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16 Cards in this Set

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Normal plasma osmolality

287 +/-7 mOsm/kgH2O

Response to cell osmotic environment

Only intestines & brain:

Swelling -> extrusion of cellular electrolytes [mostly K+]

Shrinkage -> uptake of electrolytes


Amount of Na is regulated by the amount of H2O

=> keeping ICFV constant

Hypo-/hypernatremia causes


Oligouria -> Hyponatremia (-> swollen cells)

Polyuria -> Hypernatremia (-> shrunken cells)


Hyponatremia -> polyuria

Hypernatremia -> oligouria (dehydration)


Leaky parts of BBB:

subfornical organ

organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis (OVLT)

-> ADH, thirst


Cold R's in mouth, stretch R's in esophagus & stomach

Volumetric control of ADH & thirst

Usually ICFV > ECFV [importance]

hypovolemic/hemorrhagic shock:

circulatory collapse > plasma osmolarity

-> non-osmotic regulation of ADH & thirst

Vol ctrl of ADH & thirst: CV osmoreceptors

Plasma ANP (-| ADH), AII (thirst)

-> hypothalamus

Dilution/concentration of urine

ADH -> CD H2O permeable, urea gradient

Countercurrent exchangers = vasa recta (min Na is carried away) -> hyperosmolality of medulla is preserved

Countercurrent multiplication in LH -> axial [salt] gradient caused by "single effect" (Na w/o H2O)

Oligouria causes

Renal failure -> plasma creatinine & BUN both inc.

Dehydration -> creatinine constant, BUN inc.

ADH actions

ADH -> CD H2O permeable, urea gradient

Efferent arterioles constriction (long-looped nephrons) ->

inc. filtration -> NaCl reabsorption

reduces BF in vasa recta -> preserves interstitial osmotic gradient

stimulates Na reabsorption in AL of long-looped nephrons -> countercurrent multiplication

Other water resorption modulators

ANP - inhibits Na reabsorption in CD, ADH antagonist

Prostoglandins x ADH

[Ca] x ADH in CD (prevention of kidney stones)

(Solute) Free water clearance (C[H2O])

C[H2O] the difference in water amount (+/-) between urine & plasma

C[H2O] = V[dot] - C[osm]

C[osm] = amount of plasma w/o all solutes /time: C[osm] = (U[osm]*V[dot]) / P[osm]

Urine osm -> plasma osmolality

Electrolyte-free H2O clearance (C[EFH2O])

Difference b/w urine flow & the clearance of effective osmoles (~ Na, K, Ca, albumin, etc.)

C[EFH2O] = V[dot] - C[eff,osm]

Urine composition -> cell volume

Diabetes insipidus (DI)

Lack of ADH action in the kidney

Central - inadequate ADH production

Nephrogenic - lack of response to ADH

Primary polydipsia

Excessive thirst (psychogenic DI)

Threshold: thirst < ADH

Syndrome of Inappropriate ADH Secretion (SIADH)

~ inappropriate antidiuresis

- ectopic production of ADH (tumors) -> low [Na]

- inadequate ADH secretion suppression from neurohypophysis

- ADH R mutations

"Perceived volume depletion"

When ECFV ↑ but perfusion inadequate -> heart failure

=> ADH release while ECFV >/= normal