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63 Cards in this Set

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System classifying ancient ages into groups based on tool developmental stages

Three-age system

period of great scientific intellectual achievements that contributed to essential changes in scientific investigation

Scientific Revolution

Period of complex technological inventions that eventually replaced human and animal forces

Industrial Revolution

Known as Digital age

Information Age

period characterized by the change from traditional industry to an economy that is founded on computerization of information

Information Age

He proposed the Three-age system

Christian Jurgensen Thomsen

This is a period of weapons made of stone, wood, or some other materials aside from metals

Stone age

Age where eventual transformation of the society from a culture of hunting and gathering to farming and food production

Stone age

Give the three periods of stone age

Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic

This period is the longest phase of human history


This means "old"


First person who uses fire


It is the ancient representation of beauty and a penchant of fertility


In this period, people are nomads or don't have permanent settlements


This occur between the end of Paleolithic and beginning of Neolithic period


The "end of ice age" or "retreat of glaziers" happen in this period


This product was made from the fur of the animals they hunted, as well as leather from animal skin and linen from flax

Fur Clothing

First man-made dwellings

Pit houses

In this period, the extinction of many large mammals and rising sea levels, climate change that eventually caused the man to migrate


This is the small stone tools made in the Mesolithic period


Agriculture was introduced during this period of time which led to permanent settlements in villages


In this period, humans switched from hunters/gatherers to agriculture and food production as well as domestication of animals and plants


In this period, more sophisticated tools were invented


This element was composed of 88% Copper and 12% Tin


It is the process used to recover or extraction of metals from ore


In this age, the first soap in human history was created

Bronze Age

In this age, the emergence of organized government, law, and warfare as well as the beginnings of religion happens

Bronze age

This thing was constructed by Egyptians to commemorate their deceased pharaohs


This period marked the end of ice age

Mesolithic Period

This invention sparks the rise of digital age

Gutenberg's bible

This age was considered to be the dark age

Middle age

Landholders provide land to tenants in exchange for their loyalty and service


These are people with no permanent settlements


The first ore smelted in the South Caucasus


In this period, iron was valued more highly than gold.

Iron age

Commonly referred as Medieval period

Middle age

This period in middle age happens around 1000-1450 A.D.

High middle age

This invention from china was used to detect earthquake


This is made of loadstones, a naturally occurring magnetic iron.

Magnetic Compass

This invention from china was part of explosive weapon development

gun powder, guns, and cannon

This country created the 12 month calendar


Science of smelting


The major objective of this medicine is to maintain good health rather than treat diseases

Ayuverda or ayuverdic medicine

They produce exquisite ceramics , use cocoa beans as currency, and limestone pyramids to showcase their mastery of architecture.


They used stone sculptures to record astronomical observations, engaged in slash-and-burn farming, and human sacrifice tradition


They used more sophisticated farming technique called terrace farming, similar to what Igorots in Benguet did.


This is the period of radical changes in scientific thought that occurred during the 16th and 17th century

Scientific Revolution

The invention of this technology facilitated the quicker dissemination of fresh insights and discoveries.

Printing press

He proposed that planets revolves in circle around the Sun instead of Earth. (Heliocentrism)

Nicholas Copernicus

He proposed the Law of planetary motion that states that all planet revolve around the sun in elliptical not circular.

Johannes Kepler

He proposed the Law of Motion

Isaac Newton

This law states that an object at rest will remain at rest and the moving object will remain moving with the same speed and direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.

Law of Inertia

This law states that acceleration is produced when force acts on a mass.

2nd law of motion (Law of acceleration)

This law states that for every reaction, there is an equal and an opposite reaction.

3rd law of motion

This is the book written by Charles Darwin

The origin of species

He proposed the "Theory of evolution of man"

Charles Darwin

He is known as the father of psychoanalysis and postulated the "Theory of the mind/personality"

Sigmund Freud

This is the period of growth in the latter part of the 18th century that resulted in the industrialization and mass production of products

Industrial revolution

He is a german blacksmith and publisher who introduced "movable type printing" in Europe

Johannes Gutenberg

These are the books printed using presses, which means cradle or birthplace


The usage of computers, the internet, other information technologies like the world wide web was a defining feature of this revolution.

Post-Gutenberg Revolution

It is often referred to as digital age, computer, or new media era.

Information Age

He invented the first computer "analytical engine"

Charles Babbage