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15 Cards in this Set

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What is the earliest part of history, when is it, and who is involved?
4 million - 12,000 years ago
From hominids to ice age
What are the two periods that make up prewriting and what do they mean in latin?
Paleolithic and Neolithic age
Paleo = old
Neo = new
Lithic = stone
Describe the Paleolithic Age.
Time when a group of similar creatures came into existence - hominids - and when the earliest tools were created (rock, hand knife, flint, and fire)
Define hominid
human-life creatures that walk upright
What are the 4 hominds in order from oldest to youngest?
Australopithecines, homo erectus, homo sapiens, homo sapiens sapiens
Describe australopithecines
"southern apes"
Came around 4 millions years ago
First hominids to stand upright
Important because they could see the plains easier
Mostly scavengers - had tools, but just rocks basically
Describe homo erectus
"upright/erect human being"
The second hominid to come into existence around 1.5 million years ago
First to leave Africa and to use fire and develop more complex stone tools
Could cook food
Describe homo sapiens
"wise human being"
Came into existence around 250,000 years ago.
Broken into two subcategories - Neanderthals and homo sapiens sapiens
Describe Neanderthals
Part of homo sapiens
Lived from 100,000 - 30,000 BC
Named by where they were found - Neander Valley in eastern Germany
First to bury the dead (possible belief in afterlife)
Had a variety of stone tools
Remains found in Europe and Southwest Asia
First to practice medicine
Most of the world filled within this time period
Describe homo sapiens sapiens
"doubly wise human" "Cro-Magnon man" (Us)
Last to be discovered
Have existed for 200,000 years
By 30,000 BC, had replaced Neanderthals and they died out
Only moved 2-3 miles from their campout at first, but spread throughout the world in tens of thousands of years
What were some possible reasons the Neanderthals died out?
Competition for food source with homo sapiens sapiens OR could've been because they were technologically inferior
What was Paleolithic Life based on?
"hunter gather" - lifestyle in which the primary food was game animals
Examples - Deer, Bison, Mammoth
Also gathered nuts, fruits, and berries
Diet enhanced by such
How did the Cro-Magnons survive?
They survived by creating more complex tools.
Example - Clovis points which were spear heads used to hunt large animals. Also - the atlatl (spear thrower)
What were some of the materials used in the tools by the Paleolithic people?
Obsidian, flint, jade, etc
Why was fire/flint so important?
Flint was used to make fire, so most of the weapons or tools were made out of it. The fire was very useful because of the Ice Ages (half the earth was covered in ice). Also, used to cook animals.