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122 Cards in this Set

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Chart out the organization and Growth of Christianity into East and West Churches.

How many Orthodox Christians are there in the United State of America?

4 Million

How many Jurisdictions of Orthodox Christianity are there in the world?

25 or more

What is significant about the names of many Orthodox Christian Churches?

standard almanacs that echeo their immigrant origins

What are the two largest Orthodox Christian Denominations in America?



Where did Orthodox christianity begin according to the Denomination?


How many Ecumenical Councils were there before the Church split?


What year did the Christianity split into two different churches?


What two churches emerged after the schism?

Eastern Orthodox

Roman Catholic Church

What two reasons did the Eastern and Western churches spit over?



What is Orthodoxy and Orthopraxy?

Orthodoxy: Doctrinal Beliefs

Orthopraxy: Doctrinal Practices

How did the Eastern Orthodox Church come to the Western Hemisphere?

traveling East and not West

1768 was first in florida

What state did eastern Orthodoxy come to America through?


What city and country is the Eastern Orthodox Church headquartered in today?

Moscow Russia

What are 4 Features of Orthodox Christianity?

Orthodox Worship

Orthodox Tradition

Orthodox Doctrine

Orthodox Organization

What are the 2 Opposite Poles of Faith within Eastern Orthodoxy?

God's Transcendence: Distance and Majesty

God's Immanence: nearness and accessibility

What do the terms "Theotokos and "Christokos" mean?

Theotokos: The one who gave birth to the one who is God

Christokos: Bearer of Christ

What is the "Iconostasis"

A wall dividing the two main parts of the church

Does the Orthodox Church have a Pope who leads the Denomination?


what do Jews believe about God? Are they Henotheistic, Monotheistic, or Polytheistic?


What 3 Things do Jews, Christians, and Muslims believe about who God is?

God created the Earth

God wants us to mate

God wants us to rule over any other animal

What is the Tanakh, Torah, Neviim, Ketuvim?

Jewish Sacred Text

Torah: Law

Neviim: Prophets

Ketuvim: Writings

What were the 2 Reasons God created Humankind to fulfill in the earth?

To Mate

to Rule

What is Sin?

miss the mark

What is the "Mark" God expects every human to hit?

Holiness and Perfection

What is the result of Sin in people's lives and their relationship with God?

separated from God's Presence and Blessing

What was God's plan to remove Sin from humanity and the earth?

Relationship with Abraham

Who did God appear to and call to begin the reconciliation process?


What is a covenant and what are the 3 things every Covenant contains?

Binding agreement between God and his chosen people making it.

Has no date of expiration

Is a lot like a Contract with Terms and Conditions

List the Terms and Conditions of the Covenant between God and Abraham?

Abraham: I will bless, prosper, protect, defend, and give you your own land

God: You must follow, worship, serve, and obey me.

Chart the Family Tree of Abraham and show how he is considered to be the Father of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam?

After the Death of Abraham who did God call to lead the Israelites?


How many plagues did God cast upon the Egyptians?


Where is the "Promised Land" given to the Jews by God?


After the death of Moses who did God call to lead the Israelites?


After the death of Joshua who did God call to lead the Israeites?

Kings & Prophets

Describe the role of a
Prophet" according to Judaism.

A person chosen by god to be a mediator between God and His people Israel

Why did God Judge the ancient Israelites and put them in Exile?


What is a Theodicy?

a Justification and rational explanation why in spite of their suffering Jews should still worship God.

What 2 Forms of Judaism immerged after their time of Exile?



What are the 7 types of Judaism being practiced by Jews today?








What year is it according to Judaism?


What 4 Relationships do JEws claim to have with God?




Tabernacle & Temple

How many Jews are there in the world today?


How many Jews are in America, Israel, and the rest of the world?

7 each

What are the 2 ways Jews define themselves today?

Ethnically: blood

Religiously: Membership


10 commandments


Sacred place


Sacred place


Jew Church


added commentary on Torah


Jews living outside of Israel

Western Wall

Retaining wall in Jerusalem

Bar Mitzvah

13th birthday


Jewish diet

What do Muslims believe about God?


What do Muslims believe about Adam, Abraham, Noah, Moses, and Jesus?


What do Muslims believe about Muhammed?

The last and final prophet of God

What is God's Name according to Islam?


What 2 Things will Muslims receive if they die for their faith?


72 virgins

What is the name of the Sacred Text with Islam?


What 2 Things will Muslims receive if they die for their Faith?

What is the name of the Sacred Text with Islam?

What do Muslims believe about the nature of god?

Allah is unapproachable and beyond human comprehension

What do Muslims believe about The Doctrine of Trinity?

They Deny It

What do Muslims believe about Jesus Christ?

Denies the divinity, salvation, and Resurrection of Jesus.

What do Muslims believe about the Messages of Moses and Jesus?

They have been defiled over centuries and Muhammed is the only true teaching

Where was Muhammed born and what age did he have a spiritual encounter?



What did the Angel Gabriel tell Muhammed to "Recite?"

"Recite in the name of your Lord who has created, created man of a germ cell.

Recite for your Lord is the most Gracious One who has taught by the pen, taught man what did not know."

For how many years did Muhammed receive messages from Gabriel?

22 years

What was the name of the 1st Muslim city-state?


According to Muslims where and when did Islam begin?


What 2 positions did Muhammed hold in the 1st Muslim city-state?



What is the Supreme Goal of Islam controlled in 1st Muslim city-state?

Global Islam

List the 2 Strategies Muslims are taught to achieve World Dominance



List the 4 Islamic Doctrines of the Infidel




to be Killed

Approximately how many Muslims are in the world today?

1.57 billion

List the 2 Types of Muslims in the world today

Sunni and Shi'ite

What percentage of Muslims practice and participate in each Type?

Sunni: *5%

Shi"ite: 15%

How many children did Muhammed have?


Who succeeded Muhammad after his death?


Describe how Islam is viewed as a total way of life for Muslims.

They do not have a secular way of life, everything is Sacred

List the 5 Pillars of Islamic Doctrine and what they represent

Shahada: Profession

Salat: Prayer

Zakat: Almsgiving

Sawm: Fasting

Hajj: Pilgrimmage

Why are Muslims required to make Pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in life?

To worship in Mecca at the Ka'bah

What two groups of people make up American Muslims today?

2/3rd Muslim immigrants

1/3 Muslim converts

List the 4 Definitions of Jihad.

to exert oneself in the path of Allah

to lead a good life and be virtuous Muslim

The right to Defend Islam

The act of Holy War against non believers

how have extremist Muslims today "misuse" the true meaning of Jihad

They are fighting oppression and injustice, and that they are waging a holy War against the enemies of God




the people who worship Islam


Islamic Nation


collections of Muhammed's wrtings


Verbal transmitted teachings of Islam


Islamic Leadership Position


Cube building that people worship in Mecca


Place of Worship for Islamists

What century did Nation of Islam being?

first half of the 20th century

Who began the Nation of Islam

Elijah Muhammed

What 3 things does the Nation of Islam emphasize?

Hard Work

Strict Moral Code

Black Separatism and Superiority

What does the Nation of Islam teach about "White People?"

Created by Science

White devils

What are some of the basic beliefs of the Nation of Islam?

Taught Superior Black race

What 2 American Boxing Champions have joined the Nation of Islam?

Muhammed Ali

Mike Tyson

Who was Malcolm X and why was he assassinated?

Malcom X was a member of the Nation of Islam who went to Mecca and then tried to change the Nation of Islam about accepting other races, he was assasinated by two members of the Nation of Islam

Who succeeded Elijah Muhammad?

Warrith D. Muhammed

Who is leading the Nation of Islam today?

Louis Farrakhan

Is Confucianism more of a "Philosophy" or a "Religion"


Who was Confucious?

He is the Major teacher of East Asian Religion

What year was Confucius born?

551 B.C

Describe Confucious parental upbringing and family origins.

Grew u in a troubled home

Mom was a single parent

Gave him a liberal arts education

What kind of home was Confucious raised in?

Single parent

What are some things Confucious grew to love and appreciate as a young man?

Art, Literature, Music, Archery, and Traditional ceremonies

Was Confucius more of a "Teacher" or a "Theologian?"


Did Confucius believe and practice Ancestral Worship?


What are the 2 Foundamental Teachings of Confucius?

Humans are by Nature Good : Nature

Humans learn best through example: Nuture

Who are the Junzi?

Junzi are people who follow Confucius

What are the 2 Names of the Junzi?

What are the 4 principles of the Junzi?

Righteousness: Head

Internalization: Heart

Humanity: Hands

Reciprocity: Life

What are the 5 Qualities of the Junzi?

Exert uprightness

Express forgiveness toward others

Sincere in speech and action

Earnest: be rather then seem to be

Benevolent: Always generous in their realtionships

What are the 5 Relationships of Confucianism?

Ruler: Subject

Husband: Wife

Elder Brother: younger Brother

Elder Friend: Younger friend

Father: Son

What were the 2 other Teachings in the Time of confucius?

The Mohists

The Fajia

What di "Mozi" teach about living in relationship with other Humans?

Love everyone

What did "Fajia" believe about human nature and how a Kings was to rule?

Human nature is bad and only respects strong laws and rigorous enforcement