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26 Cards in this Set

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What are the five types of psalms

Praise (praise the Lord...)

Wisdom (happy are those...)

Royal (concerns the king)

Lament (sad)

Thanks giving (to give thanks)


What are the two types of prophets

Writing and non-writing prophets

Give four examples of major and minor writing prophets











Major: DJ IE

Minor: HA JZ

Who were two important non-writing prophets

Elijah and Elisha

E and E

What happens to Elijah (his story)

Elijah reminds the people that they should only praise and have faith in Yahweh (God). And was carried off to hevan in a "chariot of fire" and is said to return one day. He also challenged the worshipers of Baal

Elishas story

After Elijahs death she continued preaching and teaching his word.

When and by who was Israel conquered

In 722 B.C.E the Assyrians conquered Israel

What happened in 701 B.C.E

The Assyrians attempted to conquer Judah but failed the night before due to a plague that hit their camp outside the walls

What are two abuses Amos addresses

1. The injustice towards the poor (not caring fir them)

2. Singing lovely to God on the Sabbath day but oppressing gods for the rest of the week

What is the difference between Amos and Hosea

Amos preached the word of God in a harsh manner while Hosea preached the same words but in a gentler way.

(But both ways failed)

What two things are used to explain why the river stoped flowing and why the wall fell with the Israelites

The first way to describe it is that it was a miracle from God and the second way was they it could have been earthquakes that did both.

How do the prophets relate to global warming

The prophets tried to be nice and convonce the people to change, the way environmentalists do, but no one listened.

The prophets tried to be tough and scare the people into listening, but failed the same way environmentalists did as well.

Story of David and Goliath

David took Goliath, a "9 foot man", down with only a slingshot.

In the book of judges what pattern continues to repeat itself over and over again with the Israelites

1. They Sin ➡ 2. God Corrects ➡ 3. They Repent ➡ 4. God Forgives (then it starts again)

The mass killing in Jericho after the walls fell was referred to as...

"The Ban"

What is the Israel's limited knowledge of God in the book of Joshua

* God Orders War

* God Takes Israel's Side

* God Destroys Israel's Enemies

Three things

The era of Judges extended for how long

From about 1240 B.C.E to 1040 B.C.E (about 200 years)

What are the Judges roles

To provide some degree of leadership from the death of Joshua to the Era of the Kings

What happened to the Israelites after the Era of the Judges

Isreal was a shipload of passengers adrift on the sea without a captain

In other words everyone did whatever they pleased.

David succeeded Saul as king of Isreal (explain the stars and what he did)

As Saul's star fell from the sky and young shepherd named David's star rose above the horizon.

David began Israel's "years of lightning"

A sum up of the changes under Davids rule as king

Abraham is given

*a new identity: chosen person

*a new destiny: father of many

Israel is given

*a new identity: chosen people

*a new destiny: priestly people

David is given

*a new identity: chosen king

*a new destiny: Messiah's ancestor

The book of Psalms is credited to David because...

It was often credited to the person who inaugurated or promoted an important literary project

What was the book of Psalms to Israel

Their Hymnbrook and prayer book

Prayer book (psalms)

Gives a glimpse into Israel's soul.

Praying in times of doubt sorrow and joy

Hymnbook (psalms)

Give a glimpse into Israel's heart.

See how they worship God, especially around campfires and in Temples

What are the three wisdom books Solomon was credited with


*song of songs
