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25 Cards in this Set

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Blood disorder resulting from bone marrow failure after exposure to ionizing radiation

Aplastic anemia

The amount of energy transferred on average by incident radiation to an object per unit length of track, or passage, through the object

Linear energy transfer

Allows units to be used interchangeably among all branches of science throughout the world


Blood disorder resulting in abnormal overproduction of white blood cells after exposure to ionizing radiation


Kinetic energy released in a unit mass (kilogram) of air

Air kerma

Biologic damage to the body caused by exposure to ionizing radiation

Somatic damage

SI unit used to express D


A measure of the amount of radiant energy that has been thrust into a portion of the patient's body surface

Dose area product (DAP)

The photon, either x-ray or gamma ray, exposure that under standard conditions of pressure and temperature produces a total positive or negative ion charge of 2.58x10^-4 C/kg of dry air

One R (traditional unit)

SI unit for the radiation quantity ColEfd


A dimensionless factor (a multiplier) that was chosen for radiation protection purposes to account for differences in biologic impact among various types of ionizing radiation


Radiation exposure received by radiation workers in the course of exercising their professional responsibilities

Occupational exposure

The product of D x W^R x W^T


A partially evacuated pear shaped glass tube

Crookes tube

Short wavelength, higher energy electromagnetic waves emitted by the nuclei of radioactive substances

Gamma radiation

Unit used from 1900 to 1932 measure radiation exposure

Skin erythema dose

Product of D x W^R


Radiation dosimetry quantity that was defined by the nuclear Regulatory Commission to Monitor and control human exposure to ionizing radiation. It is a particularly useful dose monitor for occupational e expose personnel such as nuclear medicine technologist and Interventional radiologist, who are likely to receive possibly significant radiation exposure during the course of a year


SI unit of EqD


The amount of energy per unit mass absorbed by an irradiated object


Relates the ionization produced in a small cavity within an irradiated medium or object to the energy absorbed in that medium as a result of its radiation exposure

Bragg-Gray theory

Fluorescent material that coated the paper used when X-rays were discovered

Barium platinocyanide

What occurs when ionizing radiation strikes an object such as the human body


The total kinetic energy released in a unit mass of tissue

Tissue kerma

The surface of the patient that is towards the X-ray tube. This is where the radiation dose to the patient is the highest

Entrance skin surface