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42 Cards in this Set

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celebrated 40 days after easter when jesus ascended into heavan following his resurrection
ascention day
this occured 50 days after easter. the holy spirit came upon the disciples in jeruselem, blessed them with the gift of languages, and sent them into the world to preach a message of salvation
fundamentalism and its issues
believe in strict and literal adherence to what is written in the bible. they stress the infallibility of the bible. the bible is to be understood as the moral and religious text and that it is historically and scientifically accurate
fundamentalism and its issues continued
they strongly deny the theory of evolutionand the idea and the idea that the biblical timeline may be inaccurate.become more active in pointing out the transgression of more relaxed morals and values.
one of the youngest religions and one of the largest
islam beliefs include
there being one God, Allah. he alone is the creator of the universe
where are the basic doctrines found?
in the qur'an which contains 114 chapters and is seen as infallible. it is the word of God. contains all of the rules that need to be followed to live a good life
what do muslims believe after death
they have one life to live and how they live that life determines where they will spend eternity, in either heavan or hell.
prophets of islam
God revealed himself to many prophets over time but muhammad was the last and greatest messenger.it is said that the qur'an was literally revealed to him by God.
how do muslims find peace
by submitting to God in all areas of their life. faith and good works go hand in hand to islamic believers. one without the other is not enouguh. everything a muslim does in life is an act of worship if done with Allah's guidance
pre-islamic religions
influence of eastern christianity, judaism and zoroastrianism. also influenced gratly by animistic beliefs that were still dominant at the time.
a meteric stone had fallen centuries ago. it became an object of veneration (as a result of animistic belief system). the earlier "pilgrims" built an enclosure around the meteor
620ce six men flee to yathrib and meet muhammed. offer him opportunity to rule yathrib. he goes in 622ce. this event is celebrated as what
the hijrah. began a muslim community there. some tension between the jewish community
muhammad and some of the important events in his life
historical figure. believed to be illiterate. founder of islam. concerned with eschatology. his wife khadija was 40 yrs when he married at 25. had 4 boys and 2 girls.only one child survived-fatima. angel gabriel appears to him in a dream
called the "recitation". it is considered to be the literal word of Allah. it is the authority for all muslims as to how Allah wants them to live their lives
the qur'an
the muslim view of God
one, sovereign God, complete, eternal and undivided. 99 names for Allah. he is a god of justice and mercy. he rewards and punishes. God uses angels to communicate with humans
the muslim view of predestination
most believe that life is in the hands of God and that humans are merely puppets. however, a small group of muslims (mutazila) believe that because Allah gave reason to humans, they ultimately have a choice
the muslim view of afterlife and final judgment
by Allah. body dies, soul goes to sleep until the time of final resurrection. trumpets will sound, earth will split and bodies will rejoin with souls. reward/punishment
muslims heavan and hell
heavan is a beautiful garden where you drink wine. hell is windy, with black smoke and dirty water
a muslim (ordinary man) pious person who leads in prayers
the nature of muslim worship
must be able to pray anywhere, since they were nomads. friday is the holy day, and one must pray at a mosque
1) repitition of the creed shahadah, "there is no God but Allah: muhammed is the messenger of God 2)daily prayer- 5 times a day facing mecca 3)almsgiving 4)fasting- during the month of ramadan, no food, water, sex from sun up to sun down 5) hajj pilgrimage to mecca
the five pillars of islam
in islam the concern for mystical union with God was expressed by a group called
sufi means "woolen"
3 reasons for the rapid expansion of islam
1) it is a universal religion, in that anyone is welcome 2) wide accepted appeal. it is easy to be a muslim... just say the creed and you are a muslim 3) islam is recognized as a deliverer in a confused and corrupt world.
rulers from the line of muhammud. his uncle abu-bakr. only to rule temporal matters. the spiritual rule comes from the qur'an
caliphates. translates "deputy" or "representative"
to sunni muslims, these people leads the community in prayers; to shi'ite muslims, these were the legitimatesuccessors of ali
the sunni variation of islam
85% of muslims are "traditionalists", or sunnis. orthodox islam. the authority is the qu'ran. rely on teachings of muhammud found in the hadith
as which there are thousands, expand on the teachings of the qur'an. they have been used by muslim scholars to answer legal questions as well as to clarify the ritual duties of islam
five ways the shi'ites vary from the sunnis
1) the imans are inspired by Allah and lead in prayer 2) seveners ans twelvers (imans) will be returning to earth 3) belief in a future messiah 4) respect for martyrs 5) qur'an has hidden meaning and must be interpreted allegorically
the mystical element in islam
the sufi movement
a convert who comes to join the sufi order
the most important issues in islam today
1)politics- control most of the world's resources 2) fundamentalism 3) rapid growth
3 hinduism terms
bhakti- devotion to the gods of hinduism. karma-that which binds one to the endless cycle of life, death, and rebirth, jnana- way of knowledge by studying indian sacred writings
dharma, artha, and kama
ends of life
rig veda, sama veda, yajur veda
ancient writings
yama, niyama, and asana
first 3 steps of yoga. the three paths to salvation
complete purification of the body, speech and mind. and the blossoming of wholesome deeds in liberation
symbolizes the deep, far reaching and melodious sound of theteachings
the conch
what is said- stories, doctrines, ideologies
theoretical form of religion
what is done- rites, worship, techniques and customs
practical form of religious expression
refers to group types and leadership
sociological form of religious expression
one of the most influential writings in chinese philosophy
tao te ching