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56 Cards in this Set

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Size of a pea, located on either side of urethra below prostate

Bulbourethral (cowpers) glands

Bulbourethral glands secrete ____ & _____. To neutralize acid environment in urethra

Alkaline fluid & lubricating mucus

Male copulatory organ that contains urethra.


Erectile tissue in penis fills with what?


Penis contains what chambers?

Corpora cavernosa (z chambers), corpora spongiosum, glans penis (head)

Erection is a ____ reflex


Release of ____ causes vasodilation


_____ fill w/ blood that putting pressure on veins that normally drain penis. Known as what?

Corpora. Known as priapism

Ejaculation is a ____ reflex.


___ muscle closes to prevent urine from being expelled or sperm entering. What kind of contractions?

Smooth/ peristaltic

Sperm production known as ? Takes how long?

Spermatogenesis; 65-75 days

Spermarogenic cells become what?

2N spermatogonium (mitosis)

Primary speematocyte undergo ___ to become secondary

Meiosis I (1 N)

Secondary spermatocyte undergo ___ to form 4 spermatids

Meiosis II (1N)

Joined by what?

Cytoplasmic bridges

Spermatids undergo differentiation to form sperm


3 regions of sperm

Head: nucleus and acrosome

Mid piece: mitochondria for power

Tail: flagellum for locomotion

Stimulates anterior pituitary

Gonadotropin releasing hormone

Stimulates leydig cells to secrete testosterone

Leutenizing hormone

Works with testosterone on Sertoli cells to control rate of spermatogenesis

Follicle stimulating hormone

Stimulates spermatogenesis and secondary sexual characteristics


Mix of sperm and seminal fluid.


Mean volume, sperm count, ph

2.5-5 ml, 20-100 million/ ml, 7.2-7.7

Semen also contains antibiotic to what?

Kill bacteria in urethra and vagina

Homologous to testes. Located on either side of the uterus, in pelvic cavity, covered by germinal epithelium


Capsule of dense connective tissue

Tunica albunae

Dense connective tissue containing ovarian follicles

Ovarian cortex

Loose connective tissue containing blood and lymph vessels and nerves

Ovarian medulla

Composed of oocytes in various stages. Surrounded by support cells.

Ovarian follicles

Follicular cells are ___ layer. Grnulosa cells are ____ layer.

Single (primordial); later multiple cells (developing)

Support cells secrete what?

Nutrients for developing oocyte and estrogens

Releases secondary oocyte during ovulation

Mature follicle

Remains of ovulated mature follicle, produces progesterone estrogens, relaxin, and inhibin

Corpus luteum

Small tubes that extend from near ovaries to the uterus; function to transport secondary oocyte to uterus.

Fallopian tubes

Fertilization usually occurs where

Fallopian tubes

What contractions in Fallopian tubes?

Cilia and muscular

End of Fallopian tubes near ovary; open to pelvic cavity; funnel like structure that guides oocyte to Fallopian tube (fimbriae)


Located between urinary bladder and rectum. Site of implantation, fetus development, and labor


3 parts of uterus

Fundus, body, cervix (opens to vagina)

3 tissue layers of uterus

Perimetrium: outer layer (simple squamous)

Myometrium: middle, 3 layers smooth muscle

Endometrium: inner, highly vascularized

Parts of endometrium

Uterine glands, spiral arteries, sloughed off during menstruation

Passageway from cervix to outside


Vagina made of what?

Stratified squamous epithelium, 2 layers of smooth muscle, and connective tissue

Ph is ___ to retard bacterial growth


Protective external structure; playa role in sexual arousal


Vulva composed of

Labia minor and majora

Clitoris (homologous to penis)

Production of ova


Before birth ovarian cells differentiate into ____ which develops into ____.

Oogenia; primary oocytes (2N)

Primary oocytes enter into ____ during fetal development and stops.

Prophase I.

Do not complete meiosis I until when?

After puberty

Each month after puberty primary oocytes resume meiosis I and form what?

Secondary oocyte and polar body

Approx ___ oocytes ovulate during reproductive period. ___ at birth. ____ at puberty. Known as what?

400; 200,000- 2,000,000; 40,000. Known as Atresia

____ proceeds with meiosis II up to metaphase II.

Secondary oocyte

Secondary oocytes released from ____ during ovulation

Mature follicle

If fertilization does not occur what happens to secondary oocyte?

It degenerates

If fertilization does occur what happens?

Secondary oocyte resumes meiosis II forming ovum and polar body. Sperm and egg nuclei fuse and form zygote