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38 Cards in this Set

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Denver Developmental Screen II - what is it? how long? for who? benefits? evaluates?
Most widely used peds test, 10-20 mins, for 1 mth - 6 yrs
Less bias, improved validity/sensitivity
Higher false positive screens
Fine/Gross motor skills, language, social skills
Scored as concern/failure
Ages and stages questionnaire - how admin? how long? sens/spec? evaluates?
Parent admin, gross/fine motor, problem solving, social skills, 70-90% sensitive/specific, 5 min
Parental evaluation & developmental status (PEDS) - how admin? how long? sens/spec? evaluates?
parental admin, 2 min, 10 questions, 70-80% sensitive/specific, easy flow sheet - counsel, eval, refer
What direction does childhood development occur? What does it parallel? How are reflexes changed? What does a delay mean?
cephalocaudad, progressive, parallels neuronal myelination, milstones not always parallel, primitive reflex -> voluntary
Mental retardation
1. Sits alone momentarily
2. Rolls back to stomach
3. Sits steadily
4. Gets to sitting
5. Pulls to standing
6. Stands alone
7. Walks three steps alone
What is an example of a 6 mo old gross motor abnormality?
Poor head control with pull-to-sit maneuver
Primative reflexes existing at birth that disappear
Hand (Palmar) grasp
Crossed adductor
Toe (Plantar) grasp
Head Righting
Protective Equilibrium
Moro reflex (what does it indicate when it is absent? incomplete?)
performed placing the child’s head and neck off of a flat surface with his arms folded at the chest. The examiner suddenly lets go of the head, neck and hands. The patient brings his arms back toward his chest with the hands in a “C”shape.
Absent = UMN lesion
Incomplete = Brachial plexus injury
Tonic neck reflex/Asymmetric Tonic neck reflex
occurs when the infants body is turned to the side, he assumes the “fencer’s” position.
child is turned to one side,extensor mm tone increases on that side and in the flexor mm tone on the opposite side “fencer position”
Hand Grasp Reflex
occurs when pressure is applied to the the palm or plantar aspect of the child hand or foot.
Step reflex
occurs when the child’s foot feels a hard surface
Crawl reflex
occurs when a child is placed prone after 4-6 months of age.
Galant reflex (trunk incurvation)-
occurs when the pt is place in ventral suspension position and one side of the trunk is stimulated. The child’s trunk and hips swing toward the side of the stimulus.
Suck reflex & rooting reflex
Suck: child has a strong sucking sensation.
Rooting: the opens his mouth once it is stimulated on the corner of the mouth or cheek.
Landau response-
extension of the head, then trunk, then legs when held prone seen btw 2-3 mo
Plantar reflex or Babinski sign
The stroking of the lateral aspect of the infant’s foot causes the extension of the big toe and fanning out of the little toes. This response is normal until 12 months, due to the incomplete myelination of the corticospinal tracts
Crossed Adduction-
child adducts legs across midline
Head Righting-
child keeping head vertical despite a tilt of the body
Protective Equilibrium-
as child is pushed laterally by the examiner, he flexes his trunk toward the the force to regain center of gravity.
examiner allows the child to free fall in ventral suspension, the child’s extremities extend symmetrically to distribute his weight over a broader and more stable base on landing.
When do the following postural reactions occur: head righting, landau, derotational righting, ant. propping, parachute, lat. propping, post. proping
Head Righting 6wk-3mo
Landau Response 2-3 mo
Derotational righting 4-5 mo
Anterior propping 4-5 mo
Parachute 5-6 mo
Lateral propping 6-7 mo
Posterior propping 8-10mo
Visual behaviors: term, 2 months, 3 months
Term-focuses on face and tracks vertically and horizontally, turns toward light, widens eyes at 8-12 in
1month-Blinks at approaching objects, tracks 60 deg horizontally, 30 degrees vertically
2months-Tracks across midline, follows mvmt,raises head to 30 degrees from prone position
3months-Eyes and head track 180 degrees, looks at hands
Visual behaviors: 4-5 months, 5-6 months, 7-8 months, 8-9 months, 9 months, 12-14 months
4-5months- reaches for object, notices raisins 1 foot away, smiles at familiar adult
5-6months-Smiles in mirror
7-8months-Rakes at raisin
8-9months-Notes visual details, pokes at holes in pegboard
9months-Neat pincer grasp
12-14months-Stacks blocks, places peg in round hole
Developmental Milestones: Neonatal 0-1 month (head, body mvmt, vision, hand fxn)
Head: Holds up, turns to side (prone)

Body: flexes ventral suspension, moves in response to sound, primitive reflexes present

Vision: Doll's eye movement (fixed visually), regards face, follows object to midline

Hands: tight grasp,
Developmental Milestones Two Months (head, body mvmt, vision, interaction)
Head: Lifts 45 deg. (prone), lags in pull to sit, holds midline,

Body: head/trunk level in ventral suspension, , lifts chest off table

Vision: tracks moving objects 180 degr

Interaction: smiles w/ social contact, Coo voice response, recognizes parent
Developmental milestones three months (Head, body mvmt, hands, interaction)
Head: lifts 90 degrees, holds up steadily while prone

Body: supports self on forearms, fingers/toes pre-reach movements

Hands: holds open at rest, looks at

Interaction: Coos - long vowel sounds, reaches for familiar people, anticipates feeding
Developmental Milestones : Four – five Months (Head, body, hands, interaction)
Head: Raises vertically (prone)

Body: sits with truncal support, head dipped forward, no lag, rolls over, supports on wrists, shifts weight,

Hands: grasps objects brings to mouth

Interaction: active at site of food, laughs, orients to voice, displeased w/o social contact, enjoys looking around
Developmental Milestones: Six Months (head, body, hands, interaction)
Head: Lifts while supine

Body: rolls front to back (vise versa), sits w/ pelvic support, rounded back, turns body to extend reach (unilat)

Hands: grasps/transfers objs, rakes at pellet/grasp, puts food in mouth in supine position

Interaction: repetitive vowel sounds, babbles, discrim. social smile, prefers mother, recognizes strangers
Developmental Milestones : Nine Months (Body, hands, interaction)
Body: sits alone, back straight, pivots, pulls to stand, creeps/crawls, walks hands held

Hands: fine pincer grasp (thumb to finger)

Interaction: alert with sound of name, understands "no" waves "bye", repeats consonant sounds "mama" "dada" uncovers obj, peek-a-boo
Developmental Milestones: Twelve Months (body, hands, interactions)
Body: Stands w/o help, walks w/ one hand held, cruises, releases

Hands: Neat pincer grasp (unassisted), puts 2 cubes in cup, pellets into bottle

Interactions: 2 words other than "mama/dada", throws ball, imitates actions, comes when called, cooperates with dressing
Developmental Milestones: Fifteen Months (body, interactions)
Body: walks alone & backwards, crawls up stairs

Interaction: scribbles (imitation), tower of 2 cubes, indicates wishes by pointing, uses 4-6 words, follows 1 step command with gesture, can use spoon (spillage) and cup
Developmental Milestones : Eighteen Months (Body, interactions)
Body: walks downstairs, runs stiffly, sits on chair

Interactions: Feeds self, kisses parent with pucker, says "no", knows 7-20 words, makes tower of 3 cubes, scribbles spontaneously, turns 2-3 pgs at a time, mature jargoning, copies parents tasks, IDs 5 body parts, names pictures, explores drawers/waste baskets
Developmental Milestones : 24 months old (Body , interaction)
Body: walks step-wise up/down stairs w/o help, jumps in place with both feet

Interaction: Uses "you" & "i", 3 word phrases, 50 word vocab, understand 2 step commands, listens to stories w/ pictures, makes tower of 7 cubes, circular scribble, opens doors/handles spoon, turns pages, removes shoes/pants, helps undress, parallel play
Developmental Milestones: 30 months old (Misc.)
Throws ball overhand, unbuttons, holds pencil like adult, differentiates horizontal/vertical line, uses pronouns appropriately, understands concept of 1, repeats 2 digits forward, tells first/last name when asked
Developmental milestones : three years old (Misc.)
Alternates feet up stairs, pedals tricycle, copies circle, undresses completely/dresses partially, unbuttons, dries hands
250 words, 3-word phases, plural past tense, all pronouns, understands concept of 2
group play, shares, takes turns, plays well with others, knows full name, age, gender
Developmental milestones: four years old (Misc)
Hops, skips, alternates feet going down steps
Copies a square; buttons clothing; dresses self completely; catches a ball
Knows colors; says song or poem from memory
Asks questions
Tells “tall tales”; plays cooperatively with a group of children
Developmental milestones: five years old (Misc)
Skips alternating feet; jumps over low obstacles
Copies triangles; ties shoes; spreads with a knife
Prints first name, asks what a word means
Plays competitive games; abides by rules; likes to help in household tasks.