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25 Cards in this Set

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What happens if you have a lesion in the cervical region?
full or partial paraplegia, if its high enough even difficulty with breathing
What happens if you have a lesion at or below thoracic spinal levels?
What is another name for qaudriplegia?
What lesions result in loss of diaphragm function?
C3 and above
In a thoracic spinal cord lesion are the hands, arms, neck and breathing usually involved?
What are the three types of brain repair?
1) repair of axons in CNS that project to PNS
2) CNS neurons get damaged but survive
3) whole sale genesis of new neurons to replace those that have been lost in PNS
Results of Henry Head's experiment
1) he was able to recover when he cut the external cutaneous and radial nerves and then anastomosed them
2) the first part to recovery was his not localized pressure and touch
3) the last to recover was temperature, fine touch and motor
Henry Head's experiment contribution to neuroscience
difference in recuperative capabilities of DRG and spinal motor neurons
What are the major cellular elements of the PNS repair?
1) Schwann cells
2) macrophages
What is the role of the macrophages?
clean up quickly, much quicker than glial cells in CNS
What is the role of the schwann cells in peripheral neuron repair?
1) growth factors like NGF
2) secrete a basal lamina to guide regeneration
What are the purposes of NGF?
1)neurotropic factor - helps neuron grow
2)neurotrophic factor - helps maintain synapse connection
What are the stages that happen to reinnervate muscle after PNS damage?
neuromuscular site remains intact for weeks including AcH receptors that define the membrane specializations and local scaffolding proteins
What are some of the pathologic changes that occur in the CNS spinal cord when damaged? (6)
1)BBB breakdown
2)neuronal cell body loss at lesion
3) infiltration of neutrophils and macrophages from blood
4) activation of microglia and astrocytes
5) neuronal loss increases
6) later stage cavity formation
How does hypoxia/ischemia cause apoptosis?
1) glutamate and cytokines trigger the downregulation of Bcl-2 gene
2) Bcl-2 causes cytochrome C to be released by mitochondria
3) capsase 3 is activated
4) apoptosis
What is the response of CNS to local tissue damage?
3) microglia
When do you see a glial response after injury?
24 hours later
What do you see in cellular response to injury in CNS?
1) axonal swellings when the proteins are still being shuttled down
2) myelin breaks down
3) nearby connections degenerate
4) nearby cells that were connected to that cell degenerate
What is the cellular response to injury in the central nervous system? (2)
1)protracted clean up
2) inhibitory factors disrupt axon extension
What are two examples of adult neurogenesis in non mammalian vertebrates?
1) gold fish retinas get bigger as they age
2) song birds singing nucelus generates and regenerates each spring
Where are two examples of neural stem cells in the CNS located?
1)subventricular zone
2) hippocampal dentate gyrus
What are the functions of neuronal stem cells?
1) cell turn over and tissue maintenance
2) reparative process
3) learning and memory
What are the neural stem cells? What can they regenerate?
multipotent cells that can generate neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes
Where do the cells of the subventricular zone eventually go?
neuroblasts migrate to olfactory bulb via RMS to become interneurons to to olfactory bulb
Where do cells of the hippocampus dentate gyrus go?
postmitotic neurobalsts that migrate to more apical levels of granule cell layer to to become GABAergic interneurons