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55 Cards in this Set

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Common cytoskeletal protein defects in Hereditary Spherocytosis
Band3, Protein 4.2, Spectrin, and Ankyrin
Most common RBC disorder in Northern Europeans
Hereditary Spherocytosis
All but one of the chronic hemolytic disorders have Splenomegaly. Name it.
Sickle Cell Disease
Lab findings in Hereditary Spherocytosis
Elevated MCHC, Elevated LDH, Elevated Bili and a positive Osmotic Fragility Test (Hemolysis seen)
DDx of spherocytosis
Immune-mediated Hemolysis and Hereditary Spherocytosis
Protein defect in Hereditary Elliptocytosis
Spectrin defect
Red Cell disorder with tendency of developing Thrmobosis post Splenectomy
Hereditary Stomatocytosis (Decreased in Stomatin). In suspected patients, should avoid splenectomy.
DDx of stomatocytosis
Hereditary Stomatocytosis and Rh-null RBCs
What are Heinz Bodies
Hemoglobin precipitated from oxidative damage (e.g. in G6PD-deficient patient)
Most common disease producing enzymopathy in humans
G6PD-deficiency (seen in approximately 12% of African Americans)
Ways to test for G6PD deficiency
1) Oxidate stress of RBCs with Ascorbate Cyanide, 2) Fluorescent NADPH spot test. Note: Testing shold be done months after the patient's last hemolytic episode
Most common type of Congenital Dyserythropoetic Anemia (CDA)
CDA type II: You see multinucleated erythroid precursors (+ HAM test in acidified serum). Note: HAM test is also + in PNH
Etiology of PNH
GPI anchor protein defect (PIG-A: Phosphotidyl Inositol Glycan A defect)
Common flow cytometry findings in PNH
Decrease expression of : CD55, CD59, AchE, CD16 and CD48
Low Hb and decreased MCV is more commonly seen in Hereditary Sideroblastic Anemia or Hereditary Hemochromatosis?
Hereditary Sideroblastic Anemia
Common causes of Acquired Red Cell Aplasia
1) Thymoma (Spindled/Medullary type) and 2) B-19 Parvo infection
Common causes of Congenital Pure Red Cell Aplasia
Blackfan-Diamond Syndrome (Overexpression of i-Ag on RBCs and Elevated Hb-F)
Common "Syndromes" causing Aplastic Anemia
Fanconi Anemia, Dyskeratosis congenita, Schwachman-Diamond Syndrome, Reticular dysgenesis, Down syndrome, Familial Aplastic Anemia
Genetic defect in Sickle cell disease
Hemoglobin B-chain-6 (Glu-->Val)
Common diseases associated with SS disease
Parvo-B19 Aplastic Anemia, Medullary CA of kidney, Salmonella Typhi infection, S. pneumonia infection, H. influenzae tpe B, M. pneumoniae, and Osteonecrosis
Expected %Hb-S in Sickle Cell Trait
Difference in %Hb-S in S-beta Thal vs. S-alpha Thal
S-alpha Thal: Decreased %Hb-S (25-35%); S-beta Thal: Increased %Hb-S (>50%)
What complications are common to both SS- disease and SC disease
Avascular Necrosis of bone and Proliferative Retinopathy
Molecular defect in Hb-C disease
Hb-Beta chain 6 (Glu-->Lys)
Smear findings in Hb-C disease
Target cells and Rodshaped RBCs or Hexagonal Crystals
Molecular defect in Hb-E disease
Hemoglobin Beta chain 26 (Glu-->Lys); Common in South East Asia
Common Lab findings in all Thalassemias
Decreased Thal-index :(MCV/RBC#) is <13 and Target cell RBCs
Bands that run with S on Cellulose and with A on citrate
Hb-D (Beta chain defect) & Hb-G (Alpha chain defect)
Patient of Meditarranean descent with Hb-S <30% and Hb-F ~20%
Hb-Lepore (delta & Beta gene fusion)
Bands that run with S on Cellulose and with A on citrate
Hb-D (Beta chain defect) & Hb-G (Alpha chain defect)
Patient of Meditarranean descent with Hb-S <30% and Hb-F ~20%
Hb-Lepore (delta & Beta gene fusion)
What's Hb-Constant Spring?
Alpha gene defect (produces alpha Thal)
What's Hb with Fe+++ (instead of Fe++)?
Methemoglobin: (Can't bind O2)
Best way to detect Met-Hemoglobin
Common causes of aquired Met-Hb
Nitrites, Quinones, Phenacetin, Sulfonamides
Tx of Acquired Met-Hb?
Methylene Blue (Met-Hb ---> Hb)
Causes of Sulf-Hb
Sulfonamides and C. perfringens (Sulf-Hb is an irreversibly oxidized Hb)
Alpha and Beta chain genes of Hb are on which chromosomes?
Alpha= Chr 16 (usually large deletions) and Beta= Chr 11 (mostly point mutations)
What's typical Thal index (MCV/#RBC) for Fe-def?
Electropheresis and Lab findings in Alpha-Thal trait
Normal Electropheresis but with a Thal. Index of <13
Geogphraphy of alpha-Thal vs Beta-Thal
Alpha-Thal: Africa nd Asia, Beta-Thal: Meditarranean
Dx of Hb-Electropheresis showing Elevated A2 and Normal Hb-F
Beta-Thal (note: If Hb-A2 is Normal, you can't assume Alpha-thal until you rule out Fe-def)
Electropheresis findings of B-Thal major
Elevated Hb-A2, Very elevated Hb-F (50-95%), and very low Hb-A
Common causes of secondary AIHI
CLL/SLL or other lymphomas, Autoimmune Diseases, Collagen vascular disease, Thymoma
The only reliable CBC index that can be reported in the setting of cold agglutinins
Pathological vs Nonpathological Cold Agglutinin
Pathological (Broad thermal range and High titers)
Diseases associated with the following cold agglutinins; Anti-I and Anti-i
Anti-I: M. pneumoniae and Anti-i: EBV-mononucleosis
Dx of child post viral illness with severe anemia & "Biphasic Hemolysin Ab test"
PCH (Paroxysmal Cold Hemoglobinuria): + Donath Landsteiner test (Hemolysis at 4 and 37 degrees C)
Most common type of Cryoglobulinemia
Type II: Monoclonal IgM (Rh factor activity Anti-IgG) and polyclonal IgG
Most common cause of mixed Cryoglobulinemia
Type II and Type III (HCV)
Significance of increased Zinc Protoporphyrin and Free Erythrocyte Protoporphyrin
Seen in Fe-def. anemia, Lead poisoning and Anemia of Chronic Disease
Amount of Fe in 1ml of RBC
1 mg
Lab findings in B12 deficiency
Increased Urinary MMA, Decreased B12 and Increased MCV
Active form of folate and what's needed for its conversion?
THF which needs B12