...30- Octavian mounted a full-scale assault on Alexandria. City fell easily and Antony committed suicide (reaction to false report that Cleopatra did the same)
Octavian's rule
Believed that from the traditional republican framework could emerge a way to satisfy the upper classes' desire to reestablish the supremacy of the senate and at the same time enable him to keep control; signalled his choice of approach in 28 by acknowledging Agrippa as a coequal and handed back all his authority to the senate and the people; consented to remain consul; at this time the Senate bestowed upon Octavian the new name of Augustus
princeps simply means leading figure; this new phase in Rome's history is termed the Principate
Influence; Augustus often advanced his interests not by open exercise of authority but by his personal auctoritas or influence
Second Settlement
Augustus resigned the consulship and never held the office again under normal conditions. Kept his provinces and imperium; his imperium was greater than the senate; took tribune; title of Pater Patriae was bestowed on him for life
Married Julia and had imperium bestowed on him; they had sons that Augustus adopted (Augusts wanted someone to succeed him)
Eventually adopted by Augustus... Augustus died in 14
Augustus and politics
Reduced the senate; appointed most of the top military/admin positions- so ambitious senators needed to maintain Augustus' favor; thus the morale of the senate was generally low; senate seemed just to approve what had already been decided in private elsewhere
Augustus and equites
equites were gratified when Augustus sought their assistance
Augustus and army
needed the army's unshakeable loyalty. People in army received a fixed bounty, during service could not be legally married; thus, service became a lifetime career choice, and the army a profession force
Augustus's peace
was one secured by victories; Augustus major concern in the East was to forge a viable relationshipo with Parthia; gave Romans a new conception of empire and their imperial mission
Augustus and city of rome
Improved the city's amenities and services; constructed monuments; new aqueducts were built; Rome became safer with "three urban cohorts" that maintained law and order. Augustus had his own guardsmen- the Praetorian Guard . He also provided memorable entertainment
Augustus outside Rome
He was welcomed- funded construction, selectively promoted an "imperial cult"
Magister equitum
commanded the troops in Rome; Lepidus served as this (Caesar's fellow consul)
Triumviri reipublicae constituendae
Triumvirs for the restoration of the state; assigned for five years; it was the second triumvirate
Divi filius
Son of a god- what Octavian became when Caesar was deified by the Senate, thus his prestige was enhanced
Donations of Alexandria
Where Antony gave eastern lands, some of which were Roman provinces, to Cleopatra, their three children together
First Settlement
The senate's bestowal of the name Augustus to Octavian, meant to give a religious connotation
Pater Patriae
Father of his Country, title given to Augustus in 2bce for life
Maius Imperium
greater power
Primus inter pares
First among equals- Augusts sought to portray himself in that way rather than rex or dictator, thus emphasizing civil rather than military power.
Maius imperium
the emperor was commander-in-chief of all armed forces by virtue of this maius imperium; his imperium was recognized as superior to other officials and he could give instructions...
Replacement consuls for the elected consuls which resigned midyear; satisfied the aristocrats' ambitions while maintaining the tradition of only having a pair of consuls at a time
Latin for "agent"; refers to equites enlisted by Augustus to manage provinces
Watchmen; prompted by a disastrous fire in Rome (Augustus)
Cronoa civica
Civic crown
Stick of vine wood used by centurions to maintain discipline
Aerarium militare
Military treasury founded by Augustus to fund the bounties to those who had completed military service. Lifetime service idea....
Urban cohorts
About 1,500 men who maintained law and order in Rome
City prefect
Commander of the urban cohorts
New age; the secular games of 17BC inaugurated this new age
Vital spark; revealing of how Augustus used religion to strengthen his own position; in each town, formation of a group of freedmen was encouraged that would maintain this
Members of the cult to Augustus' genius; they enjoyed a public role that their slave origin denied them
Koinon and concilium
Council celebrating Augustus' imperial cult
14-37; secretive, even suspicious individual; interactions with senators only worsened as treason (maiestas) trials increased during his rule; Thus, Tiberius relied on the Praetorian Guard; However, the Praetorian prefect may have played a role in his son's death; Tiberius never developed a close relationship with Rome's populace; seldom attended public spectacles; eventually moved to an island in the bay of naples; most of his energies went to military and administrative matters; Tiberius turned to Drusus to display his military might, but Drusus died young
Gaius (Caligula)
37-41; Tiberius' grandnephew and successor Gaius; showed himself accessible to the people, but he fell ill and behaved erratically. Appeared in the dress of various gods; Attended to the army and foreign affairs; had his statue installed in front of synagogues- contributed to the First Jewish Revolt; few mourned his passing
41-54; Gaius' uncle; had a scholar's mind and training (had cerebral palsy); survived years of Tiberius by playing the fool; treated the Senate with respect, yet he was almost fussy. Involved himself in a great deal of judicial activity (senate didn't like); relied on imperial freedmen which antagonized Rome's elite; credulous with women; more active militarily and desired to expand the empire- directed the invasion of Britain; celebrated military achievements; his widespread popularity never overcame the resentment felt towards him by senators
Had his mother killed and forced his tutor to commit suicide; the Senate finally declared him a public enemy; the Julio-Claudian dynasty ended with him; rumored to have caused the great fire of 64; relationship with the populace was not always smooth; tried to provide a scapegoat by attackin a new sect-the Christians; uninterested in military matters; British uprising and then the First Jewish Revolt broke out
Civil War in 68-69
Vindex began a revolt there (in Britain) in 67. Nero was declared a public enemy and the Senate recognized Galba as Princeps. Vitellius and Vespasian were delcared emperor by forces outside of Rome. Otho was declared emperor by Praetorian Guardsmen. Four legionss declared Vitellius as empereor. Galba misstepped and Otho was supported by the senate and the people. Otho and Vitellius clashed forces and vitellius won, but he seemed incapable of making political or miliraty decisions. Then the troops in Judea declared Vespasian emperor- they marched on Rome and senate and people declared him emperor
Results of Civil War
Catastrophe revealed the disunity of the empire and the civil war had destroyed everything in its path
Economic change
General rise in the economy
Beneficial ideology
Peace had been maintained by the threat of force and by a beneficial ideology. In Rome, imperial beneficence was regularly expressed in the provision of cheap food and lavish entertainments for the populace- the bread and circuses (panem et circenses)
Cities and Provinces
The empire relied on communities' self-administration
maius imperium
the power which made the emperor commander-in-chief of the armed forces; Rome's military tradiitons are very important and the success of an emperor relies on this. Imperial growth is significant.
treason trials begun in the reign of Tiberius. These charges could be brought on grounds of conspiracy, libel, or slander against the imperial house, or because of adultery with a member of the imperial family. Successful prosecutors were eligible to recieve a portion of the convicted individual's estate.
Praetorian Guard
elite guard in charge of protecting the princeps. Tiberius built a barracks for them between 19 and 23 CE on the edge of the city of Rome. The head of the guard was known as the praetorian prefect.
the assertion of equivalence between a foreign deity and a Roman one. This is related to the fact that Romans and their subjects could believe as they pleased, so long as they did not actively reject religious rituals that had been made part of the state religion.
Praetorian prefect- when Tiberius leaves Rome, he acts as an emperor