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43 Cards in this Set

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What are diff types of body tissue

1. Epithelial: covers exposed surfaces. Lines internal passageways. Forms glands

2. Connective: stores energy. Supports other tissues. Transports materials. Fills internal spaces.

3. Muscle : specialized for contraction. Skeletal muscle, heart muscle, walls of hollow organs

4. Neural: carries electrical signals

What is a basement membrane and in between which tissues can it be found?

Basement membrane is a thin fibrous extracellular matrix that seperates the epithelial tissue from the connective tissue

What are functions of epithelial tissue

1. Physical protection

2. Control permeability

3. Provides sensation

4. Produces specialized secretions

What is the tissue type through which gases pass in the lungs

Simple squamous epithelium

What is the composition of tendons and ligaments

Connective tissue proper: dense regular

Parallel collagen fibers with few elastic fibers. Most cells: fibroblasts

Why do cartilage and ligaments heal slowly after injury

The have no blood vessels. They are avascular. So nutrients must diffuse to injured areas

What kind of exposure causes permanent wrinkling of skin

UV exposure....or

Age, dehydration, hormonal changes

What type of muscle tissue can be controlled consciously

Consiously = volu tarily

Skeletal muscle

What are the characteristics of the three muscles and where do u find them

1. Cardiac: branching, striated, involuntary. Found walls of heart

2. Skeletal: multinucleated, striated, voluntary, long, cylindrical. Found skeletal muscle attached to skin or bone

3. Smooth: no striations, spindle like, forms sheets. Found walls of hollow organs

Where do u find smooth muscles

Walls of hollow organs.

Blood vessels. Respiratory, reproductive and digestive tract. Urinary bladder

What are characteristics of nerve tissues

Conducts electrical impulses.

Senses internal and external environment

Process and conducts info

CNS: brain and spinal cord

2 cells: neurons and neuroglia

Where is the subcutaneous layer located

Below dermis.



Subcutaneous layer

What type of epithelial cells are found in lining of trachea

Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium cells

What are the functions if skin

1. Protects underlying tissues...

2. Maintains temp

3. Excretes sweat, salts...

4. Stores lipids

5. Detects

6. Synthesize vitamin D

What type of co nective tissue is the dermis composed of

Dense irregular connective tissue

What happens to skin cells when it is pushed from inner layer of the skin to the surface

It dies. New cells are produces and pushes up the old ones

Where are the blood vessles that supply the skin located

Subcutaneous layer

Main function of melanocytes

1. Protects skin from sun damage uv rays

2. Skin color depends in production of melanin

What is eccrine sweat gland what is their stimulus

Water, salt electrolyte excretions. Plams and soles. Secretes directly on skin surface

Controlled independently. For thermoregulation

Coiled tubular gland. Cools body, flushes microorganisms and harmful chemicals from skin

What gland in skin forms acne

Sebaceous oil glands

What is intradermal injection and where is it given

Injec4ion to the dermis layer. Takes longer absorption time .so used as sensitivity tests, allergy test amd local anesthesia

What is osteocyte

Mature bone cell located in lacunae maintians protein and mineral content for matrix. Repairs damaged bone

What is lacunae

Where oscteocytes are located.

Main compositon of bone matrix

2/3 calcium phosphate

Interacts with calcium hydroxide to form crystals

1/3 collagen fibers

What is intramemrabous bone

Bones formed from mesenchymal or from fibrous connective tissue

What are funcs of red bone marrow

Forms red blood cells

Supplies nutrients to osteocytes

What are osteoclats

Aborb and remove bone matrix

Desloves matrix and releases stored minerals

What are osteons and osteoic canal

Osteon is a unit of compact bone. Haversion canal or osteon canal is where the vessels and veins are located

Endochondral ossification

Hayline cartilage into bone


1. Bone collar formation

2. cavitation

3. Periosteal bud invasion

4. Diaphsis elongation

5. Epiphyseal ossification

Functions of skeletal system

1. Support

2. Storage of minerals (calcium) lipids ( yellow bone.marrow)

3. Blood cell fiormation (red bone marrow)



Where are blood vessels and nerve found in bone

Compact bone. Central canal

Where are the osteocytes located


What is periosteum

Outer membranous cover on the bone. Outer fibrous layer, inner cellular layer

Perforating fiber: collagen fibers

Participates in bone growth and repair

Provides route for circulatory and nervous supply

Which part of the body has the most bones

Hand 27

Foot 26

Axial total 80

Appendicular total 126

Where do u find yellow bone marrow

Spongy bone on long bone. Medullary cavity

Steps of healing fractured bone

1. Blood clot: Hematoma formation

2. Internal ezternal calluses forms


3. Calluses replaced by bony callus4. Remodeling: Bony callus replaced by compact bone

4. Remodeling: Bony callus replaced by compact bone

Shaft of long bone called


What is the type of a cuboidal bone

Tarsal bone: short bone

What is function of parathyroid hormone

Released to increase calcium levels

Dermis vs epidermis

Epidermis: striated squamous epithelial tissue. Avascular. Keratinocytes: most abundant

Stratum corneum:

Stratum lucidum:

Stratum granulosum: keratin

Stratum spinosum: dendritic (langerhan) cells: active in immune system

Stratum geminitive: basal stem cells. Merkel cells. Melanocytes

Dermis: dense irregular connective tissue

Papillary layer: areolar tissue. Papillae

Reticular layer: dense irregular ct. Collagen and elastic fibers

Which blood vessels supply nutrients to epidermis

Cappilaries from dermis diffuse nutrients and oxygen

What type of cells produce the saft of a hair

Basal cells located in hair bulb which produces the matri

Nerve fibers are associated with what tissue, receptors and glands

Nerve receptor: axon of neurons. Nervous tissue

Passes electrical impulses