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36 Cards in this Set

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those from or descended from those from Latin America.


historic, linguistic, cultural or colonial connection to Spain.

Two Fallacies of Immigration Myth 1

1.) There are is no such thing as American Jobs because jobs do not have a National Identity.

2.) Immigrants do not reduce the number of jobs because jobs are elastic, not finite.

Dual Labor Market

Primary Labor Market- jobs that are regulated, have benefits etc

Secondary Labor Market- unregulated, harmful to the workers health, low wages and little room for advancement.

Bracero Program

1942 created a legal way to bring in Mexican workers to be used in the Secondary Labor Market.

Quota System of Immigration Set Up

were dehuminizing and unrealistic because we weren't thinking in terms of people, but rather in terms of race. Therefore, by treating all countries "equally" we treated people unequally.

Invisible Heart Theory

argument that there is a care deficit because American women are going into the job market in large numbers, so we now need immigrant labor to take care of the young, the sick and the elderly.

Why aren't Immigrants a drain on the economy?

because they use mandatory services, pay taxes (often more than they make), pay into social security without being able to receive that money, and uses welfare for their Native born children who are U.S. citizens. If there is an imbalance its because we don't pay them enough to pay taxes.

Haiti as Special Example

In 1981 the U.S. declared Haitian immigration such a problem that we joined forces with Haiti to control Haitian waters to keep the people from leaving.

Wet Foot-Dry foot Act

law that if a Cuban made it onto U.S. soil they were given benefits, but if they were found in the water they were sent back to Cuba.

Operation Wetback

1954 over 1 million Mexicans and Mexican Americans were deported to Mexico leading to an agricultural labor shortage along with a higher recruitment of Mexican labor into the Bracero Program.

Generation that Native language is usually lost?

3rd generation


moving of people from one area to another


movement of people out of a Nation


movement of people into a Nation

Latino Groups w/ Dark Skin that Experience Racism?

Dominicans and Panamanians

Which group is considered both immigrants and citizens?

Puerto Ricans

Which Latino group is the "Model" for others?


Why Americans stopped welcoming Cuban refugees?

when the wealthy light-skinned elite were no longer the majority of immigrants.

What fraction of Latino population is made up of Mexicans or Mexican Americans?


Last step to become a "true American"?

adopt anti-black attitudes

What makes the 1st generation of Puerto Ricans who come to the U.S. unique from other Latino Groups?

became financially stable and moved back.

First federal hate crime against Asian American victim prosecuted successfully?

1989 Chinese American victim was killed by two White brothers who were mad about the Vietnam war and thought he was Vietnamese. Received 2nd degree murder charges and possibility of parole after 4 and 1/2 years.

Lessons learned when Asian American children are teased in school?

always told the white children didn't mean it, when ignored white children learn they have the right to racially discriminate, and Asian American children learn that they are at the bottom of the racial hierarchy and Whites are on top.

Asian and Asian American Accents

Used a systemic racism, aren't seen as acceptable because we rank accents like we rank race, Asian accents aren't the "norm" so we mock them.

White Savior

when Whites believe that the only way that people of color will advance is through their help because minorities "can't help themselves". Example- they counselor taking the group of minority students to visit a community college in hopes of single handedly changing their lives.

Population sizes of Asian groups in U.S.


Why and by whom was the Model Minority myth created?

It was created by Whites in order to be an example of a minority group that has "made it" and to break Asians from other people of color.

Negative Results of being placed as the Model Minority?

makes their problems invisible and encourages silence, the coming generation is not taught coping skills, but rather to internalize everything, and it causes other groups of color to not empathize with them.

Asian American Women's Out-Group Marriage Rate

3 to 1 Asian Man

Why Asian American Women choose to marry white men?

They believe they are marrying up, White is a source of power, and because of this, they think this will remove a lot of the discrimination (they are wrong).

They think they will be treated better by White men and granted more freedom both personally and culturally.

Why White Men marry Asian American Women?

Because of the stereotypes of hypersexuality (exotic) and docility (shy, quiet, submissive etc).

Push-Pull Factors
Push-Things that push people from the homeland. Ex. Poverty, lack of opportunity, and danger.
Pull- factors that pull immigrants to a place. Ex. Opportunity, availability of jobs and safety.
Myth 19 - Solution to terrorism
reducing global tensions, particularly anti-Americanism, u.s unilateralism, and aggression.
The solution to the "immigration problem"
a creation of a new model of global economic integration.
La Violencia
10 year civil war between the conservatives and liberals in Colombia beginning with the assassination of Jorge Gaitan and is said to have costed 200,000 people's lives.