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50 Cards in this Set

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What is personality

A pattern of enduring, distinctive thoughts, emotions and behaviors that characterize the way an individual adapts to the world

Psychodynamic Perspective

Theoetical views emphasizing that personality is primarily unconscious (beyond awareness)

Structure and function of personality (freud)

ID - unconscious desires, resevoir of sexual energy

Ego - demands of reality, within the norms of society, reasoning, problem solving, and decision maker. Mediator

Superego- Harsh internal judge of our behavior, conscience. Evaluates morality of our behavior

Defense Mechanisms

Tactics the ego use to reduce anxiety by distorting reality - ego


Shifts feelings toward an unacceptable object to another, more acceptable object


Replaces a less acceptable motive with a more acceptable one (student gets bad grade, blames teacher for playing favorites)

Reaction Formation

Transforms an unacceptable motive into it's opposite (homophobic senator has a same sex lover)


Master defense mechanism, ego pushes unacceptable impulses out of awareness, back into the unconscious mind (Repressed memories)


A refusal to acknowledge anxiety producing realities


Attributes personal shortcomings, problems and faults to others


Replaces unacceptable impulse with a socially acceptable one (strong sexual urges paints nude portraits)

Are defense mechanisms beneficial?

They can be, able to help you deal with a crisis until you have the proper tools to confront trauma and heal

Psychosexual Stages of Development According to Freud

Oral Stage

Anal stage

Phallic Stage

Castration Anxiety

Latency Period

Genital Stage

Oral Stage (0-18 Months)

Infant's pleasure centers on the mouth. Sucking, chewing, biting reduce tension

Anal Stage (18-36 months)

Childs greatest pleasure involves the anus and urethra and their functions, toilet training, pleasure in going and holding it

Phallic Stage (3-6 Years)

Focuses on the genitals as the child discovers that self stimulation is enjoyable (Oedipus Complex)

Castration Anxiety

Girls have penis envy, women don't have castration anxiety to develop super ego, are morally inferior

Latency Period (6-puberty)

Psychic time out. Child sets aside their interest in sexuality

Genital Stage (Adolescence to Adulthood)

Sexual Reawakening. Source of sexual pleasure shifts to someone outside the family, love and work

What occurs if a fixation or reaction formation occurs at one of the stages

If it occurs during the anal times it can have an enormous impact on adult personality, like being anal retentive (neat and organized)

Reaction formation (oral stage) doesn't like to eat or things in the mouth

Criticisms of Freuds Theory?

First five years are not as powerful in shaping adult personality as Freud thought.

Ego and conscious thought process play a larger role in personality

Not always tied to sexual impulses

Sociocultural factors are much more important than freud believed

Archetypes according to Jung?

Emotionally laden ideas and images in the collective that have rich and symbolic meanings for all people


Public mask that we all wear during social interactions, allows us to keep a secret self from others


Secret pain of ourselves hidden from others

Collective Unconscious according to Jung

contains archetypes, emotionally laden ideas and images that have symbolic meaning for all people

Adler says about birth order

Can have a profound influence on personality

Humanistic Perspective

Theoretical views stressing a person's capacity for personal growing and positive human qualities

Unconditional Positive Regard

Roger's construct refering to the individuals need to be accepted, valued, and treated positively - regardless of behavior

Conditions of Worth

Standards that the individual must live up to in order to receive positive regard from others


Being a sensitive listener and understand another's true feelings


Being open with one's feelings and dropping all pretenses and facades

Self Concept

Conscious representation of who we are and who we wish to become

What did Maslow say regarding developing your full portential?

Self actualization is the motivation to develop one's full potential


A nonmedical process that helps individuals with psychological disorders recognize and overcome their problems

Therapeutic alliance effects the outcome of psychotherapy?

When therapists and clients feel they are engaged in a real working relationship characterized by trust, respect and cooperation

Insight - oriented therapy

Treatments focused on gaining insight to the causes of problems


Psychoanalytic term for the clients relating to analyst in ways that reproduce or relive important relationship in the individual's life

Theories in the Psychodynamic Perspective

Treatments that stress the importants of the unconscious mind, extensive interpretation by the therapist and the role of early childhood experiences

Main goal of psychoanalysis

Freuds theraputic technique for analyzing an individuals uncounsious thoughts

Free association

Saying aloud whatever comes to mind in response to a symptom

Dream Analysis

Psychoanalytic technique for interpreting a person's dreams

How is therapy done in the humanist perspective

Treatments that emphasize clients self healing capabilities and encourage clients to understand themselves and grow

Rogerian Therapy

Client centered therapy developed by Roger's, the therapist provides a warm supportive atmosphere to improve the clients self concept and encourage the client to gain insight into problems

What is client centered therapy?

Rogerian therapy

How is applied behavioral analysis used with children with Autism?

Establishing positive reinforcement connections between behaviors and rewards that that individuals engage in appropriate behavior and extinguish inappropriate behavior


Anti Depressent


Prozac, Paxil, and Zoloft


Bipolar Disorder


Biological therapy with irreversible effects that involves removal or destruction of brain tissue to improve the individual's adjustment. It used to be used frequently bus is rare now.


Electroconvulsive therapy, a treatment sometimes used for depression that sets off a seizure in the brain also called shock therapy