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48 Cards in this Set

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Research Producers
People who produce research through studies
are apart of research and or authorship
Research Consumers
People who read research and understand it
What are the 4 scientific cycles
Theory Data Cycle
Basic Applied Research Cycle
Peer review Cycle
Journal to journal cycle
Theory Data cycle
Most important
This is where the research is involved and created when research is conducted and allows more research to step due to the originals findings
Basic Applied research Cycle
balance between applied research which is targeting specific problems and basic which is relating and contributing to society
Ex. applied--> treating mental disorders
Basic-->more general like the brain mechanisms of the eye.
Basic stands for a bases for Applied
Peer review Cycle
This is the process of publishing empirical articles.
They need to be peer reviewed and rejected or accepted by other psychologist in order to be published in a journal
Journal to Journal Cycle
when it is published to the greater media
sometimes the results are tinted and changed to appeal to common society
Research Vs. Experience
Personal experience has no facts to back it up and there are too many variables to draw conclusions it is confounded.
Research is better because it allows you to control all other variables
Research Vs. Intuition
Intuition is based on bias allows you to think what you want to think through the cherry picking which is seeking info that supports you
asking biased questions
being over confident
what are the three types of Claims
What are variables
must have two levels
can be measured or manipulated
can be conceptual or operational
Frequency Claims
describe a particular rate or level of something
are always measured never manipulated
Association Claims
looking for correlation
when one thing changes another
4 types:
Casual Claims
same as association but specify which variable causes the other to change
reading causes higher IQ scores
What are the 4 validities
Construct validity
How well the researcher has operated the study. looks at the methods
must make sure the study has been measured reliably
External Validity
look at how the results can be represented to the public. look at sample size and see how it can relate to general population
Statistical validity
to the extent that the statistical results are accurate and reasonable
Looks at type 1 and type 2 errors
Internal validity
looking to see if the any alternative explanations or associations can be found. looking for other variables that might have changed the results
only important for casual claims
what validates do causal claims need
temportal precedence
internal validity
what validates do association claims need?
Construct, external, Statistical
What validities do frequency claims need?
Construct, statistical, internal, external.
what are the three things researchers are obligated to treat their participants with?
which two studies started the ethics movement
Tuskegee syphillis study--> looking and treating and giving syphillis to people in the 30s everyone died
3 violations were done: participants were harmed, were not rested with respect and targeted a disadvantaged group.
Milgram obedience study--> shocking people to see how they responded to authority
ethical concerns: participants were harmed in the form of stress, could have had negative lasting effect yet they did debrief participants
what was the belmont report?
came from the studies--> 1976 gathered in maryland to discuss ethical concerns
came up with 4 principals
respect for persons
was ment to guid research for medicine, psychology, biology
Respect for persons
Contains two provisions
informed consent
no coercion--> not forced
researcher must take steps to protect participants
make sure their well being is protected
a balance between the participants who benefit from the research
compare and contrast Belmont and APA
both have justice
both have respect for persons
both have beneficence yet APA added nonmmaleficence which is not conduct research that benefits society
added fidelity and responsibility
Added integrity
added 10 ethical standards
Standard 8 is the only one that applies to research
briefly explain standard 8
must apply with IRB get consent avoid deception or debrief when caring with animals treat them humanely and fallow through with IACUC
avoid data fabrication and falsification
dont plagiarize
What are the three types of measures
self report
What is opertionalization?
turning a conceptual variable into a measured variable
Self report
measures operationalizes a variable by recording a participants answers on a questionnaire or in a interview
Observational measures
AKA behavioral measures
records observable behaviors or physical traces of behavior
Physiological Measures
recording biological data
Two ways to measure variables
categorical and quantitative
Categorical measurements
looks at nominal variables
three types
ordinal -- when data is in rank order
interval when you have equal intervals between units
ratio when there is an absolute zero point
Test retest reliability
must get consistent results every time
interrater reliability
two or more independent observers will come up with similar findings
internal reliability
research identifies whether several items that are suppose to measure the same general construct do produce similar scores example
Correlation Coefficient
If its closer to zero less correlation is has
closer to +1 positive closer to -1 negative
test retest
-r>.5= good
chronbachs alpha>.7=good
what are the 5 types of validity
face validity
content validity
predictive/concurrent validity
convergent validity
discriminant or divergent validity
Face validity
when it looks plausible
Content validity
must include all parts of measured construct
if you are looking at IQ must look at
ability to reason, plan comprehensive and learn quickly
Predictive and concurrent validity
evaluate whether the measure can relate to concrete outcome
concurrent--> looks to see if its cross situational
predictive --> looks to see if it can be predictive
Convergent validity
one measure of a construct should correlate strongly with other measures of the same construct
Example: looking at two different depression scales
discriminant or divergent validity
one measure should not correlate strongly with a different construct
depression inventory should not strongly correlate with their scale on a physical health scale