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54 Cards in this Set

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Major ideas of tenrikyo
1. Physical health is based on mental health
2. Healing is based on faith
Major ideas of Christian Science
1. God is in everything
2. Spiritual reality is more important than material reality
Founder of Tenrikyo
Miki Nakayama
Founder of Christian Science
Mary Baker Eddy
Law Code of Manu
a book of moral advice for Hindus
Century Law Code of Manu was written
2nd century BCE
the act of a woman burning herself to death after her husband died
Reasons to practice sati
1. Woman, husband, and children achieve moksha
2. It's what a good wife does
spiritual leader in Hinduism
female guru, also known as the "hugging saint"
screen, now refers to head and face covering in Islam
full body covering for Muslim women
having multiple wives
Qur'anic Recontextualization
Qur'an verses against women only occur because they were written in 7th century Arabia and have no place in today's society
Orthodox Judaism
Tries to stay as traditional as possible
Orthodox practices
-services in Hebrew
-no female leaders
-men and women separated during services
Conservative Judaism
Holds on to many traditions, but selectively modernizes
Conservative practices
-services in Hebrew
-women allowed to be leaders
Reform Judaism
Thoroughly modern
Reform practices
-services in local languages
-women can be leaders
-men and women can sit together during services
Which Jewish women must cover majority of body in public?
Which Jewish women must cover their hair in public?
Married Orthodox women
barrier that separates men and women during worship services
required number of people needed for a Jewish worship service
First ordination of a female rabbi
1970s in reform Judaism
Billy Sunday
famous preacher in the idea of muscular Christianity
Promise Keepers
A series of conferences in the 1990s with an emphasis on men being strong, courageous, good husbands, good fathers
men and women support each other equally in marriage, but men are the leaders
First ordination of a Christian woman
19th century
Christian branches with male-only clergy
Roman Catholicism
Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
Southern Baptist
Biblical interpretation in Christian feminism
historical context-women weren't accepted in society when the Bible was written; they are now
Gender Inclusive language in Bible
-to talk about people in general
-to talk about God
Christian feminist
Elizabeth Schussler Fiorenza
worshipping anything that is not God
Marc Chagall
Jewish visual artist
tool used to help worship
Ulrich Zwingli
Protestant reformer who was completely against visual art because he thought it promoted idolatry
Which branch does not allow visual images of important religious leaders like Muhammad?
Which religion often depicts images of paradise or heaven (commonly shown in mosaic)?
Region of Theravada buddhism
South and southeast Asia
Region of Mahayana Buddhism
China, Japan, Korea
Number of Buddhas in Theravada
Number of Buddhas in Mahayana
Ultimate goal in Theravada
Arhat (achieve nirvana and no longer exist)
Ultimate goal in Mahayana
Bodhissatva (achieves nirvana but then comes back to earth to help others achieve nirvana)
symbolic hand gestures on Buddha statues
circle that symbolizes infinity and emptiness
Zen Buddhism's focus
geometric art form used in Buddhist meditation
chanting of Tanakh in a rhythmic and musical manner
Liturgical music
music used in worship services
Kol Nidre
sung at beginning of Yom Kippur
fast paced, joyful music usually with filler syllables instead of lyrics
Hasidic Judaism
emphasizes emotional (especially joy) connection with God