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31 Cards in this Set

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putting your faith and religion into practice through making good decisions in word and action
attempts to tame occult powers in order to use them to gain a supernatural power over others
infedilty in marriage whereby a married person has sexual intercourse with someone who is not the person's spouse
capital sins
sins that are the root of other sins and vices
common good
the sum of social conditions that allow people, either as a group or as individuals, to reach their fulfillment more fully and more easily
worshiping something or someone other than the true God
the opinion that no one knows for sure whether God exists
a statement or a promise that calls on god to be witness to it
the direct and deliberate ending of a pregnancy by killing the unborn child
any action or omission which of itself and by intention causes death, with the purpose of eliminating all suffering
false witness under oath
without a legitamate reason, disclosing a person's faults to someone who did not know about them, causing unjust harm to that person's reputation
slander, lies told about one another person to harm his or her reputation and lead others to make false judgements about the person
the virtue of temperance that applies to how a person cunducts herslef
consecrated life
a life dedicated to living by the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience
precepts of the Church
rules catholics follow to help them become good and moral people
the four week season that prepares for the coming of our savior on christmas
the season of intentional prayer, fasting, and alms giving in preperation of christ's ressurection and our redemption at easter
the feast and the season that commemorate christ's ressurection from the dead
sanctifying grace
the grace that heals fallen human nature and gives us a share in the divine life of the blessed trinity
actual grace
God's special help to turn us from sin or to help us act more like Christ
special gifts the holy spirit bestows on individual christians to help the church grow
a person that has been cleansed from sin through faint in Jesus Christ
a person;s most secret core and sanctuary that helps the peron determine between good and evil
bad habits linked to capital sins
cardinal virtues
the hinge virtues from which all other virtues come
theological virtues
three important virtues bestowed on us at baptism that relate us to God
fruits of the Holy Spirit
perfections that result from living in union with the holy spirit
free will
the capacity to choose among alternatives
particular judgment
an individual's judgement immediatley after death, when christ will rule on one's eternal destiny to be sent in Heaven or in hell
our emotional responses to the good or the evil we encounter