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30 Cards in this Set

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Gunnar Myrdal

Economist/Sociologist. Swedish, so seemed impartial when talking about race issues in America. Wrote An American Dilemma, which was influential in Brown v Board

Billy Graham

Evangelical consensus preacher. Used broadcast media and big rallies. Political and religious consensus builder. Anti-segregationist. Advisor to Eisenhower, Johnson, Nixon.

Nikita Khrushchev

Leader of Soviet Union after Stalin: '53-'64. Cold war, space race, Cuban Missile Crisis.


Lyndon B Johnson. VP under Kennedy. Assumed presidency when JFK assassinated. "Great Society" and Civil Rights. Increasing involvement in Vietnam

Timothy Leary

"Turn on, tune in, drop out." Counterculture leader and Psychologist. Experimentation with LSD.

Merry Band of Pranksters

Early hippies, took a bus trip across the US, LSD and counter-culture behavior. Led by author Ken Kesey.

Betty Friedan

Author, feminist. Wrote The Feminine Mystique (early second wave). First president of NOW: "fully equal partnership with men"


Equal Rights Amendment


Environmental Protection Agency. Established by Nixon by executive order.

Barry Goldwater

Arizona Senator (R). 1964 Presidential nominee against LBJ. Opposed New Deal. Early resurgence of conservatism.

Second Wave Feminism

1960s and following. Expanded feminist movement from suffrage and equality to include sexuality, workplace issues, violence against women, etc

Pauli Murray

Lawyer, worked with Notorious RGB, Legal challenges to inequality, especially within legal profession

Iron triangle

Congress <--> Bureaucracy <--> Interest Groups

Hard to access power, decision makers

Kent State (1970)

During Vietnam/Cambodia protest, Ohio National Guardsmen shot unarmed protesters and bystanders.

Southern Strategy

Republican efforts to gain support in the South by appealing to racism


Plan to reduce US involvement in war by increasing training and equipment for S Vietnam's forces

Saturday Night Massacre

Nixon fires special prosecutor and basically causes Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General to resign when special prosecutor is getting too close on Watergate investigation.

Yom Kippur War

Egypt and Syria attack Israel. Russia supports/supplies Arabs, US supports supplies Israel. Relationships normalized in Camp David Accords

Hubert Humphrey

LBJ's vice president. Democratic nominee against Nixon. Anti-segregation, heavily involved in creation of the Civil Rights Act '64


Stagnant + inflation. Usually there is an inverse relationship between stagnation and inflation, but in certain circumstances inflation is high and economic growth is slow. This is called stagflation

Sony Walkman

Introduction of miniaturized, high quality, reasonable priced, mass-produced items to US. Early example of high-tech production being done better outside the US. Major challenge to US manufacturers

The End of History

by Francis Fukuyama. History is conflict and change. The success of western liberal democracy (over communism) is the culmination of ideological evolution, therefore the end of history.

Yuri Andropov

Head of Soviet Union for short time, including at the start of the Soviet/Afghan War. Hardliner.


Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (2). Carter and Brezhnev agree to reductions in strategic nuclear weapons

Paul Volcker

Economist, Chairman of Federal Reserve under Carter and Regan. Policies helped end the severe inflation occuring in early 80s.

Evil Empire

Reagan's description of the Soviet Union. He insisted that we needed to increase our military to counter the USSR

Port Huron Statement

Political statement by SDS (Students for a Democratic Society). Called for greater participation in democracy, civil disobedience where necessary, disarmament, and racial non-discrimination

Big Four (of Great Society)

LBJ's legislative goals:

Education Aid

Medical Care (Medicare, Medicaid)

Immigration Reform

Voting Rights

Summer of Love

1967. Young people (hippies and other counter-cultural) travel to San Francisco (Haight-Ashbury). Started out as free-love and drug festival, but was soon afflicted with high crime rate

Rachel Carson

Marine biologist, conservationist, author of Silent Spring which challenged pesticide policy and spurred the conservationist movement. Eventually, this led to the establishment of the EPA.